ESENBOĞA AIRPORT (Ankara) is nearly one hour away from ÇANKAYA by bus or car or taxi.
The distance is 30 kilometers.
ÇANKAYA is the most important district in the city.
There is always official public “HAVAŞ Bus" and "Municipality Bus=EGO" to Ankara from the airport and to the airport from Ankara (AŞTİ=City Bus Station and other official places).
You can find a lot of hotels from the internet for hotel reservation in ÇANKAYA or near ÇANKAYA.
Check it.
Districts for HOTELS=
KAVAKLIDERE –near Çankaya
CITY CENTER, KIZILAY – close to Çankaya, Subway to AŞTİ and BATIKENT and CEBECİ
TANDOĞAN MEYDANI – close to city bus station
ANITTEPE – close to city bus station
SIHHIYE – close to Kızılay and Çankaya and city bus station (Cheap)
BİLKENT – close to AŞTİ
ULUS – close to city bus station and Çankaya (Cheap)