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Turkish Class Forums / Turkey


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Sending mail
1.       katalina
178 posts
 12 Dec 2006 Tue 02:29 am

Can any of our Turkish friends explain how the mailing system works and how long letters normally take to arrive at their destination. My friend posted a letter for me from a small village south-east of Ankara to Trabzon. She took the letter to the post office on Friday 1st December but after checking she was told that didn't leave there until Tuesday 5th. My friend in Trabzon has still not received it. I understand that it has to be collected from the post office as it is not delivered to individual houses like it is in the UK. Have I got this right? Is it normal for a letter to take this long to arrive or is it likely that it has got lost?

Any ideas please?

2.       azade
1606 posts
 12 Dec 2006 Tue 10:34 am

My experience is that the time vary a lot. It depends on how small the turkish city you're sending it to is.

Eg. I've sent a letter from London to Hakkari centrum and it took over a month for it to arrive. From Ankara to Denmark it takes apprx. one week, from Samsun to Denmark maybe 8-9 days, and from Ankara to a town in Alanya (it was delivered to my home) almost two weeks.

You really can't tell how long time it takes but generally you have to wait a lot when you're sending it to small towns.

3.       susie k
1330 posts
 12 Dec 2006 Tue 02:50 pm

4.       deer
166 posts
 12 Dec 2006 Tue 04:10 pm

I have sent three letters of various sizes to Turkey and none have been received as yet - the first was sent over a month ago....

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