Yeni Mosque is located in Eminönü Square next to the Egyptian Spice Bazaar. It is at the center of a complex and has a striking place in the skyline of İstanbul. Construction of the mosque was started in honour of Sultan Mehmed III's mother and Sultan Murad III's wife Safiye Sultan in 1597. The architect, Architect Davud Ağa, began working on the design of the mosque until Dalgıç Ahmed Ağa took over after 1598. The mosque was only half-finished when Sultan Ahmed I came to the throne.
It was abandoned for nearly fifty years, during which the houses of the Jewish community surrounding it become so numerous that it was referred to as "Zulmiyye" or "the wronged". Construction began again at the initiative of Sultan Mehmed IV's mother, Hatice Turhan Sultan, in 1661. It was completed in 1663, with Mustafa Ağa as the architect.
The complex contained a mosque, a primary school, fountains, the summer house of the sovereign and a mausoleum. All but the primary school are standing today. Due to the widening of roads around the mosque the outer courtyard was removed. On the side of the Egyptian Bazaar is an inner courtyard containing 18 pillars, 21 domes, three doors and a beautiful reservoir for ablutions. The area for late-arriving worshippers has eight pillars, nine domes and is covered with glazed tiles up to the base of the windows on the second floor. Above the windows can be seen the calligraphy of Hattat Tenekecizade Mustafa Çelebi. To the left and right are two minarets each with three galleries. The mosque is entered by a flight of steps through three separate doors. It has a square plan. The main dome rests on four half-domes as well as four arches and four elephant feet decorated with glazed tiles. There are a total of 66 domes, including four in the corners and those on the side of the mausoleum and bridge, which are surrounded by columns. The mosque niche and pulpit are made of white marble, and the left of the niche is decorated with a mosaic of gems. The summer house is said to have been built for Turhan Sultan and is a striking structure exhibiting all the characteristic of a classic Turkish house. It was positioned in such a way as to ensure one of the finest panoramic views in the city. The structure has a living room, or salon; and three other rooms. The walls are covered with valuable İznik glazed tiles. The woodwork is inlaid with ivory and mother-of-pearl. It was used as a storeroom until 1948, restored between 1948-1966 and opened as a museum in 1967.
The complex includes the mausoleum of Hatice Turhan Sultan, in which five sultans and a large number of royalty make up the largest burial site of the bloodline of the Ottomans. Besides Hatice Turhan Sultan, there are the graves of Sultan Mehmed IV, Sultan Osman III, Sultan Mustafa II, Sultan Ahmed III and Sultan Mahmud I. The dome which covers the mausoleum has a diameter of more than 15 meters.