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To the "CLASSMATES"!! MY MANIFESTO!! if you dare!!
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16 Jun 2005 Thu 12:59 am |
This is my manifesto to the "classmates" who REALLY DONT WANT ME HERE!
Today I had an unfortunate event.
Let me tell you the story:
When I came here,I saw three people "chatting" each other,using swearwords and making rude things toward each other.
I entered the chat room and tried to fend them off...
Later I began to use swearwords too,unwillingly,because they were swearing me and they had no desire to leave our pretty site(I think I censored my words,they didn't!).After a tough arguement,I succeeded to throw them out from here.
unfortunately a "spy" was watching us.
I dont know who is him/her,but he/she seems that he/she have read our conversations and told them to one of our classmates,with an unrealistic way,as I know.Later we argued about that plot with our classmate,sometimes violently.He said that "spy" have accused me for using swearwords and disturbing the other classmates.
Now I just want TWO things from the class!
First:I know some people hate me here,and I really dont know why.
If the people who hate me write from private,we can argue there.If he/she is willing to argue "rudely",here is not the place,but I can GLADLY give my G-mail address to them...
(If they are so fool and ignorant to use swearwords)
Secondly:That "spy" like person knows him/herself of course....
If he/she dares to face me,then fine...
I am ready to face them off!!!
I swear we will speak as cizilized people and try to solve the problem.Unless he/she wants so...
Thats all...Thanks for your patience to read this....
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16 Jun 2005 Thu 03:12 am |
Oooohhh Attila,
You sound very upset and angry! First of all I have to say that I'm sure that no one hates you on this site and i hope everyone will also say this to you.
Secondly I want to say that I saw you arguing with these rude idiots today. I went on the site when i got home from work this evening and saw the whole thing. I think you did very well trying to 'defend' our pretty site from their foul language and moronic words. I did also notice that you used an English swear word yourself, but frankly who can blame you? They were really not the sort of people we like here. I don't know if they are regular users, but I didn't recognise them. I might have sworn at them myself, they made me angry too.
Don't worry Attila, I saw what they said and I saw what you said and I think 'BRAVO ATTILA' for trying to keep these idiots out. I don't know who criticised you for your efforts, but I think whoever it was, must have been misinformed by the 'spy' you are talking about. I am thinking perhaps the 'spy' does not speak good English and maybe did not understand what was happening and what you were saying - maybe the 'spy' is not a spy, but someone who meant well, but didn't understand. Well I'm just trying to be a peacemaker here. Hope you feel better about all this now.
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16 Jun 2005 Thu 03:23 am |
Actually,I was very upset....
We were just about to fight with the guy who was informed by the spy.Yeah that guy surely didn't understand what was going on.
He probably doesn't know english,and try to PUMP some rocketous people with his false understanding....
Oh,I am sorry,I overreacted again....
Well I feel calm now...
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16 Jun 2005 Thu 05:02 am |
Sadece korkaklar saklanır...Tipik korkak davranışlarına başka bir örneği daha yaşıyoruz nacizane TC öğrencileri...
Palto delikanlıları(siber delikanlı çok fazla şu modern zamanlarda.Eh,tabi ki monitörün arkasından laf söylemek,ahkam kesmek hatta utanmadan "dayılık" yapmak çooook kolay iştir.
Ama monitörün arkasından da olsa hala çıkıpta "ben yaptım ulen" diyebilecek bir babayiğide rastlamanın da bu kadar zor olacağını hayal bile edemezdim.
Ki üstelik adam gibi,insan gibi konuşaraktan sorunlarımızı haledeceğiz dediğimiz halde.
Eeeh ne diyelim...tüfeng değil de bilgisayarmış mertliği bozan...
(sorry for this Turkish message,but the person/people who are the potential suspects to me are unfortunately Turks I think...Though as I said "I think")
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16 Jun 2005 Thu 05:16 am |
Yani anlamak istediğim şey ne derdi varmış,ne tasası varmış benimle...sadece bu...Ha yok bu nefret edemez anlamına mı geliyor? yo,kesinlikle;ki zaten öle bişey demeye hakkımız yoktur.Gerek hukuken gerek vicdanen.Ama gelip hakkımda bilimum kafadan sallamalar yapmaya,SAYGISIZLIK etmeye onun da hakkı yoktur sayın öğrenci....
Değil mi?
Ben derim ki bu sorunları,ufak sürtüşmeleri-takışmaları büyümeden çözelim,tekrar kardeş kardeş geçinelim...
Sonu kötü olmamalı hiç bir şeyin...
prensibimiz şudur(ki herkesin prensibi olmalıdır diye de düşÃ¼nüyorum -ki bu DÃœŞÃœNÃœYORUM lafını damarlarında provokatör kanı dolaşan yada kolaycana gaza gelen elemanlar yanlış anlayacak,orası kesin hatta "LAN SEN BİZİM HAKKIMIZDA NASI DÃœŞÃœNÃœRSÃœN" diye IQ su 15 altında bi muhabbete girecekler.ondan korkarım - ):ite it gibi,çakala çakal gibi,aslana aslan gibi,adama adam gibi davranmak!
(Not:burada hiç bi çakallık yada -aşırıya kaçmamak üzere- züppelik yapmadım diye bir iddiam yok,ama size YEMİN ediyorum(LAN SEN NASI YEMİN EDERSİN VAY...!!!gibin bi aptal geyiğine de sebep olabilir bu yemin işi) sadece şaka amaçlıydı ve ASLA VE ASLA KİMSEYİ hedef almadı.aksini kanıtlayacak elemana şimdiden 1000000 YTL garanti ediyorum!)
Neyse arkadaşlar,savaşmak isteyene de,sevişmek isteyene de kapımız her zaman açıktır(VAY EFENDİM AHLAKSIZA BAK diyen ama ne demek istediğimi anlamayan zihniyetin bir lafıdır kendileri)
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16 Jun 2005 Thu 06:17 am |
Thank you, Attila for being brave.I did not see the scene but I can imagine what was going on there.That was exactly what happened to me in the chat room on the first day I came to site.Fortunately there was the other brave "classy" member - duskahvesi - who protected me on time.Thank you guys, being supportive and protective.I appreciate that very much.You prove what friendship is all about on this site.And I think it is all members job here to protect each other and do everything possible to keep clean our pretty site.And please forget about "spy" and forgive him/her.
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16 Jun 2005 Thu 01:39 pm |
bazen ben de 2-3 kişinin küfrettiğini görüyorum ama ben de onlara katılıp küfretmiyorum. Edersem onlara benzerim.. Benzemediğim için etmiyorum..
FArkımız bu..
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16 Jun 2005 Thu 03:39 pm |
dogru! Haklisin!
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16 Jun 2005 Thu 05:01 pm |
napalım yani,bir kaç it kopuk gelsin,millete küfür etsin sonra biz onlara bir şey demeyelim mi?
Yok bunu yapamam arkadaş.
Adminin gelip böyle tiplere karşı bi blok uygulaması lazım
Site çığrından çıkmak üzere.Yakında herkes kaçar buradan.
Bunu da sakın ola çarpıtmayın.
ne muamele gerekiyorsa öyle muamele edecem o tiplere! Sakın karışmayın!
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16 Jun 2005 Thu 06:57 pm |
I think it is a bit mean Attila and duskahvesi that you are posting all in Turkish - forums are for everyone to share!
I could of course translate it myself, but frankly by the time I got through it all, I'd probably have the 'wrong end of the stick' and got 10 years older.
C'mon guys, what are you saying please?