Travelling to Turkey |
British consulate Istanbul
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24 Jan 2008 Thu 10:19 pm |
Hello everyone,
I am very unhappy that my fiancée’s sister and nephew have not heard about their visa to visit the U.K. to witness our wedding, we have waited now nearly three weeks. They both filled in an online application with my help because all of the application form has to be in the English language.
We are able to track the application online and after nearly three weeks the 'status' is awaiting at mission, which basically means they have not done a thing about it. This is totally unacceptable and I am going to make a complaint, they only have one day left to be accepted or otherwise they cannot come to our wedding. I understood that they have to make a decision and either warrant a refusal or grant the visitor's visa's. They have done neither and I am sure this is going to go further. I will go straight to my M.P. but furthermore I will go higher than just my local M.P. I think that the television should be informed of this practice as we have all tried to contact the consulate by person, several phone calls and countless e-mails all to no avail they simply to not reply.
This process really is so hard going, we as the U.K. let in so many illegal immigrants and then we complain about it later when the influx has totally got out of control. I want my M.P. to explain to my fiancée’s sister and nephew why they had to miss their relatives wedding, I am so angry that this will go as far as I can take it.
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24 Jan 2008 Thu 10:21 pm |
I am so sorry to hear it Rich
I would take immediate action - bang on your MPs (or MEP's) door, if necessary. It does seem very unfair
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24 Jan 2008 Thu 10:23 pm |
Quoting AEnigma III: I am so sorry to hear it Rich
I would take immediate action - bang on your MPs (or MEP's) door, if necessary. It does seem very unfair  |
Hi dear,
Yes we are all very upset we did think that three weeks grace would be enough time for them to actually reach a decision either way at least. They are actually very hard to contact and very unresponsive. Thanks for your support
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24 Jan 2008 Thu 10:24 pm |
Sorry to hear that. Sounds like the US. I have been waiting 6 months for a passport .. with no end in site .. last update was october 20th. go figure ..
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24 Jan 2008 Thu 10:27 pm |
Quoting Leelu: Sorry to hear that. Sounds like the US. I have been waiting 6 months for a passport .. with no end in site .. last update was october 20th. go figure .. |
I am sorry to hear that Leelu, the thing that really annoys me is that they should reach a decision either way and let them know, it is the decent thing their plans and their life's are on hold until they can reach a decision.
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24 Jan 2008 Thu 10:27 pm |
I'm sorry for the news and I am sure it's quite disappointing but even if it doesn't work out for them to come, don't let it affect the happiness you should be enjoying right are getting married!!!
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24 Jan 2008 Thu 10:29 pm |
Quoting girleegirl: are getting married!!! |
There is still time to change your mind Rich!
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24 Jan 2008 Thu 10:29 pm |
Quoting Loveprague: very hard to contact and very unresponsive. Thanks for your support |
Sounds like a guy I used to date....
anyway, I had to email/call/and otherwise stalk my state represtative to get things done for my husband. Hoping it all works out for you Rich. I know what it feels like to marry someone in a foreign country with no family around. None of my family could make it to Turkey for my thoughts will be with Nesrin...but I am sure it will all work out.
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24 Jan 2008 Thu 10:30 pm |
Quoting girleegirl: I'm sorry for the news and I am sure it's quite disappointing but even if it doesn't work out for them to come, don't let it affect the happiness you should be enjoying right are getting married!!! |
Thanks girleegirl,
I know we should look for the both of us to enjoy our day, the trouble with me is I always put others first, her sister was to be a bridesmaid and her nephew was going to have the honour of giving my fiancee away, they really do not care that people's lives will be greatly affected by their idleness!
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24 Jan 2008 Thu 10:31 pm |
Quoting Elisabeth: Quoting Loveprague: very hard to contact and very unresponsive. Thanks for your support |
Sounds like a guy I used to date.... |
Hehehe you always make me laugh