
Present Continious Tense III - Negative Form



We do this with "-ma" suffix but it changes form for the sound harmony and easier pronunciation. We put "-ma" suffix between verb stem and -yor suffix. Let´s see the principle:


1) If last vowel of verb stem is "a or ı" , use "-mı" as connection vowel,


2) If last vowel of verb stem is "e or i" , use "-mi" as connection vowel,


3) If last vowel of verb stem is "u or o", use "-mu" as connection vowel,


4) If last vowel of verb stem is "ü or ö" , use "-mü" as connection vowel.


This is the explanation of this principle. But there is an easier way, actually it is a short way. Do you remember the "connection vowels" between verb stem and -yor? Just put "m" letter between verb stem and connection vowel. Let´s see:


Yap + ı + yor : He, she, it is doing.


Yap + mı + yor : He, she, it is NOT doing.


Gör + ü + yor + um : I am seeing.


Gör + mü + yor + um : I am NOT seeing.


By the short way:



Yapıyorum > Yapmıyorum (I am doing / I am NOT doing)



Biliyorsunuz > Bilmiyorsunuz (You know / You don´t know)



Anlatıyoruz > Anlatmıyoruz (We are telling / We are not telling)


It is very easy as you see.



turkishcobra //


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