
Lesson4: Minor Vowel Harmony

____extra note : If you can´t read the letters because they disappear in the edge of the lesson area, you can solve this problem by zooming the page. I have noticed this later and I wanted to forewarn you.____


Reminding : The major vowel harmony was the harmony in aspect of hardness and softness. We have analysed the vowels about those features. Now, we shall analyse them in different aspects.


düz : flat_______________________ |

yuvarlak : round_________________O

dar : tight, narrow, constricted_____()

geniş : large____________________(( ))


The Turkish language experts have referred to the vowels in four names which I have showed above. Those names hinge on the shapes of the mouth while pronouncing the letters.

For example, we really give a shape "O" when we pronounce the letters "O" and "Ö"; we keep our mouths large when we pronounce the letters "A" end "E" and etc.


Before showing in the charts, it may require to do short explanations:

düz ünlüler (the flat vowels) : a, e, ı, i

yuvarlak ünlüler (the round vowels) : o, ö, u, ü

dar ünlüler (the constricted/narrow vowels) : ı, i, u, ü [we give our mouths a constricted shape when we pronounce these letters, we make our mouths narrower.]

geniş ünlüler (the large vowels) : a, e, o, ö ["o" and "ö" are pronounced by a larger shape of mouth in comparison with u and ü.]


And now 

Showing in the charts:



DÜZ a e
DÜZ ı i






özellik : 1feature, 2attribute

ünlü : vowel


a X   X   X  
e   X X   X  
ı X   X     X
X X  
o X     X X  
ö   X   X X  
u X     X   X
ü   X   X   X




Let´s start to learn these by using example suffixes.


If a suffix has a narrow vowel, you should know it has got variations with another narrow vowels. **Like you see below:


1) -li (**-lı,-lu,-lü)

1.To have got something or a feature. 2.To belong* to somewhere or a group or foundation.

*I shan´t explain about this meaning in this lesson because I already will explain it in next lessons.


İlk senemde de çok başarılıydım. (I was very successful in my first year as well.)


başarı : success

başarı+lı--------------------->başarılı (successful)

purely translation: the one that has got success.


ilk : first

sene, yıl : year

çok : 1very, 2too, 3much


First step: the major vowel harmony: hardness-softness : The last vowel is I and it is hard. The suffix must contain a hard vowel. İ and Ü are eliminated.

Second step: [looking at the chart above] and now the minor vowel harmony : I is a vowel that is flat, therefore the suffix mustn´t include a round vowel. Thus u and ü are eliminated. Only one alternative remained: ı

başarıLI, başarılu, başarıli, başarılü



Evli değilim. (I´m not married.)


ev : house, home

ev+li------------------------>evli : Perhaps ancient Turks used to call the people who got married "the one that has house" because they used to think one would have a house if one is married. But, in modern Turkish, we don´t use the word "evli" to express that someone has a house. We use this word for the people who are married.


değil* : not

*I shall tell about the negation in another lessons.


It already has got only one vowel: e.

First step: E is soft. Therefore "-lı" and "-lu" can´t be brought, because I and U are hard vowels. We have two possibilities: -li and -lü.

Second step: E is not round, it´s flat. Because Ü is round, "-lü" is eliminated as well. The ideal one is "-li."

evLİ, evlı, evlu, evlü



Mutlu günlerimiz de olacak kötü günlerimiz de olacak. (We shall have both happy days and bad days.)


gün : day

kötü : bad


mut [Well nigh nobody knows this word´s meaning, but you can be sure this word stayed in ancient Turkic languages.]

Otherwise "Mut" is a district in Mersin*; as an extra knowledge.

*one of the southern cities of Anatolia, that locates in the edge of the Mediterranean Sea.


mut_ günlerimiz (mut + our days)

mut+li---------------------------->mutlu (happy) : the one that has "mut". 

mutlu günlerimiz (our happy days : our days that have got "mut".)


First step: U is a hard vowel. -li and -lü are eliminated, beause İ and Ü are soft. We have two possibilities: "-lı" and "-lu".

Second step: U is a round vowel. If we bring "-lı", the minor vowel harmony is breached, becasue I is a flat vowel, not a round one. Therefore "-lu" is ideal.

mutLU, mutli, mutlü, mutlı




Beş çocuklu bir ailenin en küçük çocuğuydu. (He was the youngest child of a family with five children.)


beş : five

çocuk : child

bir : 1one, 2a, an, 3.........8.........

küçük : small, little


beş çocuk__ aile (five children + family)


beş çocuklu aile (the family with five children) : the family that have got five children.


First step: the last vowel of the word is U. It is a hard vowel. -li and -lü are eliminated.

Second step: U is round, therefore we cannot bring -lı because I is not round. Only one alternative : -lu


çocukLU, çocukli, çocuklı, çocuklü




Bazı şarkılarda, şiirlerde İstanbul´dan "yedi tepeli şehir" diye söz edilir. (One refers to İstanbul "the city with seven hills" in some songs and poems.)


bazı : some

şarkı : song

şiir : poem

yedi : seven

tepe : hill

şehir : city

söz : 1promise, 2word, words, sentences, (any given word/s that are said)

söz etmek : 1to refer, 2to talk about


yedi tepe__ şehir (seven hills + city)

yedi tepeli şehir (the city with seven hills : the city that has got seven hills.)


First step: The last vowel of the word is "e". It´s a soft vowel. -lı and -lu are eliminated.

Second step: E is a flat vowel. -lü is eliminated because Ü is a round, not flat.


tepeLİ, tepelı, tepelu, tepelü




Kazadan yaralı kurtuldular. (They freed theirselves from the accident with injuries. (purely : They freed ... injuredly))


kaza : 1crash, 2accident

yara : injury

kurtulmak : 1to free, 2to rid of, 3to escape..............


yara+li-------------------------->yaralı (injured : the one that has injuries)


First step: The last vowel of the word is A, it´s hard. -li and -lü eliminated.

Second step: A is a flat vowel. -lu is eliminated because U is a round vowel.


yaraLI , yarali, yaralu, yaralü




Felsefe tarihiyle ilgilenenler için önemli bir kitap. ((It is) an important book for ones who are insterested in the history of philosophy.)


felsefe : philosophy

tarih : 1history, 2date

ilgilenmek : to be interested in

... için : for ...

önem : importance

kitap : book


önem_ bir kitap (importance + a book)

önemli bir kitap (an important book : a book that has got importance)


First step : The last vowel of the word is "e". It is a soft vowel. -lı and -lu are eliminated.

Second step : E is a flat vowel. -lü can´t be brought because Ü is round, not flat.


önemLİ, önemlı, önemlu, önemlü





2) -siz (** -sız,-suz,-süz)

without, -less, not having


Son günlerde çok mutsuz görünüyorsun. (You look so unhappy in recent days.)


son : 1last, 2latest, 3recent

gün : day

görünmek : 1to appear, 2to seem, to look (like)


mut+siz------------------------------>mutsuz (unhappy)


First step : U is hard. -siz and -süz are eliminated.

Second step : U is round. -sız cannot be brought because I is not round.


mutSUZ , mutsız, mutsiz, mutsüz




Önemli bir iş yapıyoruz ve hatasız bir iş olmak zorunda. (We are doing an important work and it has to be a work having no mistake.)


önemli : important

: 1work, 2business, 3job

yapmak : 1to do, 2to fulfil

hata : 1mistake, 2error, 3fault


hata_ bir iş (mistake + a work)

hatasız bir iş (an impeccable work, a work without any mistake : a work that has got no mistake)


First step : The last vowel is A, it is hard. -li and -lü are eliminated.

Second step : A is flat. -lu can´t be brought because U is not flat, it is round.


hataSIZ, hatasiz, hatasuz, hatasüz




Saygısız davranışlarına devam etmeseydin sana kızmayacaklardı. (They wouldn´t get angry with you if you didn´t go on your unrespectful behaviours.)


saygı : respect

davranış : behaviour

devam etmek : to go on

sana : to you

kızmak : to get angry


saygı__ davranışlar (respect + behaviours)

saygısız davranışlar (unrespectful behaviours : behaviours without any respect, the behaviours that has got no respect)


First step: The last vowel is I, it is a hard vowel. -li and -lü are eliminated.

Second step: I is flat, not round. -lu is eliminated as well, because U is round.


saygıSIZ, saygısiz, saygısuz, saygısüz




Siz bizsiz hiçbir yere gidemezsiniz, çünkü buraları bilmiyorsunuz. (You can´t go anywhere without us, because you don´t know about here.)


siz : you (plural, 2nd plural)

biz : we

hiçbir : none

hiçbir yer : nowhere (none of places)

gitmek : 1to go, 2to visit, 3to go off

çünkü : because

bura : this place, here

bilmek : to know


biz+siz--------------------------->bizsiz (without us)


first step : İ . İ is soft. -sız and -suz are eliminated.

second step : İ is flat, -süz can´t be brought, because Ü is round. -siz is the ideal one.


bizSİZ, bizsız, bizsuz, bizsüz



Maç golsüz bitti. (The match finished without any goal.)


maç : match

gol : goal (score in football)

bitmek : 1to finish, to end, 2to grow


gol+siz--------------------------->golsüz (without goal)


If you ask, why not "golsuz"? You should return to the lesson of Major Vowel Harmony and look at the exceptional situations.


L makes the sound O lighter, therefore a suffix that contains soft vowel is needed. -sız and -suz are eliminated.

O is a round vowel, -siz can´t be brought because İ is not a round vowel.


golSÜZ, golsiz, golsuz, golsüz




3) Mİ (**mı, mu, mü)

The interrogative postposition Mİ 

It is written strictly separately. This is a certain rule.


Sınavın yarın. (Your exam is tomorrow.)

Sınavın yarın mı? (Is your exam tomorrow?)


yarın + mı---------------------------------> yarın mı?


First step: The last vowel of the word is I. I is hard. mi and mü are eliminated.

Second step: I is flat. mu is eliminated because U is round.


yarın MI, yarın mi, yarın mu, yarın mü



Türkiye´nin başkenti Ankara. (The capital of Turkey is Ankara.)

Türkiye´nin başkenti Ankara mı İstanbul mu? (Is Turkey´s capital city Ankara or İstanbul?)


başkent : capital city


First step: The last vowel is A. A is hard. mi and mü are eliminated.

Second step: A is flat, mu can´t be brought because U is round.

Ankara MI, Ankara mi, Ankara mu, Ankara mü


First step: The last vowel is U. U is hard. mi and mü are eliminated.

Second step: U is round, mı can´t be brought because I is flat.

İstanbul MU, İstanbul mi, İstanbul mü, İstanbul mı



Dün arkadaşları geldi. (Yesterday his friends came.)

Dün arkadaşları geldi mi? (Did his friends come yesterday?)


dün : yesterday

arkadaş : friend

gelmek : to come


First step: The last vowel of "geldi" is İ. İ is soft. mı and mu are eliminated.

Second step: İ is flat. mu is eliminated, because U is round.


geldi Mİ, geldi mu, geldi mü, geldi mı


I will tell about this postposition in another lesson in details, therefore I will not go into the details here.



4) -nci (**-inci, -ıncı, -uncu, -üncü)

To express the ordinal numbers.


1st birinci 2nd ikinci 3rd üçüncü 4th dördüncü 5th beşinci
6th altıncı 7th yedici 8th sekizinci 9th dokuzuncu 10th onuncu
11th on birinci 12th on ikinci 13th on üçüncü 14th on dördüncü 15th on beşinci
16th on altıncı 17th on yedinci 18th on sekizinci 19th on dokuzuncu 20th yirminci
22th yirmi ikinci     28th yirmi sekizinci 29th yirmi dokuzuncu 30th otuzuncu
                40th kırkıncı
                50th ellinci
                60th altmışıncı
                70th yetmişinci
                80th sekseninci
                90th doksanıncı
                100th yüzüncü

            1000th bininci

If you put a stop beside the number´s own, you use that stop instead of the -nci suffix.

2., 2´nci, 2.nci, 14. 14´üncü, 14.üncü, 50., 50´nci, 50.nci, 138., 138´inci, 138.inci


The suffix is -nci indeed. If you bring this suffix to a word that ends with a consonant, the narrow vowels become helper vowels.


bir_nc_ -----------------------> birinci, biruncu, birüncü, birıncı


İ of "bir" is soft. -ıncı and -uncu are eliminated.

İ is flat. -üncü is eliminated because Ü is round.


iki_nc_ ------------------------> ikinci, ikincı, ikincu, ikincü


"iki" already ends with a vowel, therefore there is no need to any helper vowel. We add just -nci.


İ of "iki" is soft. -ncı and -ncu are eliminated.

İ is flat. -üncü is eliminated because Ü is round.


altı_nc_ -----------------------> altıncı, altınci, altıncu, altıncü


"altı" already ends with a vowel, no need to any helper vowel. Just -nci is needed.


I of "altı" is hard. -nci and -ncü are eliminated.

I is flat, -ncu is eliminated because U is round.


on dokuz_nc_ ------------------> on dokuzuncu*, on dokuzıncı, on dokuzinci, on dokuzüncü


*analysing : 10+9th


U of "dokuz" is hard. -inci and -üncü are eliminated.

U is round, -ıncı is eliminated because I is not a round vowel.


yüz kırk dört_nc_ ---------------> yüz kırk dördüncü*, yüz kırk dördinci, yüz kırk dörduncu, yüz kırk dördıncı


*analysing : 100+40+4th


Ö of "dört" is soft. -ıncı and -uncu are eliminated.

Ö is round, -inci is eliminated because İ is not a round vowel.




İkinci yarıda altı gol gördük. (We saw six goals in the second half.)


yarı : half (as a noun)

görmek : to see


iki__ yarı (two + the half)

ikinci yarı (the second half)




Dört yüz kişinin katıldığı bir sınavda yirmi sekizinci olmak da güzel bir başarı. (It is a good success to be twenty eighth in an exam that four hundred people joined.)


kişi : person

katılmak : to join

sınav : exam


*analysing 20+8th (yirmi+sekizinci) --> yirmi sekizinci (28th)



Bu, yazdığım dördüncü ders. (This is the fourth lesson that I have written.)


yazmak : to write

ders : lesson


dört____ ders (four + lesson)

dördüncü ders (the fourth lesson)



Türkiye´de seksen bir il var ve Mersin otuz üçüncü il. (There are eighty one cities in Turkey and Mersin is thirty third city.)


il, şehir : city

"il" is commonly used in the administrative official texts.

"şehir" is general one of those names.


otuz üç____ il (thirty three + city)

otuz üçüncü il (the thirty third city)



Bu yılki 30 Eylül Mevlâna´nın ölümünün yedi yüz kırk birinci yıl dönümü olacak. (30th September of this year will be the seven hundred and forty first anniversary of the death of Rumi.)


Eylül : September

Mevlâna : Rumi

yıl dönümü : anniversary


yedi yüz kırk bir___ yıl dönümü (seven hundred and forty one + anniversary)

yedi yüz kırk birinci yıl dönümü
