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Turkish Class Forums / Turkey


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Dating the Turkish
1.       horsesare666es
7 posts
 09 Dec 2006 Sat 03:47 am

I'm very interested in a turkish man who recently came over to America. I'm close friends with a few other turks. He recently asked the oldest of them permission to date me, following what i assume typical turkish social requirments. My parents claim that it is turkish tradition for the girl to be chaparoned. They honestly think he would respect me more. I'm almost 17 and he is 17 as well. It's not a matter of trust, they honestly think he'd respect me more. Is this typical? Should i accept it? Or talk them out of it? Would it be a "culture shock" for him??

2.       sea-sun-air
0 posts
 09 Dec 2006 Sat 06:11 pm

hello..ıts not my business but after reading this topics..ı want to say only this...ıts soo younger age..ın 17 ıs not true point to decide the ımportant thing about life..

3.       robyn :D
2640 posts
 09 Dec 2006 Sat 07:01 pm

Quoting horsesare666es:

I'm very interested in a turkish man who recently came over to America. I'm close friends with a few other turks. He recently asked the oldest of them permission to date me, following what i assume typical turkish social requirments. My parents claim that it is turkish tradition for the girl to be chaparoned. They honestly think he would respect me more. I'm almost 17 and he is 17 as well. It's not a matter of trust, they honestly think he'd respect me more. Is this typical? Should i accept it? Or talk them out of it? Would it be a "culture shock" for him??

i think it should matter more whether or not u feel comfortable or uncomfortable being chaperoned, whether turkish people do it or not wouldn't be the issue for me, chaperoning is or isnt the norm in turkey i don't know but either way i doubt the boy would take offence, he lives in america remember so may well be prepared for differences in the way things are done..

4.       lodgepole_pine
1 posts
 10 Dec 2006 Sun 08:19 am

I also have met a Turkish guy who came over to the Americas. It is a wonderful thing to learn of other cultures, and to get to know other people. Just know that you don't have to make any final decisions, especially at the age that you are. Don't cut yourself short! There are going to be many differences, but bridges are built all the time. Oh be wise.

5.       aenigma x
0 posts
 10 Dec 2006 Sun 10:23 am

Am I missing something in the original post!? You are all advising her to "not make final decisions" etc. - she is only talking about dating this guy no? She is not talking about marrying him or anything?! She sounds pretty sensible to me - I hope some Turks answer this question

Go girl!

6.       robyn :D
2640 posts
 10 Dec 2006 Sun 09:09 pm

Quoting aenigma x:

Am I missing something in the original post!? You are all advising her to "not make final decisions" etc. - she is only talking about dating this guy no? She is not talking about marrying him or anything?! She sounds pretty sensible to me - I hope some Turks answer this question

Go girl!

don't think i advised her that at all...and a turkish person did answer the question..sea sun air

7.       aenigma x
0 posts
 11 Dec 2006 Mon 12:28 am

Quoting robyn :

don't think i advised her that at all...and a turkish person did answer the question..sea sun air

Yeah sorry, I didn't read yours! . And i dont think sun-sea-air DID answer the question

8.       horsesare666es
7 posts
 11 Dec 2006 Mon 03:14 am

Ah..I posted this... I don't know if I can add anything so I'm just replying to my own post haha. Thanks so much and it's not anything serious, just dating him and getting to know him. Thanks!

9.       sweet.kane
104 posts
 13 Dec 2006 Wed 10:33 am

aenigma x is right. You are not marrying this person. Don't be afraid of a new experience, just learn from them.

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