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Melike Demirağ – Arkadaş
1.       slavica
814 posts
 03 Mar 2006 Fri 05:56 pm

Melike Demirağ, Turkish actress and pop singer, born in Istanbul 1956, daughter of Turgut Demirağ, famous producer, director and writer. In September 1980, with her husband Sanar Yurdatapan, left Turkia and took refuge in Germany. Came back to Turkia 12 years later. Divorced, 2 children. In 1974. played role of Melike in Arkadas, a film by Yilmaz Güney.

The song 'Arkadas' has the lyrics from the poem Arkadas, by Yilmaz Güney.

Can anybody give me more informations about Melike Demirağ and the song 'Arkadaş'? Is the song from the film? What is film about? Does song have connection to contest of the film? Was film inspired by the poem, or poem was written for the film? Any information would be appreciated

2.       sanja_isyankar
457 posts
 03 Mar 2006 Fri 07:07 pm

Guney was a well-known actor and director in Turkey before he made this film but this was the first one he tackled with a political theme - a risky thing to do. What might strike others as didactic in the film is for me a choice - do the characters opt for the mainstream, or do they swim against the stream? It is noticeable that the soundtrack sometimes has American or Western music, and sometimes what sounds like folk music from Anatolia. This is also meant to symbolise the choices the characters face.
Azem, the character played by Guney, is probably not meant to be the most left-wing or politicised character in the film (that would be Semra, who comes across as a little bit two-dimensional and only appears in a few scenes).

Azem leaves nobody unaffected by the end of the film, whether the characters end happily or not. When Cemil's wife slaps him, he says, "one day we will demand a reckoning, absolutely, one day", often taken to meet that the oppressed in Turkey will settle scores with their oppressors.

3.       sanja_isyankar
457 posts
 03 Mar 2006 Fri 07:09 pm

cao slavice
nasla sam ti ove kritike,a film su ocenjivali od 1 do 10 i dobio je 6,8....nadam se da ti ovo nesto znaci,koliko toliko!

4.       sanja_isyankar
457 posts
 03 Mar 2006 Fri 07:17 pm

mozda nije ono sta ti trazis,al samo sam ti to nasla!

5.       slavica
814 posts
 04 Mar 2006 Sat 12:08 am

Thanks a lot, Sanja but, unfortunaltely, this text doesn't give answers to my questions.
Hvala ti za tvoj trud, srce Nažalost, to je tekst koji sam i ja našla, ali to nije ono što sam tražila
Actually, I'm interested in connection between the song and the film, in some story about what inspired Güney to write the poem.
If anybody can help me...

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