
the suffix -leþ

It expresses the changing in a duration. The beginning and end of this duration are indefinite. It is a common suffix.


This is not "le+ş(reciprocal/together)". "-leş" is entirely different suffix.


This is a bit irregular topic. You can´t bring this suffix to every verbs even if it is really very common suffix, it is used very much.


güzel (beautiful)


güzelleşmek (to become beautiful)


Görmeyeli çok güzelleşmişsin. (You have become beautiful very much since I/we haven´t seen.)


iyi (good)


iyileşmek (to get better)


Hastaydım ama iyileştim. Şimdi iyiyim. (I was sick but I got better. I´m fine now.)


zor (difficult)

güç (1the force, the power, 2difficult)

zor+laş+mak, güç+leş+mek

zorlaşmak, güçleşmek (to get difficult)


Yağmur hızlanınca yürümek zorlaşır. (It gets difficult to walk when the rain speeds up.)


kötü (bad)


kötüleşmek (to get worse)


Ekonomi son aylarda iyice kötüleşiyor. (The economy has been getting worse in recent months.)


bir (1one)


birleşmek (to unite (intransitive))


Birleşmiş Milletler (the United Nations (direct: the nations that have united))


ağır (1heavy, 2slow, 3difficult)


ağırlaşmak (1to get heavier, 2to become heavy, 3to get difficult)


Yağmur yağdığı için pantolonum da ıslanıyor ve bu yüzden ağırlaşıyor. (My trousers are getting wet because it is raining and therefore it is getting heavier.)


"ağırlaşmak" can´t be used instead of "şişmanlamak (to get fatter)".


Sorular ağırlaştığı için sıkılmaya başlarlar. (They start to be bored because the questions get difficult.)


kalabalık (1the crowd, 2crowded)


kalabalıklaşmak (to become crowded)


Cadde genellikle akşam sekiz buçuktan sonra kalabalıklaşıyor. (The street is usually becoming crowded after eight o´clock in the morning.)


kesin (certain)


kesinleşmek (to become definite)


Sınav tarihi kesinleşirse size haber vereceğiz. (We will inform you if the date of exam becomes definite.)


aptal (stupid, fool)


aptallaşmak (to become fool)


Küçükken çok zekiydi ama sonra aptallaştı. (S/he was so clever when s/he was little, but s/he became fool later.)


karmaşık (complicated)


karmaşıklaşmak (to become complicated)


Olayları karmaşıklaşmadan düzene sokmamız gerek. (We need to put the events in an order before they become complicated.)


beyaz (white)


beyazlaşmak (to become white)


Yedi senelik gömlek. Griydi. Beyazlaştı. (It is a shirt for seven years. It was grey. It became white.)


kırmızı (red)


kırmızılaşmak (to become red)


and other colours as well


şehir (the city)


şehirleşmek (to become city)


Burası çok küçük bir kasabaydı, köy gibiydi, ama birkaç yıldır şehirleşmekte. (This place was a very small town, it was like a village, but it has been becoming city for a few years.)


zengin (rich)


zenginleşmek (to become rich)


"Türkiye zenginleşiyor." diyorlar ama hâlâ bir sürü işsiz insan var. (They are saying "Turkey has been becoming rich." but there are still many unemployed people.)


fakir, yoksul (poor)

fakir+leş+mek, yoksul+laş+mak

fakirleşmek, yoksullaşmak (to become poor)


çağdaş, modern (modern)

çağdaş+laş+mak, modern+leş+mek

çağdaşlaşmak, modernleşmek (to become modern)


Arap ülkeleri hâlâ tamamen çağdaşlaşamadı. Afrika ülkeleri de. Çünkü emperyalist ve zengin ülkeler bu ülkelerin çağdaşlaşmasını istemezler. (The Arabic countries couldn´t become completely modern yet. The African countries as well. Because the imperialist and rich countries don´t want that these countries become modern..)


Türk (Turkish (nation))


Türkleşmek (to become Turk)


Anadolu 1071´de Türkleşmeye başladı. (The Anatolia has started to become Turk in 1071.)


evcil (domestic)


evcilleşmek (to become tame)


Kurtları evcilleştiremeyiz. (We can´t tame the wolves.)


vahşi (wild)


vahşileşmek (to become wild)


yabancı (1foreigner, stranger, 2foreign)


yabancılaşmak (to estrange, to become foriegn/stranger)


Doğduğum kasabaya gelmeyeli yirmi sene oldu. Çok uzun zaman. Ev aynı ev; kendi evim. Ama bu yirmi yılda kendi evime yabancılaşmışım. (Twenty years elapsed that I haven´t come to this town. It´s a too long time. The house is the same house, it is my own house. But I have become strange from my own house in this twenty years.)


başka (other, another)


başkalaşmak (to grow different)


farklı (different)


farklılaşmak (to become different)


terbiyesiz (ill-mannered)


terbiyesizleşmek (to become ill-mannered)


tembel (lazy)


tembelleşmek (to become lazy)


gerçek (1the fact, the truth, 2real)


gerçekleşmek (to materialize (direct: to become real, to become fact, while it formerly wasn´t real))


Futbolcu olma hayalim hiç gerçekleşmedi. (My dream of becoming a football player has never materialized.)


We can write minimum forty more. :) Like I said, this is a very common suffix.

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