
Personal Pronouns

I (ben) - I am = ben- im

You (sen) - You are = sen- in

He/she/it (o) -

We (biz) We are = biz- iz

You (siz) You are = siz- siniz

They (onlar) They are = onlar - lar


Now let´s look at some examples: 


I am beautiful Ben güzel-im güzelim
You are beautiful Sen güzel-in güzelin
He is beautiful O güzel güzel
We are beautiful Biz güzel-iz güzeliz
You are beautiful Siz güzel-siniz güzelsiniz
They are beautiful Onlar güzel-ler güzeller



I am sick ben hasta-yım hastayım
You are sick sen hasta-sın hastasın
He is sick O hasta hasta
We are sick Biz hasta-yız hastayız
You are sick Siz hasta-sınız hastasınız
They are sick Onlar hasta-lar hastalar

You might have noticed with ´I am sick´ and ´we are sick´ that we have added a ´y´ between the ´hasta´ and the personal pronoun. That is because ´hasta´ ends in a vowel ´a´ and the pronoun starts with a vowel ´ı´...in turkish you must not put two vowels together, so in order to keep them apart you add the buffer letter ´y´ between the vowels


hastaım WRONG

hastaYım CORRECT 


keshav12, angella.b, ode616, Danko and Mars liked this lesson
