Turkish Movies |
Soap Opera "Noor" (Gümüş) changes traditional Arab Gender Roles
50. |
19 Aug 2008 Tue 07:57 pm |
heheh just to show how much influence this show has ahd u know i 2 funny things really happened about this show i think pretty soon its gonna turn into ana rabic proverb or smthg, i was watching this talk show with my mom and this lady comes and she says "ooh i got hooked up with this guy and then he proposed to me and i said yes and we becames fiancees, but then i broke it up because hes really ugly, i mean really ugly(heheh we get the point!) but his manners are really good and he cares about me, what should i do?"
so the guy answers her and says "Well, manners are really important and everything but dont marry the poor soul and then break it up again because you start remembering noor and mohanned and stuff and love stories... no we dont want that!!"
Now the other example was in polotics , my dad was reading something so he called and he was like read this comment the comment basically said "ppl open your eyes, cant you sdee what happening to us ? I guess nobody can, youre sleeping watching your knight in shining armor mohanned every day, and dreaming aboput love stories!"
I guess noor kinda made a revoloution in the arab world, and like me and my friends when we see 2 "love birds" we say theyre just like noor and mohanned!
51. |
31 Aug 2008 Sun 02:03 am |
Well, I hope peope are happy, today was the last and final episode!!!! I dont kbnow what im gonna do anymore, where int he world will i watch the streets of istanbul, and reda turkish signs and stuff??? this is a sad, sad day for me ........
52. |
07 May 2009 Thu 06:02 am |
Hello, We are conducting a research survey on Noor (Gumus) and its impact on viewers. This is the first study of its kind, and you are invited to participate. If you would like to share your opinions and attitudes, please go to the following site to take the survey:
53. |
07 May 2009 Thu 12:08 pm |
Abu Dhabi TV in broadcast into "Kurtlar Vadisi" rating, already breaking records, while the index of the leading players Necati Þaþmaz, Oktay Kaynarca and Özgü Namal, set up the throne in the hearts of viewers. Arabic name, "Valley El Diap" in the series, "Polat Alemdar" character in the Arabic voiceover "Murad", "Elif" character "Raha", "Çakýr" "Þakir" as changed. Weekdays: daily 20.00 to the broadcast every night into the directory section 01.00 again in the audience one more time to meet. NUMBER OF Turkish Serioes on Arab CHANNELS has reached to 10. "Kurtlar Vadisi" and is still published in the Abu Dhabi channel "Acý Hayat" published in conjunction with several Arab channels has reached to 10 the number of Turkish construction sequence. Abu Dhabi, MBC and Syria especially for channels in the Arab channels, Kurtlar Vadisi, silver, Elveda Derken, undue homeless, Genco, Yabancý Damat, Menekþe ile Halil, "Kýrýk Kanatlar" and "Kaybolan Yýllar", "Býçak Sýrtý" are running. Every day of the Turkish series of rate increases, that indicates izlenme Arab channels officials, Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoðan´s attacks against Israel into Gaza´s shown in the reaction of the Davos is emphasized in this role. Need of the Turkish series scenario is a high quality of the recorded image of the Arab television authorities, the withdrawal of arrays on the space of the Arab audience is intriguing, especially the music affects the audience said. Last year, the largest Arab country to wake echo "Silver" and "Ihlamurlar Altýnda" series, thanks to more than 2 million Arab tourists to Turkey on holiday prefer to transfer to the authorities, "Kurtlar Vadisi" nde display the Girl Tower, such as the Istanbul Strait of impressive landscape that increasingly concern think will improve, he said.
Note: translated by Google translation service. I know it is broken English but that´s all I can do.
Turkish text is as follows.
Abu Dabi TV’de yayýna giren “Kurtlar Vadisi” daha þimdiden reyting rekorlarý kýrarken, dizinin baþrol oyuncusu Necati Þaþmaz, Oktay Kaynarca ve Özgü Namal, izleyicilerin gönlünde taht kurdu.
Arapça adý “Vadi El Diap” olan dizide, “Polat Alemdar” karakteri Arapça dublajýnda “Murad”, “Elif” karakteri “Raha”, “Çakýr” da “Þakir” olarak deðiþtirildi.
Hafta içi hergün 20.00’de yayýna giren dizinin tekrar bölümleri her gece 01.00’de bir kez daha izleyiciyle buluþuyor.
ARAP KANALLARINDAKà TÜRK DÃZà SAYISI 10’A ULAÞTI “Kurtlar Vadisi” ve Abu Dabi kanalýnda halen yayýnlanan “Acý Hayat” ile birlikte çeþitli Arap kanallarýnda yayýnlanan Türk yapýmý dizi sayýsý 10’a ulaþtý.
Abu Dabi, MBC ve Suriye kanallarý baþta olmak üzere Arap kanallarýnda, Kurtlar Vadisi, Gümüþ, Elveda Derken, Yersiz Yurtsuz, Genco, Yabancý Damat, Menekþe ile Halil, Kýrýk Kanatlar, Kaybolan Yýllar, Býçak Sýrtý isimli diziler yayýnlanýyor.
Türk dizilerinin izlenme oranlarýnýn her geçen gün arttýðýný belirten Arap kanallarýnýn yetkilileri, Baþbakan Recep Tayyip Erdoðan’ýn Ãsrail’in Gazze’ye yönelik saldýrýlarý karþýsýnda Davos’ta gösterdiði tepkinin bunda rolü olduðunu vurguladý.
Türk dizilerinin gerek senaryo, gerekse de görüntü kalitesinin oldukça yüksek olduðunu kaydeden Arap televizyonlarýnýn yetkilileri, dizilerin çekildiði mekanlarýn Arap izleyiciler üzerinde büyük merak uyandýrdýðýný, özellikle müziklerin izleyicileri etkilediðini bildirdi.
Geçen yýl Arap ülkelerinde büyük yanký uyandýran “Gümüþ” ve “Ihlamurlar Altýnda” dizileri sayesinde 2 milyondan fazla Arap turistin tatilde Türkiye’yi tercih ettiðini aktaran yetkililer, “Kurtlar Vadisi”nde ekrana gelen Kýz Kulesi, Ãstanbul Boðazý gibi etkileyici manzaralarýn da bu ilgiyi giderek artýracaðýný düþündüklerini söyledi.
54. |
09 May 2009 Sat 05:21 am |
Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoðan´s attacks against Israel into Gaza´s shown in the reaction of the Davos is emphasized in this role.
, thanks to more than 2 million Arab tourists to Turkey on holiday
By NO way Erdoðan was a fool back then, huh ?!
And you can add the Nato thing to that too !
That man is REALLY smart and incredible, he has both my fully respect and admiration
Erdogan Says Rasmussen Pick Would Damage NATO
Turkey agreed to NATO chief after Obama pledges
Ãn Turkey, new NATO chief listens to Muslims
Ãn my humble opinion, in one hand he is drawing arab´s money to Türkiye, and from the other hand, Türkiye is not taken for granted !
Edited (5/9/2009) by CANLI
55. |
10 May 2009 Sun 07:20 am |
By NO way Erdoðan was a fool back then, huh ?!
And you can add the Nato thing to that too !
That man is REALLY smart and incredible,
I doubt it CANLI, he easily loose his temper (we watched several times on TV. One time he couldn´t manage to handle a simple talk with a farmer, got angry and said "Ananý da al git--You and your mother, get outta here" ) I believe his reaction in Davos was a similar thing and in the end it looked like smart move by him.
he has both my fully respect and admiration
Erdogan Says Rasmussen Pick Would Damage NATO
Turkey agreed to NATO chief after Obama pledges
Ãn Turkey, new NATO chief listens to Muslims
Ãn my humble opinion, in one hand he is drawing arab´s money to Türkiye, and from the other hand, Türkiye is not taken for granted !
56. |
15 Jul 2009 Wed 09:24 am |
I hope this show encourges Saudi women to stand up for their rights.
who told u that we wanna be like turkish girls >>> iam saudian girl ,, we r happy with our rights
rights dosent mean being pregnant from a relation
dosent mean life without boundries
dosent mean having boy friend
dosent mean drininkng parties till morning
ISLAM gave us our rights and we dont ask silly ppl like u to teach us how to stand up for our rights,
57. |
15 Jul 2009 Wed 12:52 pm |
Edited (7/15/2009) by AlphaF
58. |
15 Jul 2009 Wed 01:08 pm |
who told u that we wanna be like turkish girls >>> iam saudian girl ,, we r happy with our rights
rights dosent mean being pregnant from a relation
dosent mean life without boundries
dosent mean having boy friend
dosent mean drininkng parties till morning
ISLAM gave us our rights and we dont ask silly ppl like u to teach us how to stand up for our rights,
You dont have to give up your basic values, but it makes little sense if you insist on playing a game where all Saudi ladies have to pretend it were still the year 620.
Did you ever take a plane from any Saudi Airport, flying out of Saudi Arabia? You embark on the plane with Saudi ladies in all sorts of hijab outfits....but it takes about 15 minutes for the whole lot to get out of veils and what not, unless they are with their husbands. Those travelling with their husbands usually change at the arrival port. The whole show is the biggest example of hypocracy I have ever seen in my life.
I lived in Saudi Arabia for 14 years; never had a word with a Saudi lady while I was there (even those ladies you open doors for, would not thank you for your chivalry). The first Saudi lady I ever exchanged words with was an extremely polite and intelligent Saudi bank teller in Dubai. When I told her this story, we both laughed.
If you do not think there is something weird here, I suggest you have your head examined.
59. |
15 Jul 2009 Wed 01:33 pm |
who told u that we wanna be like turkish girls >>> iam saudian girl ,, we r happy with our rights
rights dosent mean being pregnant from a relation
dosent mean life without boundries
dosent mean having boy friend
dosent mean drininkng parties till morning
ISLAM gave us our rights and we dont ask silly ppl like u to teach us how to stand up for our rights,
totally agree with you .
60. |
15 Jul 2009 Wed 02:21 pm |
who told u that we wanna be like turkish girls >>> iam saudian girl ,, we r happy with our rights
rights dosent mean being pregnant from a relation
dosent mean life without boundries
dosent mean having boy friend
dosent mean drininkng parties till morning
ISLAM gave us our rights and we dont ask silly ppl like u to teach us how to stand up for our rights,
Do you mean all saudi women are the same? All of you are happy like that? I must say I´m finding it strange, it´s hard to believe all women in one country think in unison. Where´s choice in it? Not all western women get pregnant outside marriage, not all have boyfriends (some have girlfriends or marry their fist boyfriend), some of us do not drink at all. You´re free to live as you wish. Can you say the same about women in SA?