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Turkish Class Forums / Living - working in Turkey

Living - working in Turkey

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Moderators: libralady, sonunda
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1.       smiley
541 posts
 11 Jun 2007 Mon 03:11 am

Hi,I am trying to compile a list of countries that my turkish friend could visit without the hassle of applying for visas. So far, I manage to find 3, (Malaysia, Thailand, Macau. Can anyone else help?

2.       dockit
83 posts
 11 Jun 2007 Mon 06:19 am

Not many, I am afraid

3.       fcs
253 posts
 11 Jun 2007 Mon 07:22 am

Quoting smiley:

Hi,I am trying to compile a list of countries that my turkish friend could visit without the hassle of applying for visas. So far, I manage to find 3, (Malaysia, Thailand, Macau. Can anyone else help?

bosnia and herzegovina, crotia, macedonia, tunisia, malta, san marino, vatican, kktc, kenya, trinidad-tobago...

btw, as i know for most of the countries in south america expect peru and paraguay visa not necessarry for turkish citizens. argentina, brazil, chili, kosta rica, uruguay, colombia etc.

4.       smiley
541 posts
 11 Jun 2007 Mon 10:32 am

Add Singapore as well. What does kktc stands for? Thanks.

5.       fcs
253 posts
 11 Jun 2007 Mon 10:53 am

Quoting smiley:

Add Singapore as well. What does kktc stands for? Thanks.


6.       SunFlowerSeed
841 posts
 11 Jun 2007 Mon 11:43 am

Korea (South)
--------------IN TURKISH------------------
Taşıdığı pasaport türü (diplomatik, hizmet, hususi ve umuma mahsus) ne olursa olsun Türk vatandaşları şu ülkelere vize almadan gidebiliyor: ''Arnavutluk, Bahamalar, Barbados, Belize, Bolivya, Bosna Hersek, Dominika, Ekvador, El Salvador, Fas, Filipinler, Gambiya, Guatemala, Hırvatistan, Honduras, Hong Kong, Jamaika, Japonya, Kazakistan, KKTC, Kolombiya, Güney Kore, Kosta Rika, Makedonya, Maldivler, Malezya, Nikaragua, St. Lucia, San Marino, Singapur, Solomon Adaları, Sri Lanka, Svaziland, Şili, Tayland, Trinidad Tobago, Tunus, Tuvalu, Uruguay, Vatikan.''

İster diplomatik isterse normal pasaport olsun her türlü pasaport hamili Türk vatandaşlarına vize uygulayan ülkeler ise şÃ¶yle sıralanıyor:
''Afganistan, ABD, Angola, Antigua-Barbuda, Avustralya, Benin,
Butan, Birleşik Arap Emirlikleri, Brunei, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cape
Verde, Cibuti, Çad, Dominik Cumhuriyeti, Ekvator Ginesi, Eritre,
Ermenistan, Etiyopya, Fildişi Sahili, Gabon, Gana, Gine, Guyana,
Haiti, Hindistan, Irak, İngiltere, İrlanda, Kamboçya, Kamerun, Kanada,
Katar, Kıbrıs Rum kesimi, Komor, Kongo, Demokratik Kongo Cumhuriyeti, Kuzey Kore, Kuveyt, Laos, Lesotho, Liberya, Libya, Lübnan, Madagaskar, Malavi, Mali, Malta, Moritanya, Mozambik, Myanmar, Namibya, Nauru, Nepal, Nijer, Nijerya, Orta Afrika Cumhuriyeti, Panama, Papua Yeni Gine, Paraguay, Ruanda, St. Christopher Nevis, St. Vincent Grenadines, Sao Tome Principe, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Somali, Sudan, Surinam, Suriye, Suudi Arabistan, Tanzanya, Tayvan, Togo, Uganda, Ãœrdün, Vanuatu, Yeni Zelanda, Zambiya, Zimbabve.''

Bu iki ana kategorinin dışında kalan ülkelerin Türk vatandaşları için öngördüğü vize uygulamaları ise çeşitlilik gösteriyor. Almanya, Avusturya, Azerbaycan, Çin, İsrail, Küba, İsviçre, İtalya, İsveç gibi bazı ülkeler umuma mahsus pasaport sahiplerinden vize isterken, diplomatik, hizmet ve hususi pasaport hamili Türk vatandaşlarına ya hiç vize şartı getirmiyor ya da belli bir süreden sonra ikamet edecek olanlardan vize istiyor.

Ministry of Foreign Affairs (In Turkish)
Dışişleri Bakanlığı Vize Bilgileri

7.       iHeartCrouchy
74 posts
 11 Jun 2007 Mon 12:39 pm

Quoting smiley:

Hi,I am trying to compile a list of countries that my turkish friend could visit without the hassle of applying for visas. So far, I manage to find 3, (Malaysia, Thailand, Macau. Can anyone else help?

so can Macau ppl visit Turkey without applying for visa?

8.       smiley
541 posts
 11 Jun 2007 Mon 08:59 pm

Sunflowerseed, You're a * star! Thank you very much for the list, which is so helpful.

9.       SunFlowerSeed
841 posts
 12 Jun 2007 Tue 02:05 am

Quoting iHeartCrouchy:

so can Macau ppl visit Turkey without applying for visa?

It doesn't mean that anybody from a country which doesn't apply visas to your country's citizens can visit your country without visa. Ask your local governor or check ministry of foreign affairs web site, if they publish such information. (99.99% they do)

10.       Chantal
587 posts
 12 Jun 2007 Tue 09:28 am

I think there's no country at all where you don't need a via for Turkey. Luckily most countries can just go to Turkey, pay 10 euros and get their visa . Just check google, I had to figure it out for a friend of mine not too long ago, and it's not hard to find!

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