
Shopping in Turkey

Useful words to help you shop, haggle and buy your way around Turkey!


English Turkish Pronunciation
Open Açık ah-chuhk
Closed Kapalı kah-pah-luh
Entry Giriş gee-rish
Is there / do you have? Var mı? vahr-muh?
Do you have bread? Ekmek var mı? ek-mek vahr-muh
There is Var vahr
There is bread Ekmek var ek-mek vahr
There is not Yok yohk
There is no bread Ekmek yok ek-mek yohk
This bread Bu ekmek boo ek-mek
What? Ne? neh
What is this? Bu ne? boo neh
How much (money)? Kaç para? kahch pah-rah
Cheap Ucuz oo-juuz
Expensive Pahalı pah-ha-luh
* Don´t forget to haggle for everything but the food in Turkey!!



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Rashid Pasha, trisha1, sarah.bakhtiyar, H.Mas3oud, Tiara and 8 others liked this lesson
