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Broadband with computer - telephone anywhere in World ?
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29 Jun 2005 Wed 11:20 pm |
Can anyone tell me something if you are on B.T. Broadband you can speak to anywhere in the world with computer and it doesn't cost anything??
If anyone knows please share information.
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29 Jun 2005 Wed 11:56 pm |
Hi Angela
You should download Skype (, make sure you have a good microphone, and you're all set!
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30 Jun 2005 Thu 12:09 am |
Thankyou Elisa, I wasn't sure whether it was skype; I believe there is another one. I should have the information somewhere?
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30 Jun 2005 Thu 05:55 pm |
Hi Elisa and everyone to share info:
I have just bought a microphone, so will download to Skype.
There is a new telephone which you need to buy and fits in computer and one can ring anywhere in the world free of charge. Telephone is about £25 - £35 English pounds.
5. |
30 Jun 2005 Thu 07:44 pm |
Have downloaded Skype to computer,
I'm not sure where to go from here and how to use it.
Can someone give me some help please.