
Turkish Greetings

Meeting and greeting in Turkey

The Turkish are a friendly people and chances are you’ll hear some of these phrases as you go about your holiday. Learn how to say hello, goodbye, good day and more…


English                         Turkish Pronunciation                  
Hello Merhaba mehr-hah-bah
Good morning Günaydın gew-naye-dun
Good evening

İyi akşamlar

ee ahk-shahm-lahr

* This is used from late afternoon onwards, and can be used as a greeting and farewell


Good day

İyi günler

ee guhn-lehr

* This can be used morning or early afternoon and can be a greeting or a farewell



Hoşça kalın

hosh-cha kaluhn

* this can be used at any time for farewell


Pleased to meet you Memnun oldum mem-noon oll-doom
Pleased to meet you too Ben de memnun oldum deb-deh mem-noon oll-doom



Listen to the Turkish words covered in this lesson



More on Turkish greetings


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