
Greeting 1


Try to learn the vocabulary before you practice the dialog. Say and repeat the words to pronounce them better.


Basic Expressions (Vocabulary)


Aaa: A surprise expression.

Merhaba: Hello

Nasılsın: How are you?

İyiyim: I'm fine

Teşekkür ederim: Thank you

Sağol: Thank you, thanks

otobüs: bus

otobüs-üm: my bus

gel- : (to come)

gel-di: came (simple past tense)

Tamam: Okay

Sonra: Later

Görüşürüz: See you

Sonra görüşürüz: See you later

Sen: You

Ben: I

de: also, too

Ben de: Me too

Sen de: You too

Hoşça kal: Bye bye!, Take care (Literally "keep being nice, well" and can be used for both two sides)

Güle güle: Bye bye! (Literally "(go) happily" and can be used by the remaining person.)







Ahmet is at the bus station. He sees her friend Ayşe. They greets each other and then Ayşe's bus comes. She leaves the bus station and gets on the bus.



Ahmet: Aaa Merhaba Ayşe!


Ayşe: Merhaba Ahmet! Nasılsın?


Ahmet: Teşekkür ederim, iyiyim. Sen nasılsın?


Ayşe: Ben de iyiyim, sağol. Otobüsüm geldi.


Ahmet: Tamam. Sonra görüşürüz.


Ayşe: Tamam. Hoşça kal!


Ahmet: Sen de! Güle güle!











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