
-lik - 2

beş (five)

dakika (minutes)

şarkı (song)


beş dakika... şarkı 

beş dakikalık şarkı (the song for five minutes) (direct: the song that plays for five minutes)


birkaç (a few)

(1work, 2job, 3deed)


birkaç dakikalık iş (the deed for a few minutes) (direct: the deed that takes a few months)


iki (two)

hafta (week)

gezi (1journey, 2trip)


iki hafta... gezi

iki haftalık gezi (the trip for two weeks) (direct: the trip that takes two weeks)


tur (1tour, 2lap)

yarış (race)


kırk yedi tur... yarış

kırk yedi turluk yarış (the race for forty seven laps)


yıl, sene (year)

ağaç (tree)


yüz on yıl... ağaç

yüz on yıllık ağaç (the hundred and ten years-old tree) (the tree for hundred and ten years)


Let´s start to make sentences, I´ve got bored of writing just adjectival clauses.


saat (1hour, 2clock, 3watch)

film (movie)


iki saat+lik-------------------------->iki saatlik (for two hours)


Film iki saatlikti. (The movie was taking two hours. / The movie was for two hours.)


asır, yüz yıl (century)

imparator (emperor)


dokuz yüz yıl (nine centuries, nine hundred years)

dokuz yüz yıllık (for nine centuries)

imparator+lik------------------------>imparatorluk (empire)


Osmanlı İmparatorluğu, dokuz yüz yıllık bir imparatorluktu. (The Ottoman Empire was an empire for nine centuries.)
