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Which Turkish name do u like best?
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20.       duskahvesi
858 posts
 08 Jul 2005 Fri 12:56 pm

asuman which means sky
furkan which meana to seperate right and wrong thins..

21.       elfod
12 posts
 08 Jul 2005 Fri 10:13 pm

Thank you Ela.I will make a note of that for him

22.       Rachael
10 posts
 10 Jul 2005 Sun 05:57 pm

I like Kamile for a girl which means perfect, complete and i like Halim for a boy which means mild, gentle

23.       MCO
64 posts
 12 Jul 2005 Tue 04:38 pm


Here are the meanings of names that you wanted to know,

1-(Arabic) coming together
2-(Persian) Ruler,emperor, king
3-(Persian) The man who made the first wine

(Arabic) Person who recreated the religion

(Persian) Fabolus,magnificent, majestic

(Arabic+Turkish) Noble, member of a khans generation

I found the most popular names among turkish citizens, all ten names are from arabic and religious,

1-Mehmet (Turkish saying of Muhammed, means praised) 2.826.306 people
2-Mustafa (The other name of the prophet, means selected,chosen) 2.087.134 people
3-Ahmet (Same as Mustafa) - 1.734.871 people
4-Ali (Name of the fourth caliph of Islam,who was the son-in-law of Hz.Muhammed , means almighty) 1.674.448 people
5- Hüseyin ( Name of the grandson of Hz.Muhammed,) - 1.345.828 people

1-Fatma (Name of the doughter of Hz.Muhammed who married to Hz.Ali) 4.199.600 people
2- Ayşe (Name of the second wife of Hz.Mumammed, means person living in peace and comfort) 3.184.045 people,
3-Emine (Name of the mother of Hz.Muhammed, means sure,confident) 2.509.480 person
4-Hatice (Name of the first wife of Hz.Muhammed, means early born girl baby) 2.154.569 people
5-Zeynep (Name of the granddoughter of Hz Muhammed, means gem,jevel )1.004.704 people.

Some popular names in 2000's Türkiye are

1- Ege (Agean)
2- Efe (Turkish, (West Anatolian) brave man, gallant)
3- Arda (Turkish, 1-A branch of Meriç river, 2-A staff or baton borne by a sovereign, as a ceremonial badge or emblem of authority; a royal mace, sceptre.

1- Duru (Turkish, means clean, pure)
2- Defne (Greek, means dapnea)
3- Ceren (Turkish, means gazelle, antelope)

24.       bliss
900 posts
 12 Jul 2005 Tue 06:42 pm

Thank you very much!

25.       priapos
9 posts
 12 Jul 2005 Tue 07:35 pm

The best is Kemal i think because it means maturity.Also the mathematics teacher gave the name ''KemaL'' to Mustafa Kemal Ataturk because of his maturity....

26.       elfod
12 posts
 14 Jul 2005 Thu 01:00 am

Thank you for that information on the name Cem.

27.       thomaspaulth
3 posts
 18 Jul 2005 Mon 01:58 am

ARZU - girl's name which means DESIRE - Nice aye??

28.       desire
24 posts
 20 Jul 2005 Wed 02:17 am


29.       erdinc
2151 posts
 21 Jul 2005 Thu 11:29 am

I like these three female names. I think they sound very modern Turkish and maybe because they are related to the Nature, the words and their sounds look pretty much inspiring to me. By double clicking the words you can see the meanings:


30.       bliss
900 posts
 21 Jul 2005 Thu 10:35 pm

I knew the meanings but did not know there are names in Turkish. They are beautiful names, I think.
I have friend, his name is Mayis because he was born on May 1-st; and Gulvard (turkish Gul and armenian Vard. Both parts mean Rose.

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