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Verbal Nouns
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10.       bod
5999 posts
 29 Jan 2006 Sun 11:47 pm

Quoting erdinc:

In summary, about foreign languages I would say:
"Don't think, just accept it."

Exactly right.......

The point I am trying to get to with Türkçe is the point where I can understand a concept without having to first translate into English and then try to peice it all together. I am nowhere near there yet - but I am trying my best to "think" conceptually in Türkçe.

11.       Deli_kizin
6376 posts
 30 Jan 2006 Mon 12:04 am

The examples underneath, the nouns 'gülen' etc, aren't they actually like 'participles'?

Quoting erdinc:

gülen polis - laughing policeman
uçan domuz - flying pig
konuşan bebek - talking doll

I switched my phone into Turkish, never understood the words 'gelenler' and 'gidenler' in the section 'mesajlar'. But now i read this thread, i think they are participles meaning:

gidenler: those that go (messages to be sent)
gelenler: those that come (incoming messages)

Can someone tell me if this is right and if the word-examples are participles? That would mean i have covered a new topic of grammar

12.       erdinc
2151 posts
 30 Jan 2006 Mon 12:17 am

Quoting Deli_kizin:

The examples underneath, the nouns 'gülen' etc, aren't they actually like 'participles'?

Quoting erdinc:

gülen polis - laughing policeman
uçan domuz - flying pig
konuşan bebek - talking doll

I switched my phone into Turkish, never understood the words 'gelenler' and 'gidenler' in the section 'mesajlar'. But now i read this thread, i think they are participles meaning:

gidenler: those that go (messages to be sent)
gelenler: those that come (incoming messages)

Can someone tell me if this is right and if the word-examples are participles? That would mean i have covered a new topic of grammar

Yes. You understood it perfectly. A verbal adjective is a participle while a verbal adverb is called gerund. A few times, also in my above post, I used the term participle for verbal adjectives.

giden mesajlar : outgoing messages
gelen mesajlar : incoming messages

giden yolcu: outgoing passenger
gelen yolcu: incoming passenger

13.       Elisa
0 posts
 30 Jan 2006 Mon 12:23 am

Quoting erdinc:

Quoting Deli_kizin:

The examples underneath, the nouns 'gülen' etc, aren't they actually like 'participles'?

Quoting erdinc:

gülen polis - laughing policeman
uçan domuz - flying pig
konuşan bebek - talking doll

I switched my phone into Turkish, never understood the words 'gelenler' and 'gidenler' in the section 'mesajlar'. But now i read this thread, i think they are participles meaning:

gidenler: those that go (messages to be sent)
gelenler: those that come (incoming messages)

Can someone tell me if this is right and if the word-examples are participles? That would mean i have covered a new topic of grammar

Yes. You understood it perfectly.

Woww!! deli_kizin, you're a genius! Your simple example caused a kind of "click" in my head too!

Seni akıllı seni!

14.       Deli_kizin
6376 posts
 30 Jan 2006 Mon 12:23 am

Thanks! But Ohh lpease dont mention gerunds.. we have them with Latin-class all the time and i cannot remember the last time i did it correctly!

I'm glad i understood this though

I didnt read the whole thread yet, I'm gonna copy it to word and print it, because it looks very useful. The best thing about the forum-questioning is, that everyone is thinkign actively about the topic and helpign eachother. You also learn from the questions someone else asked

15.       Deli_kizin
6376 posts
 30 Jan 2006 Mon 12:26 am

Quoting Elisa:

Woww!! deli_kizin, you're a genius! Your simple example caused a kind of "click" in my head too!

Seni akıllı seni!

Well thanks I couldnt find those words in the dictionary.. but now that i suddenly realised it, it's normal.. 'uitgaande' wouldnt be in the Dutch dictionary either!

I'm glad i could enlighten you too, though

16.       Elisa
0 posts
 30 Jan 2006 Mon 12:31 am

Quoting Deli_kizin:

I didnt read the whole thread yet, I'm gonna copy it to word and print it, because it looks very useful. The best thing about the forum-questioning is, that everyone is thinkign actively about the topic and helpign eachother. You also learn from the questions someone else asked

Well, I bookmark some threads. When someone adds a post, it's still up to date, which wouldn't be the case with a Word-document.
Try keeping up with the Mastar Hali thread for example, you could be busy copying and pasting every day and all day

17.       Deli_kizin
6376 posts
 30 Jan 2006 Mon 12:34 am

yeah exactly!! That's one i already had my eye upon! (this was 'englishizing' a dutch sayign )

You are right about the bookmarking. But some (most) of my classes are extremely boring, and im getting kinda bored of reading the turkish dictionary all the time and making wordlists that i never get to study by heart anyways, so i thought i might try reading some of those I prefer to read printed papers over internetpages anyhoo.

But I'll definitely start bookmarking them too, good idea!

18.       bod
5999 posts
 30 Jan 2006 Mon 02:07 pm

Quoting Deli_kizin:

Thanks! But Ohh lpease dont mention gerunds.. we have them with Latin-class all the time and i cannot remember the last time i did it correctly!

My book on Turkish grammar says that Turkish gerunds are nothing like Latin gerunds.......so you have some hope of understanding them

19.       bod
5999 posts
 28 Feb 2006 Tue 12:19 am

Bu gece uçan köpeğimiz oldu......

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