Turkish Poetry and Literature |
20. |
07 Jan 2007 Sun 04:19 pm |
Rena and Ayla! You are great. I appreciate your efforts.
Here is 5th PART:
Ben, onlara cevap yetiştirirken, bir taraftan da Yabancı Diller Bölümü’nün en genç, ciddî tavırlı ve kısa boylu hocası Japoncacı Hakiko Tosumoto ile Farsça Hocası dostum Şahid Beyin ne zaman söze karışacaklarını merak ediyordum. Fazla beklememe gerek kalmadan Hakiko Hanım konuştu:
-Fatih Bey’i susturmanın en kolay ve kestirme yolu kendisiyle ilgilenmemektir. Lütfen onu kendi hâline terk ediniz…
Sözünü bitirir bitirmez, önünde duran öğrenci ödevlerini incelemeye koyuldu. Onun bu hâlini gören, sanki hiç konuşmamış zannederdi. Biraz da özellikle böyle davrandığını biliyordum. Çünkü kendisini hedef tahtası yapmamdan korkuyordu. Onunla uğraşmak, gerçekten, bana zevk veriyordu. Ãœzerine gittikçe, o kızararak bana cevap yetiştirmeye çalışırdı. Bense, gözlerine dik dik bakar, ikide bir sözünü keserdim. O, gözlerini kaçırır ve daha çok sinirlenerek cevap vermeye çalışırdı. Sırf kızdırmak için, sudan sebeplerle onun düşÃ¼ncelerine karşı çıkardım. Şimdi, aradığım fırsatı, kendisi vermişti. Masasına yaklaşarak:
-Anlamadım, saygıdeğer hanımefendi… Benimle ilgili bir şey mi söylediniz?’’dedim.
21. |
07 Jan 2007 Sun 06:01 pm |
oh good, more homework! I'll work on it...
22. |
07 Jan 2007 Sun 06:11 pm |
ooooff i looked at it and gave up... ayip bana ama...
maybe anybody else will join ayla?
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07 Jan 2007 Sun 06:16 pm |
oh, don't give up rena, you were doing fine, maybe you can try just a part of it...
24. |
07 Jan 2007 Sun 06:22 pm |
i even began... but deleted everything i did when saw i couldn't catch... peki tekrar deneyeyim
25. |
07 Jan 2007 Sun 06:43 pm |
first half of 5th part:
While I was preparing answers for them, I was also curious about when will the youngest, serious mannered and short teacher of Foreign Languages Depatment, the Japanese Hakiko Tosumoto and the persian teacher, my friend Mr. Shahid will intervene in the conversation. without needing for me to wait much, Ms. Hakiko talked:
- The easiest and shortest way to make Mr. Fatih to shut up is not to pay attention to him. Please leave him on his own...
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07 Jan 2007 Sun 07:52 pm |
oooff the text is really hard.. and i stopped at its half..
While answering to them, I was wondering when Hakiko Tosumoto, a short serious teacher of Japan, the youngest of the Foreign Language Department, and my friend, Mr. Shahid, a teacher of Persian, would join the conversation. There was no need for waiting as Miss Hakiko began talking:
- The easiest and the shortest way to make Mr. Fatih stop talking is not to care. Please leave him alone...
After she finished her speach, she began checking students’ homeworks staying in front. She looked like as if she never spoke. I also knew why she was behaving like that. Because she was afraid of being a target board herself. It gave me a real pleasure to struggle with her. When I insisted, she was trying to answer angrily.
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07 Jan 2007 Sun 08:15 pm |
Quoting rena: oooff the text is really hard.. |
Bana gelince, çok zaman önce bundan vazgeçmeliydim
Aferin size, Ayla & Rena!
28. |
07 Jan 2007 Sun 08:31 pm |
you're right rena, not an easy one but I enjoy the practicing, here's my try for the second half of 5th part:
As soon as she finished talking, she began to examine the students' homework in front of her. Whoever saw her like that would have thought that we've never spoken. I knew that she somewhat behaved like that especially. Because she was scared to turn herself into a target board. To pick on her was really giving me pleasure. When I teased her she tried to come up with answers. And I, looking deep into her eyes, used to interrupt her from time to time. She, not able to look in my eyes, tried to answer while getting more annoyed. Just to make her angry I would oppose to her opinions with leaky reasons. Now she gave me the opportunity I was looking for by herself.
Approaching to her table I said:
- I didn't understand, estimable madam... Did you say anything concerning me?
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08 Jan 2007 Mon 12:12 am |
Quoting metehan2001:
''Dostum Şahid
Orta Asya’nın bu küçük ülkesinin başkenti, en soğuk günlerinden birini yaşıyordu. Amerikan-Kırgız Ãœniversitesindeki dersim bittiğinde, hava kararmak üzereydi ve ben, paltomu almak için Yabancı Diller Bölümüne doğru yürürken, cam gibi buzlaşan Bişkek yollarında, otomobilimi kaydırmadan otoparka nasıl ulaşacağımı düşÃ¼nüyordum.
İ am rather bit late,but i was afraid that i will mess things up in the story,its not just few lines,and i'm stil not that good tho.
But thought to give it a try,and its ok if i make some mistakes..i guess
İ know you you almost finished it,but i didn't know where to post my trial of those lines.
So here it is,and i hope i'm not very far.
My friend Şahid
This small capital in the middle of Asia,he was living from one of the most coldest days.American Kirghiz
My lesson at the univiresty which finished,just as night fall,and i,taking my coat while walking right to my foreigner languges section,like glass,snow falls 'Bişkek'on the roads,i was thinking how to reach the park,without sliding my car.
what does Bişkek means ?
Edited: it is a street name,thx Ayla,and rena for be able to check it
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08 Jan 2007 Mon 12:19 am |
Quoting CANLI: what does Bişkek means ?
It's the capital of Kirgizistan (credits for this info go to Wikipedia, I'm not thát good with geography )