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... Just overly-friendly??
1.       vernessy
 18 Feb 2006 Sat 03:48 am

I've been making some Turkish friends over MSN. Most of them are great chat friends, but a few - I don't know what to think... They invite me over to their country to meet them and even say that they'll pay for everything. They don't even know me very well apart from a few brief MSN conversations every now and then. Are Turks just extremely friendly people? Or do they have an alterior motive, eg they want a fling, or even a MARRIAGE, with a foreign girl??

2.       libralady
5152 posts
 18 Feb 2006 Sat 02:24 pm

Could be anyone of those. They are generous though. If you have been invited then you are their guest and yes they do pay - but not everything, meals and nights out that sort of thing.

3.       vernessy
 20 Feb 2006 Mon 08:28 am

Well, one of them said he'd actually pay for the ticket. So I said, yeah, send the money over. lol. But then he said after he comes here (Australia) to visit his aunty, him and I would then go to Turkey together, at his expense.


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