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What are you reading?
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20 Jul 2009 Mon 10:00 pm |
I agree too! I read ´A Thousand Splendid Suns´ first and I think I actually preferred it. I have also seen the film of ´The Kite Runner´ but like most films of really good books it was a little bit of a let-down. I wonder if there are any plans for a film of ´Splendid Suns´?
My current read is ´Making Money´ - Terry Pratchett - I just love his books - they make me laugh out loud (Somehow I don´t think I fit in with the ´intellectuals´ of TC! )
If you have read a book and then see the film, most often they are dissapointing. Hmmmm...Splendid Suns....sounds like a must read.
I have to admit though, much of my reading depends of what I find of interest at garage sales. Both my last two reads were garage sale finds. I much prefer paying $1 than $15 or $20 for a good book, although I do break down and order hardbacks of ones I particularly want to read.
Terry Prachett was recently diagnosed with Alzheimers, did you know that? He sounds like a very interesting man. I really should read some of his works sometime. I spent a whole winter one year reading Edgar Rice was wonderful.
"Alzheimer´s disease
In August 2007 Pratchett was misdiagnosed as having had a minor stroke in 2004 or 2005, which was believed to have damaged the right side of his brain. While his motor skills had been affected, the observed damage had not impaired his ability to write (or at least no one noticed the difference).On 11 December 2007 Pratchett posted online that he had been newly diagnosed with a very rare form of early-onset Alzheimer´s disease, which he said "lay behind this year´s phantom ´stroke´." He has a rare form of the disease called posterior cortical atrophy, in which areas at the back of the brain begin to shrink and shrivel. Pratchett appealed to people to "keep things cheerful", and proclaimed that "we are taking it fairly philosophically down here and possibly with a mild optimism."
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21 Jul 2009 Tue 01:39 am |
I agree, Kite Runner is a beautifully written book. A bit disturbing but a story you can´t stop reading.
If you like it, try "A Thousand Splendid Suns." It was also a good read.
I just tried watching this movie the other night. It sadly lasted 10 minutes..I have a real problem watching a film I have to read, what they are saying.
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22 Jul 2009 Wed 01:15 pm |
You´re not alone.......TRUST ME.....I try not to read anything too intellectual. I usually read to escape! I have been known to read an occasional trashy romance novel...
Hooray-good for you! (and LIR)
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27 Sep 2009 Sun 02:48 pm |
Minaret by Leila Aboulela
wonderful read in which the author shows totally different face of Islam from pictures and prejudices westerners have in mind.
She writes about filling emptiness with choices,finding identity in multicultural societies and about faith in life.A compulsory read for all who claim to know all about Muslims
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27 Sep 2009 Sun 04:48 pm |
Minaret by Leila Aboulela
wonderful read in which the author shows totally different face of Islam from pictures and prejudices westerners have in mind.
She writes about filling emptiness with choices,finding identity in multicultural societies and about faith in life.A compulsory read for all who claim to know all about Muslims
Sounds very interesting...I´ll have to read it myself...
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27 Sep 2009 Sun 05:44 pm |
The curious life of human cadavers
by Mary Roach
It was certainly interesting. I heard inverviews with the author numerous times, and thought it sounded interesting. Still, it´s not something I probably would have bought, given the subject, but I found it during one of my garage sale adventures being sold for one dollar. How could I resist?
Anyone who is thinking about making a donation of their own cadaver would well benefit from reading this book.
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28 Sep 2009 Mon 01:39 am |
for all dreamers-Eric Emmanuel Schmitt the dreamer from ostend-wonderful stories of those and for those who are not afraid of dreams
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29 Sep 2009 Tue 02:11 am |
1- "The Man Without Qualities" , " Niteliksiz Adam " by Robert Musil ( 3 kitap )
Harikulade bir roman, 20.Yüzyýlýn ve modernizmin birkaç baþyapýtýndan biri, çok önemli bir baþucu kitabý...Kitap, roman sanatýný ortaya koymuþ. "Roman nasýl yazýlýr" diye soranlara güzel bir cevap.Bir roman severin okumasý gereken bir yapýt...
2- "The Time Traveler´s Wife" , " Zaman Yolcusunun Karýsý " by Adrey Niffenegger
Romanda, zaman ötesi, metafizik yaþamda, ilginç ve hüzün verici bir aþk öyküsü anlatýlmaya çalýþýlmýþ.Bu roman sinemaya da uyarlanmýþ.
( Romanýn konusu ilginç ve iyi seçilmiþ; fakat akýcý ve rahat okunan bir yapýt deðil.)
3-"The Lost Symbol" , " Son Sembol" , by Dan Brown
Din ve tarih içerikli Dan Brown romanlarýnýn sonuncusu.Brown´Ã½n en çok "Melekler ve Þeytanlar" romanýný beðenmiþtim.Din ve tarih içerikli roman okumayý sevenlere Brown´nýn bu son yapýtý tavsiye edilebilir.
Edited (9/29/2009) by yilgun-2010
Edited (9/29/2009) by yilgun-2010
Edited (10/10/2009) by yilgun-2010
Edited (10/12/2009) by yilgun-2010
Edited (10/12/2009) by yilgun-2010
178. |
29 Sep 2009 Tue 09:03 am |
1- "The Man Without Qualities" , " Niteliksiz Adam " by Robert Musil
Harikulade bir roman, 20.Yüzyýlýn ve modernizmin birkaç baþyapýtýndan biri, çok önemli bir baþucu kitabý
2- "The Time Traveler´s Wife" , " Zaman Yolcusunun Karýsý " by Adrey Niffenegger
Zaman ötesi, metafizik yaþamda, ilginç ve hüzün verici bir aþk romaný
The Turkish postal system is getting better and better!
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11 Oct 2009 Sun 03:12 pm |
iknow 7 languages but i perfer reading books in english and arabic
ilike Sheakspeer and Charles Dekineinz
ilike arabic poems and historybooks
Edited (10/11/2009) by nifrtity