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Feminist Bookstore in Istanbul
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40.       Aslan
1070 posts
 08 Jan 2008 Tue 07:54 pm

Alpha F, tell me you are just kidding! :-S

I think you love strong feminist women!

41.       AlphaF
5677 posts
 08 Jan 2008 Tue 08:02 pm

I may, but not necessarily....

42.       AlphaF
5677 posts
 08 Jan 2008 Tue 08:05 pm

I honestly think that women who hit the streets screaming for equality with men are the retarded ones - not aware of their natural superiority and not smart enough to manage men around them, using this gift of nature.

If you stop using the words "women"and "feminist" as if they are the same, you will understand what I mean...

43.       Aslan
1070 posts
 08 Jan 2008 Tue 08:09 pm

...you disappoint me, Alpha F...

44.       xkirstyx
363 posts
 08 Jan 2008 Tue 08:10 pm

Quoting AlphaF:

I honestly think that women who hit the streets screaming for equality with men are the retarded ones - not aware of their natural superiority and not smart enough to manage men around them, using this gift of nature.

retarded ones?? Did you honestly just say that?!? You think that women and men all have equal rights? And the only women who have a problem with it are not able to 'manage' men?!?! WOW. This HAS to be a sarcastic post!

45.       alameda
3499 posts
 08 Jan 2008 Tue 08:33 pm

I have very mixed feelings regarding current day "femminism". I feel real feminism has been lost in the march.

Women who want to do traditional female roles, such as: being homemakers are made fun of. Women who want to spend time with their children, instead of pursueing careers are looked down on. Children are raised by those who do it for profit, not deeper motives. What we have now are ready made meals that are not made for their nutritional value, but for the profit motive.

Something is wrong here IMHO. Just what does it mean to be a woman? I have no question as to the equality of males and females. I do think this is going terribly wrong now.

It is interesting to note, some of the most influential women in the 20th century were women who were opposed to femminism. They are: Gertrude Bell and Freya Stark

Edited to add another influential woman:

Role of La Malinche in the Conquest of Mexico

In the Lienzo de Tlaxcala (History of Tlaxcala), for example, not only is Cortés rarely portrayed without Malinche poised by his ear, but she is shown at times on her own, seemingly directing events as an independent authority. If she had been trained for court life, as in Díaz's account, her loyalty to Cortés may have been dictated by the familiar pattern of marriage among native elite classes. In the role of primary wife acquired through an alliance, her role would have been to assist her husband achieve his military and diplomatic objectives.

I am, of course, expecting massive flames....

46.       Roswitha
4132 posts
 08 Jan 2008 Tue 09:33 pm

Alameda, nice you bring up Tlaxcala.Old memories for me: Have a look at the historical murals:

47.       kafesteki kus
0 posts
 08 Jan 2008 Tue 09:55 pm

Quoting alameda:

I have very mixed feelings regarding current day "femminism". I feel real feminism has been lost in the march.

Women who want to do traditional female roles, such as: being homemakers are made fun of. Women who want to spend time with their children, instead of pursueing careers are looked down on. Children are raised by those who do it for profit, not deeper motives. What we have now are ready made meals that are not made for their nutritional value, but for the profit motive.

Something is wrong here IMHO. Just what does it mean to be a woman? I have no question as to the equality of males and females. I do think this is going terribly wrong now.

It is interesting to note, some of the most influential women in the 20th century were women who were opposed to femminism. They are: Gertrude Bell and Freya Stark

Edited to add another influential woman:

Role of La Malinche in the Conquest of Mexico

In the Lienzo de Tlaxcala (History of Tlaxcala), for example, not only is Cortés rarely portrayed without Malinche poised by his ear, but she is shown at times on her own, seemingly directing events as an independent authority. If she had been trained for court life, as in Díaz's account, her loyalty to Cortés may have been dictated by the familiar pattern of marriage among native elite classes. In the role of primary wife acquired through an alliance, her role would have been to assist her husband achieve his military and diplomatic objectives.

I am, of course, expecting massive flames....

I wouldn´t say that women who prefer being housewives are being laughed at.Feminism today definately changes its direction..no more burning bras or fighting for a right to vote,or just only to be heard.It considers more social issues and awareness .Or gives prompts how to demand rights.Rights to decide about your own lot,your choices ,your life.
Personally,although I tend to support feminist`s way of thinking ...do not worry(I do not hate men)I wouldn´t like an equality as far as performing jobs goes.Such equality as it used to be in former Soviet Union where women worked as miners,tractor drivers,etc..in the name of happy comunism and brotherhood of all.In that case..thank you)))
no way...I can forget equality
But as far my social rights go,I will stand for them.
Any women can be happy the way she is...if she is happy by herself not because of the role she has been given.
And of course I agree that there were so many women¨the necks¨assisting and supporting their men .BTW Cortez was not handsome and not good at all,so a woman from your example Alameda has my respect )))
Anyway,instead of preparing classes and concentrating on the past tenses I am writing about feminism.If my boss fires me....
no flames
just smile for another woman who dares to speak up her mind)))))

48.       Aslan
1070 posts
 08 Jan 2008 Tue 09:58 pm

Quoting alameda:

I have very mixed feelings regarding current day "femminism". I feel real feminism has been lost in the march.

Is that so? Well, what is real feminism to you?

Quoting alameda:

Women who want to do traditional female roles, such as: being homemakers are made fun of. Women who want to spend time with their children, instead of pursueing careers are looked down on. Children are raised by those who do it for profit, not deeper motives. What we have now are ready made meals that are not made for their nutritional value, but for the profit motive.

Something is wrong here IMHO. Just what does it mean to be a woman? I have no question as to the equality of males and females. I do think this is going terribly wrong now.

So what is the solution to what is going terribly wrong now in your opinion? Equality of males and females or the women back to being homemakers, raising kids and cooking? I am not arguing with you here - I try to understand what is your point... :-S

49.       kafesteki kus
0 posts
 08 Jan 2008 Tue 10:03 pm

Quoting Aslan:

Quoting alameda:

I have very mixed feelings regarding current day "femminism". I feel real feminism has been lost in the march.

Is that so? Well, what is real feminism to you?

Quoting alameda:

Women who want to do traditional female roles, such as: being homemakers are made fun of. Women who want to spend time with their children, instead of pursueing careers are looked down on. Children are raised by those who do it for profit, not deeper motives. What we have now are ready made meals that are not made for their nutritional value, but for the profit motive.

Something is wrong here IMHO. Just what does it mean to be a woman? I have no question as to the equality of males and females. I do think this is going terribly wrong now.

So what is the solution to what is going terribly wrong now in your opinion? Equality of males and females or the women back to being homemakers, raising kids and cooking? I am not arguing with you here - I try to understand what is your point... :-S

so do I..I really try to understand

50.       xkirstyx
363 posts
 08 Jan 2008 Tue 10:20 pm

I think the point being made is that it hasn't really balanced out in certain areas. We own 5 shops, my husband and I. Altough the businesses are owned 50/50, He does the more physical work in the shops, while I do the books etc at home. I prefer to be home keeping the house nice and looking after my son. So many people think I am being made to stay at home because my husband is Turkish. Or that I am not really 'meeting my potential' by working more at home. When actually, I feel I am. I shouldn't be made to feel like I'm 'copping out' because I chose to stay home. The point of having equal rights is so that we do have choices isn't it?

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