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Turkish Poetry and Literature

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70.       Ayla
0 posts
 16 Jan 2007 Tue 07:56 pm

Part 13 continued:

The attack has reached its goal. Poor/helpless Luda, with the anger of not being able to find a proper answer, opened her hands to the sides and tried to shut me up by saying:
- "I don't know what to tell you. But it seems that ms. Hakiko was really right with what she said shortly before".
But my reply was already prepared:
- "If that's so dear Luda, why don't you "leave us alone" instaed of interrupting my chat with my friend Shahid?"
Luda had no more words to say. She did what was expected from her. She acted cleverly; Saying "I surrender!" she raised her hands up and looked at her friends who were laughing at the hopeless situation she's fallen into, as if she were angry.

(to be continued)

71.       Ayla
0 posts
 17 Jan 2007 Wed 08:29 am

part 13 continued:

I had carried out the attack successfully; but I have never taken into account that Shahid would be embarrassed from this situation. He, as if he were the attacker, couldn't raise his bent head and look anyone in the eyes. When he noticed that the lady teachers were laughing at Luda, he touched my hand slowly and looking at me with reproach (or: complaint) he broke his silence:
-"My dear brother! I see that today your sword is sharper than in any other time. If you will, put it into it's scabbard for a while and let's chat for a while.
At that time I was thinking: "That's enough commotion for today". Adapting to Shahid's reproachful request, I stopped dealing with the teachers and turned towards him.
There was a thoughtful expression on the face of my friend. His lightly swollen eyelids and the hardly visible purpleness that appeared under his eyes caught my attention. I also noticed that his always straightly combed greyish hair was untidy today. What I've seen was enough for me to worry about him. I asked immediately:

(to be continued)

72.       Ayla
0 posts
 17 Jan 2007 Wed 08:47 am

ending of part 13:

-"What's wrong with you Shahid? You don't look well at all".
He, instead of answering, settled with looking at my face. The sadness I saw in his eyes made my heart ache. My worry increased. I was just going to ask a new question when Shahid broke his silence:
- "Do you have any plans for tonight, my friend"?
He always used to speak politely (formally) like that. In fact, with the rate of our friendship becoming closer, it seemed as if his politeness has increased. As for me I insisted on talking informally with "you and me" to him. I did that again:
- "Even if I had a plan I would change it for you my friend... But I don't... I'm free tonight" I said.

73.       metehan2001
501 posts
 19 Jan 2007 Fri 12:43 am

Thanks, Ayla.. The translation parts are very well.

Here is PART 14

- Teşekkür ederim, Fatihciğim!’’derken, sesindeki hafif titreyiş dikkatimi çekti. Ben, konuşmasının devamını beklerken, o yine suskunluğa büründü. Sanki bana açılıp açılmama konusunda tereddüt edermiş gibi bir hâl içerisindeydi. Ãœzerine gidersem, geriye çekileceğini, daha çok içine kapanacağını hissettim ve bekledim...
Bekledim ve karşımdaki saçı ve sakalı kırlaşmış, oldukça yakışıklı ama bunun hiç farkında olmayan – Ãœniversitedeki birçok hanım öğretim üyesi ve idarî personelin, hatta kimi kız öğrencilerin ona yönelttikleri dâvetkâr bakışları görüp kıskançlık damarımın sık sık kabardığını itiraf edeyim. - ,bulunduğu bu mekâna başka bir âlemden gelmiş gibi görünen dostumun kendi ağzından dinlediğim hayat macerasını düşÃ¼ndüm. Kısa bir hayata ne çok olay sığdırmıştı..

74.       Ayla
0 posts
 19 Jan 2007 Fri 06:38 pm

When saying:
- Thank you my dear Fatih!" a mild trembling in his voice caught my attention. While I was waiting for him to continue talking, he wrapped himself up in silence again. It was as if he was in a state of hesitation whether to open up to me or not. I felt that if I insisted he'd retreat and withdraw inside so I waited…
I waited and thought about my friend's life adventure, that I heard from his own mouth, who was standing in front of me and whose hair and beard turned grey, rather handsome but not aware of it - I confess that seeing the inviting glances of lots of female lecturers and administrative personnel, even some of the female students in the university towards him made my jealousy appear- who looked as if he came to this place from another world. So many events had he succeeded to squeeze into a short life.

75.       metehan2001
501 posts
 19 Jan 2007 Fri 07:05 pm

Thanks, Ayla. Her is PART 15 (for tomorrow)

Humeynî önderliğinde gerşekleştirilen ihtilâlin hemen sonrasında, İran’ın kan, ateş ve ölüm dolu atmosferinden kaçıp, tehlikeli bir yolculuk sonrası, Türkiye’ye gizlice girerek İstanbul’a varışı... Bu kalabalık şehirde kendisinden önce gelmiş kaçak arkadaşlarıyla buluşması ve onların ayarladığı salaş otel odasında, her gün, Türk polisi tarafından yakalanma korkusuyla geçirdiği altı ay... Sahte pasaportla İstanbul Atatürk Hava Limanındaki titiz kontrol duvarını aşarak New York’a uçacak Lufthansa uçağına binişi... New York Hava Limanında yetkililere Amerika’ya iltica için geldiğini söylemesi üzerine, yerleştirildiği mülteci binasındaki küçük odasında geçirdiği sıkıntılı günler... Uzun soruşturmalardan sonra ilticasının kabulü.. New York’un gettolarından birinde tuttuğu küçük dairesinde, İngilizce öğrenmek için gece gündüz demeden sarfettiği çabalar.. Yabancı bir şehire, onun karmaşık hâlkına ve hayatına alışma gayretleri.. Sonra Amerikan vatandaşlığına kabulü, Yale’deki öğrencilik ve öğretim üyeliği dönemi.. Ve nihayet Kırgızistan..

76.       Ayla
0 posts
 20 Jan 2007 Sat 02:10 pm


His entering Turkey secretly and arriving to Istanbul after a dangerous journey immediately after the revolution carried out under Humeyni's leadership, escaping from the blood, fire and death full atmosphere of Iran... His meeting with his fugitive friends who arrived to this crowded city before him and the six months he passed with everyday fear of being caught by the Turkish police in the temporary hotel room they have arranged... His boarding on a Lufthanza plane about to fly to New York after crossing the Istanbul Ataturk Airport's meticulous control barrier... The distressed days he passed in the little room in the refugee building he was placed at by telling the authorities in New York Airport that he came to America to seek refuge... The acceptance of his refuge request after long investigations... His night and day struggle to learn English in his little apartment he rented in one of New York's ghettos... The efforts he made to get used to a foreign city, it's complex people and life... Then the receiving American citizenship, his period of being a student and a teaching membership at Yale... And at last Kyrgyzstan...

77.       metehan2001
501 posts
 21 Jan 2007 Sun 04:58 am

Ayla, her is PART 16

Söylediğine göre, İran’dan ayrılırken Şahid’in yanında tek bir eşya vardı: Şirazlı Sadi’nin 'Bostan ve Gülistan' adlı eseri. Şahid, bir seferinde, bana, şimdi de masasının üzerinde bulunan bu kitabı göstererek, «Bu eser sayesinde, Sadi benim için, hiç de az olmayan yalnızlık anlarımı paylaşan değerli bir dost olmuştur. » demişti.
DüşÃ¼nürken, elim, gayri ihtiyarî, masadaki kitapların en üstünde duran ‘‘Bostan ve Gülistan’’a uzanmıştı. Şahid, aklımdan geçenleri anlamış gibi muzdarip bir gülüşle yüzüme baktı ve:
- Evet, sevgili Fatih.. Ciddi bir problemim var ve bu sefer, benim yaşlı bilge dostum Sadi’nin bana cevap verebileceğini zannetmiyorum. Bu yüzden, size akıl danışmak istiyorum. Müsaitseniz, bu akşam bir yerde buluşup sohbet edebilir miyiz?’’ dedi. Çok merak etmeme rağmen,kendimi tutmayı becerdim ve benimle konuşmak istediği konunun ne olduğunu sormadım kendisine.. Akşam, saat yedide Klasik Kafede buluşmayı kararlaştırdıktan sonra, izin isteyerek yanından ayrıldım. Odadan çıkarken, hanımların bana bakarak iç çekişleri de gözümden kaçmadı.

78.       Ayla
0 posts
 21 Jan 2007 Sun 07:23 pm


According to what he said, when he left Iran Shahid had only one belonging with him: The work of Sadi from Shiraz named "Bostan ve Gülistan" (melon field and rose garden). Shahid has once said to me, showing this book that was on his table now too, "Thanks to this book, Sadi became a very valuable friend, who shared my not few lonely moments, to me".
While thinking, my hand has reached involuntarily to "Bostan and Gülistan" that stood on the top of the books on the table. Shahid looked at my face with a stricken smile as if he understood what crossed my mind and said:
- Yes, dear Fatih... I have a serious problem and this time I don't think my old wise friend Sadi could answer me. That's why I want to consult with you.If you are available, could we meet somewhere tonight and chat?
Although I was very curious, I managed to restrain myself and didn't ask him what was the issue he wanted to talk to me about... After we agreed on meeting at Classic Cafe at 7 o'clock in the evening, I asked for permission and left. When I exited the room, I couldn't miss the ladies looking at me and sighing.

79.       metehan2001
501 posts
 21 Jan 2007 Sun 08:58 pm

Thanks, Ayla. Her is PART 17 (for tomorrow)

Ãœniversite binasının ana kapısından çıktığımda, hava kararmak üzereydi. Yerler çatır çatır buzdu. Hafifçe esen rüzgar, soğukla birleşince, insanın yüzünü bıçak gibi kesiyordu. Paltomun yakasını kaldırdım, kulaklarımı kapatacak şekilde kalpağımı üstten bastırdım ve hızla yolun karşısındaki eski Mersedesime doğru yürüdüm. Ortalıkta tek tük öğrenci kalmıştı. Hemen yakındaki parkta kol kola girmiş genç çiftlerin onca soğuğa aldırmadan, ağaçlar arasındaki karla örtülü yürüme parkurunda âheste âheste gezindiklerini gördüm. ‘‘Gençlik işte... Kanları kaynıyor!’’ diye düşÃ¼nerek kendi kendime güldüm.
Ak Ev’in(*) yanındaki sokaktan sağa dönüp Çüy caddesine girdiğimde kalabalık bir araba trafiğiyle karşılaştım. Yaşlı Mersedesimi kaydırmamak için ağır ve dikkatli gitmeye çalışıyordum. Fakat Bişkeklilerin her zamanki gibi acelesi vardı. Arkamdan gelen sürücüler, çektiğim çileden habersiz, yavaş gidişime sinirlenerek, korna çalıp yol vermemi istiyorlar; daha sabırsızları ise sağımdan, solumdan hızla geçip gidiyorlardı.

(*) Cumhurbaşkanlığı Sarayı

80.       Ayla
0 posts
 22 Jan 2007 Mon 08:58 pm


When I got out of the university building's main door, the sky was about to get dark. The ground was crackingly icy. The mildly blowing wind, combined with the cold, was cutting a person's face like a knife. I've raised the collar of my coat, pressed my calpac (hat) from above in a way that covered my ears and walked quickly towards my old Mercedes on the opposit side of the road. There were just a few students remained around. In the park nearby I saw young couples walking slowly hand by hand on the walking track covered with snow between the trees without caring about the cold. Thinking to myself: "Youth as you see... their blood is boiling" I smiled to myself.
When I turned right from the street near the White House (*) and entered Çüy avenue, I run into a heavy traffic. In order not to skid with my old Mercedes I was driving slowly and carefully. But the people of Bishkek were in a hurry as always. The drivers who came from behind me, unaware of the ordeal I was going through, wanted me to clear the way by blowing the horns; while the more impatient ones were passing me rapidly from right and left.

(*)the Presidential Palace

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