Thnx again!
But.... i still have questions....
My understanding while reading is increasing a lot by the explanations. however, when i try to make up sentences of my own, i imdediatly become confused again about which kind to choose when...
back to the:
(ormandan) gelen seslerin dinmesi
the stopping of the coming sounds, if i´m right.
Yes,you are right.
if "gelen sesler" means "coming sounds" does "dinen sesler" also means stopping sounds?
if "seslerin dinmesi" means "stopping of the sounds" does "seslerin gelmesi" also means "coming of the sounds"?
if this is right, i still dont know when to use which one...
Good question. You can know it from the English sentence...(see my previous post about adjective clause)
like when i want to say something like:
My in France living mother, or the in France living of my mother .... (I know, no proper English, but english will take an extra clause here, something like: my mother, who lives in France, ...[rest of sentence])
my mother,who lives in France is an adjective clause(relative clause) English adjective clauses which begin with who and contain a verb always translated in Turkish by using -en/an form of a Turkish verb. (Turkish adjectives always placed before the word that they describe)
Fransa´da yaþayan annem = my mother,who lives in France
Here are two more examples:
Gitar çalabilen bir kýz tanýyorum = I know a girl who can play guitar
Film yýldýzýna benzeyen bir kýz gördüm = I saw a girl who looked like a movie star
can I say:
annemin Fransada yaþamasý ?
and also:
Fransada yaþayan annem ?
or even:
annemin Fransada yaþadýðý ?
Are all three of this frgaments proper Turkish? (But maybe used in different situations) or are they wrong?
No, they are not wrong.
If they´re right can you (anybody
) show me examples with its use?
Here are the examples:
annemin Fransa´da yaþamasý için haklý nedenleri var = my mother has good reasons to live in France
annemin Fransa´da yaþadýðý kaza ... = the accident my mother had in France