Is this justice?
"Last year, on October 3, 2007, theYenisehir Municipality Children Chorus that consists of 15 children between the ages of 12 to 17, performed folk songs in eight different languages –Assyrian, Armenian, Arabic, English, German, Hebrew, Turkish, and Kurdish- during the World Music Festival in California. One of the songs sung by the Children Chorus was the Kurdish national anthem "Ey Raqip" (Hey Guard). "Ey Raqip" was written by the Kurdish poet Dildar (1917-1948), in 1938, while in prison in Iraq.
When the group went back to Turkey, all of its 15 members were interrogated and the prosecutors filed a case against three of them (Gokhan Ok (16), Servan Yilmaz (16), and Veysel Mamuk (16)) for singing "Ey Raqip" under the Kurdish flag. They are facing charges for spreading separatist propaganda under article 7/2 of the Anti-Terror Law. The case will be heard by High Criminal Court on June 19, 2008. Children face up to 5 years imprisonment if found guilty of these charges."
"Gecen yil, 3 Ekim 2007 de 15 kisiden olusan ve yaslari 12 ile 17 arasinda olan Yenisehir Cocuk Korosu San Fransisco Dunya Muzik Festivali etkinlikleri kapsaminda sekiz ayri dilde (Suryanice, Ermenice, Arapca, Ingilizce, Almaca, Ibranice, Turkce ve Kurtce) sarkilar soylediler. Seslendirilen parcalardan bir de Kurt ulusal marsi "Ey Raqip" idi. "Ey Raqip" Kurt sair Dildar (1917-1948) 1938 yilinda Iraqta bir cezaevinde hapis iken yazilmis bir siirdir.
Cocuk korosu Turkiye’ye doner donmez, savcilik tarafindan haklarinda sorusturma baslatildi. Uyelerden yaslari 16 olan Gokhan Ok, Servan Yilmaz ve Veysel Mamuk hakkinda, Kurt bayragi altinda "Ey Raqip"i seslendirdikleri ve boylece bolucu propaganda yaptiklari gerekcesiyle Terorle Mucadele Kanununun 7/2 maddesi uyarinca dava acildi. Bu maddeye gore suclu bulunurlarsa her birine 5 yila kadar hapis cezasi verilecek. Davalari 19 Haziran 2008 tarihinde Diyarbakir Agir Ceza Mahkemesinde gorulecek.
Kurt bayragi altinda kendi dillerinde ve 7 ayri dilde sarkilar soyleyerek dunya kulturlerini bulusturan cocuk korosu hakkinda acilan davayi kiniyorum!"
Note, I am posting this to discuss the fairness of the law, especially considdering the amendments in article 301, which I am afraid is just a fake facelift in attempt to fool the EU. Please let's not have another "turk vs. kurt" war here it is really tiring.