
Learn Turkish By Audio Conversations - Lesson 4

Lesson 4 Focus

  • Asking people are you ..... ?

  • Know about personal pronouns I, He, She ..


Listen to the conversation



Doktor musunuz?    

Hayır ben öğretmenim.

Tamam. Teşekkür ederim.

Rica ederim.



Merhaba” is a greeting means Hello. Also Selam can be used (informal)


Doktor musunuz?

Are you a doctor ?

 “musunuz” is a question suffix like are you.

Doktor musun?”      : Are you a doctor? - Informal.

Doktor musunuz?” : Are you a doctor? - Formal.

Yes. Remember from the previous lesson the word “misin” and musunuz. This is the same thing but only different letters. Simply if the word preceding the suffix ends with e you use misin (informal) or misiniz (formal) and if it ends with o, you use musun or musunz.

This is not all of it. We will discuss it more below.

Hayır. Ben öğretmenim.

No. I’m a teacher.

Evet means yes. Hayır means no. Öğretmen means teacher.

im” is a suffix and it adapts to the word. It gets added when person talk about himself or herself. For example if the pronoun is You (Sen) you will add sin  “sen öğretmensin”. You are a teacher.



Now we have 2 grammar notes in the conversation. Let’s explain them. At first you must know the pronouns very well.

Ben     I

Sen      You

O         He/She/It        

Biz       We

Siz       You (plural and single formal)

Onlar They


Lesson: Saying I’m some-adjective

I’m beautiful.

Ben güzelim.

I’m a teacher.

Ben bir öğretmenim.

I’m a doctor

Ben bir doktorum

I’m intelligent

Ben akıllıyım

I’m famous

Ben ünlüyüm.


You just put the adjective and then add one of the following ım,im,um, üm based on last vowel letter as follow

a, ı       >  ım

i,e        > im

o,u       > um

ü, Ö     >  üm

Interesting, right ?

Try yourself with the following examples

[Put 10 different examples here please]


With same logic  if you are talking about some one else, you will just change the suffix as follow

Sen güzelsin.

Sen bir öğretmensin.

Sen bir doktorsun

Sen ünlüsün.

Sen akıllısın


O güzel.

O bir öğretmen.

O bir doktor

O ünlü.

O akıllı


Biz güzeliz.

Biz öğretmeniz.

Biz doktoruz

Biz ünlüyüz.

Biz akıllıyız


Got the idea right ?

Siz güzelsiniz.

Siz (bir) öğretmensiniz.

Siz (bir) doktorsunuz

Siz ünlüsünüz.

Siz akıllısınız


Onlar güzeller.

Onlar öğretmenler.

Onlar doktorlar

Onlar ünlüler.

Onlar akıllılar 


Onlar ünlü mü ? are they famous


You can guess the pronoun without saying it here because for example Öğrenci miyim  , the last im comes only with ben and Öğrenci misin? , the sin suffix only comes with sen. But the last one is kina confusing if you said ünlü mü only. As it can be is he famous and also are they famous. So you can either add Onlar at the beginning or add the ler plural suffix. Onlar ünlü mü ? or ünlüler mü ?


With onlar you can use it without adding any suffixes Onlar doktor or Onlar akıllı both are correct and being understood from the context.


Another rule you might get confused about. We explain it here in more details.

misin  can be mısın, misin, musun, müsün

misiniz can be mısınız, misiniz, musunuz, müsünü

According to the word you are asking about. And also according to the person you are referring to, is it “he, she, it, you , they ....”


Öğrenci miyim? : Am i a student?

Öğrenci misin? : Are you a student? Informal. “Öğrenci misiniz?” is formal.

Öğrenci mi? : Is she/he/it a student?

And according to the last vowel letter in the word it changes like that:

Doktor musun? : Are you a doctor? Informal. “Doktor musunuz” is formal.

İyi misin ? Are you fine/okay?

Güzel mi ? is he/she beautiful ?

Kolay ? is it easy ?

a, ı    >  mı

i,e     > mi

o,u    > mu

ü, Ö   > mü


More details in other lessons, just keep going, don’t stop.


Hey, to learn a language, you must speak my friend. If you heard tons but you did not speak, this won’t be effective. Let us hear you then.

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Now you should be able to ask those type of questions:

  • Are you student ?

  • Yes I’m student.

  • No I’m not student.

  • is he a doctor ?

  • Yes. I’m a doctor.

  • No. I’m an Engineer (mühendis).

  • is it beautiful ?

  • No.

  • Are they teachers ?

  • Are you students ?

  • Are we intelligent ?
