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Books about Turkey history and society
1.       Elisa
0 posts
 10 Dec 2006 Sun 10:12 pm

I'm looking for a biography about Atatürk and came across this book: Atatürk: The Biography of the founder of Modern Turkey by Andrew Mango. Has anyone here read this book?
I'm curious about other titles as well: The Turks Today, also by Andrew Mango, and Crescent and Star: Turkey Between Two Worlds, by Stephen Kinzer.

I'd appreciate your opinions and suggestions

2.       ramayan
2633 posts
 10 Dec 2006 Sun 11:45 pm

ouh yes i did the biography...ATATURK...its translated into turkish as ''wolf'' and its really good point of view and different observation...and i realy loved it..

its not like the turkish originated books about ataturk..and it also enlighten the readers about turks...and i always prefer to learn about turks as a turk from the foreign authors..bcos they can observe,examine us better than or own authors and historians..this is not always true but at least mango did it good...

im gonna read his other works too...

note: some parts of his book is removed by a court verdict and they found those parts not proper for turkish readers...

3.       Elisa
0 posts
 11 Dec 2006 Mon 10:57 am

Quoting ramayan:

note: some parts of his book is removed by a court verdict and they found those parts not proper for turkish readers...

Thanks Ramayan!
I read that he almost doesn't mention anything about the Armenian issue for example, are those the parts that were removed?

4.       aenigma x
0 posts
 11 Dec 2006 Mon 12:07 pm

I recently read Crescent and Star: Turkey Between Two Worlds by Stephen Kinzer. The author is American but has such a passion for Turkey. Alongside the facts are lovely anecdotes of his four year stay Turkey. I really enjoyed it as a concise history of Turkish politics

5.       gezbelle
1542 posts
 12 Dec 2006 Tue 07:12 am

hmmmm...interesting...thanks guys, i might have a look at these books...

6.       kurre
1 posts
 12 Dec 2006 Tue 07:51 am

I read--or think I read; at least I started--the Mango book about four years ago. It is a very large and densely detailed biography. It might not be the best place to start your learning of the man's life.
I have another, smaller biography which I did read, as I see by markings late in the book. Here is a quote from the back cover, written by the editor:

"This concise account of the life and career of Mustafa Kemal Atatürk (1881-1938), the formidable 'founder of modern Turkey', offers a substantial revaluation of a key figure in the making of the modern world. At the same time it provides a useful introduction to the origins, character and early history of the republic of Turkey. Incorporating the results of the latest historical research, it is designed for students, scholars and general readers concerned with the history of the Near and Middle East in the twentieth century and the history of Europe in the age of the dictators."

I guess some could quibble with the "dictators" bit. But let's face it . . . .

Anyway, the book is: "Atatürk" by A.L. Macfie. Longman [publisher], London and New York, 1994. ISBN 0-582-07863-6 (paper).

7.       Elisa
0 posts
 13 Dec 2006 Wed 11:29 am

Quoting kurre:

I read--or think I read; at least I started--the Mango book about four years ago. It is a very large and densely detailed biography. It might not be the best place to start your learning of the man's life.

Thank your very much for your advice kurre!

8.       ramayan
2633 posts
 13 Dec 2006 Wed 12:50 pm

Quoting aenigma x:

history of Turkish politics

not surprised here hehe poitics?

9.       aenigma x
0 posts
 13 Dec 2006 Wed 12:55 pm

Quoting ramayan:

...its translated into turkish as ''wolf'' and its really good point of view ..

Wolf eh? Hehe why does that not surprise me

10.       azade
1606 posts
 13 Dec 2006 Wed 09:29 pm

I have read Atatürk: The Biography of the founder of Modern Turkey by Andrew Mango and I actually found it quite useful. I think it's a good place to start, but only if you're really interested in turkish history.

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