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biraz yardım edebilirmisiniz acaba...?
1.       miss_ceyda
2627 posts
 29 Nov 2005 Tue 06:20 pm

hey people... (=

i have recently learnt that if talking about sth. plurally (in turkish...obviosuly...) only part of the sentence has to be spoken as if its plural.

lets take an eg. from that beautiful song:

"yıldızlar tutamaz" meaning, "the stars cant restrain me"
its not, "yıldızlar tutamazlar"... i know this and that would just sound odd anyway... so...

i also think that you can say sth. like:
"o kızlar" meaning, "those girls"
not, "onlar kızlar"... for the same reasons formentioned

so what about "onlar kız"... can that be said too??
it just sounds rather strange to me but i need to learn these little thangs so that i know every single thinggg...

şimdiden çok sağol arkadaşlar...

2.       mltm
3690 posts
 29 Nov 2005 Tue 07:08 pm

There are two kinds of "o", one is for indication and the other is for person.

if it's adjective then:
o (that, those)
bu (this, these)
And if you indicate something plural, then you just put -ler or -lar after the noun like:
o kız (that girl)
o kızlar (those girls).

but if you want to use it like below:
Those are book. Onlar kitap(onlar kitaptır)
Those are girl. Onlar kız. (onlar kızdır)

Onlar can mean also "they"
They are girl. (Onlar kız or onlar kızdır)

Again let me remind you that I'm not a professional. Maybe someone like a teacher can do it better.

3.       miss_ceyda
2627 posts
 29 Nov 2005 Tue 07:10 pm

that really helps cheers

4.       Oguz
18 posts
 29 Nov 2005 Tue 10:35 pm


Meltem, you've really explained the subject very well. But I don't think so there is the rule in Turkish for animals and objects. Check the examples, pls.

- Kediler, kap"lar"daki "bütün" suyu içti / içti"ler"

- Artık iş göremez hale gelmiş hayvan"lar", uçsuz bucaksız çayırlarda kendi baş"lar"ına buyruk dolaşıyordu / dolaşıyor"lar"dı

- Havaların soğumasıyla birlikte, sazlıktaki bütün kuş"lar" göç etti / etti"ler"

- Gökyüzündeki yıldız"lar" öylesine parlıyordu ki / parlıyor"lar"dı ki...

- Masadaki yemek"ler" nefis görünüyordu / görünüyor"lar"dı

Especially, notice to the first quotation marks what incudes

I think that we usually use them to romanticize a story. I'm also not a professional. Just want you to remind


şimdiden çok sağol"un" arkadaş"lar"

"un" appendix informs us that the pronoun should be plural

singular form of the sentence is "şimdiden çok sağol arkadaşım "

"şimdiden çok sağol arkadaş" > Grammer is correct. But we don't usually say it because of the sound is not so good. Also, "arkadaşım" is more warm than "arkadaş"

These are also possible;

Şimdiden çok sağolun > for plural or respecting for singular pronoun

Şimdiden çok sağol > for singular pronoun

The most simple form is "şimdiden (çok) teşekkürler"

You can use this for singular and plural pronoun. Because it doesn't include a pronoun

5.       miss_ceyda
2627 posts
 30 Nov 2005 Wed 04:02 pm

cok tsk. ederim... im just printing those both out

6.       salukvadze
82 posts
 30 Nov 2005 Wed 05:58 pm

7.       mltm
3690 posts
 30 Nov 2005 Wed 07:08 pm

Yes oğuz, you're riht. When I read your sentences, I found them logical and we do use -ler, -lar with animals and objects, but I'm still not very happy because sometimes it sounds very absurd. It's a feeling that a native speaker feels when to use and not to use, but I don't know how to explain it yet, so I'll try to find sn explanation. :=)

(and I deleted the parts of my wrong information in my previous post)

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