



I You he/she/it We You They
M N Si Miz Niz Leri


I have to go - gitmem lazım

You have to see - görmen lazım

He has to be - olması lazım

We have to come - gelmemiz lazım

You have to do - yapmanız lazım

They have to drive - araba sürmeleri lazım


I have to believe - inanmam lazım

You have to cancel - iptal etmen lazım

He has to refuse - itiraz etmesi lazım

We have to accept - kabul etmemiz lazım

You have to close - kapamanız lazım

They have to Decide - karar vermeleri lazım


I have to win - kazanmam lazım

You have to rent - kıralaman lazım

He has to use - kullanması lazım

We have to rest - Dinlenmemiz lazım

You have to Confirm - Doğrulamanız lazım

They have to enter - Girmeleri lazım


I have to answer - Cevap vermem lazım

You have to listen - Dinlemen lazım

He has to forgive - affetmesi lazım

We have to go find - Bulmamız lazım

You have to lose - kaybolmanız lazım

They have to drink - içmeleri lazım

demps, loosha, alexandrabotez@ and Danko liked this lesson
