
the passive voice - 1

1) The passive suffix comes after the causative suffix.

yıkamak (to wash)

yıkatmak (to make sth. wash)

yıkatılmak (to be made wash)

görmek (to see)

göstermek (to show)

gösterilmek (to be showed)

ölmek (to die)

öldürmek (to kill)

öldürülmek (to be killed)

2) The passive suffix for the verbs which end with vowel or "-l" is "-n".


olarak (as)

öksürmek (to cough)

demek (to say)


denmek (to be said)


de+n+r(present simple)

Türkler olarak biz biri öksürdüğünde ona "çok yaşa" deriz. (As Turks, we say "live much" to him when he coughs. (direct: As Turks, when someone coughs, we say to him/her "live much".)


Biri öksürdüğünde ona "çok yaşa" denir. (When someone coughs, it is said "live much" to him/her.)


ertelemek (to delay, to put off)


ertelenmek (to be delayed, to be put off)


hafta+a(dative)--->haftaya (next week (direct: to the week))

Sanırım hoca sınavı haftaya erteleyecek. (I think the teacher will delay the exam until the next week.)



Sanırım sınav haftaya ertelenecek. (I think the exam will be delayed until next week.)


temiz (clean)


temizlemek (to clean)


temizlenmek (to be cleaned)


kütüphane (the library)



Okul müdürü "Kütüphane her gün temizlenmeli" dedi. (The school director said "The library must be cleaned everyday".)


hazır (ready)


hazırlamak (to prepare)


hazırlanmak (to be prepared)



Yeni bir liste hazırlandı. (A new list was prepared.)


beklemek (1to wait, 2to expect)


beklenmek (1to be waited, 2to be expected)



Senden her şey beklenebilir. (Everything can be expected from you.)


sinyal (the signal)

almak (1to take, 2to buy, 3to receive)


alınmak (1to be taken, 2to be bought, 3to be received)


al+n+ama+yor(present continuous)

Sinyal alınamıyor. (No signal can´t be received.)


bilmek (to know)


bilinmek (to be known)


ol+dik+i(poss.)------->olduğu (that he is)

bil+n+me(negative)+yor(present cont.)

Kim olduğu bilinmiyor. (It isn´t known who he is.)


kolye (the necklace)

çalmak (1to steal, 2to play (musical enstrument), 3..4.5..6....)


çalınmak (1to be stolen, 2to be played, 3..4..5...6.)



Ablamın kolyesi çalındı. (The necklace of my sister was stolen.)


orta (middle)

doğu (east)

Ortadoğu (the Middle East)

dinlemek (to listen to)


dinlenmek (1to be listened to, 2to take a rest (but this meaning has no connection with passive voice. it is connected with reflexive mood.))


dinle+n+me+z(present simple)

Rock müzik Ortadoğu´da çok fazla dinlenmez. (The rock music isn´t listened in the Middle East very much.)


üye (the member)


üyelik (the membership)



yenilemek (1to renew, 2to renovate)


yenilenmek (1to be renewed, 2to be renovated)



yenile+n+me(noun)+i(poss.)-->yenilenmesi (direct: its renewal / its being renewed)

üyeliğinizin yenilenmesi (the renewal of your membership)

Üyeliğinizin yenilenmesi gerekiyor. (It is needed that your membership is renewed. (direct: Your membership needs to be renewed.))


Note: The suffix "-le" has no connection with passive voice. I started to show it because I will explain that suffix a few lessons later. But I haven´t decided yet, in which category i will put it (intermediate or advanced).


aynı (same)

durum (1the position, 2the condition, 3the sitation)

yaşamak (1to live, 2to experience, to undergo, to live)


durum+lar+ın(gen.)-->durumların (of the situations)

yaşa+n+ma(neg.)+ma(noun)+ı(poss.)-->yaşanmaması (direct: its not being experienced)

yaşanmaması için (so that it isn´t experienced (direct: for its not being experienced))


Aynı olayların yaşanmaması için daha dikkatli olmalıyız. (We should be more careful so that the same sitations aren´t experienced.)


anlamak (to understand)


"anlamak" is made passive with reciprocal voice. Its passive form isn´t "anlanmak"

anla+ş(recpr)+ıl+mak---->anlaşılmak (to be understood)

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