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Turkish women attacking clothing law
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10.       aylita
19 posts
 11 Jul 2008 Fri 04:43 am

bence kadinlar boyle iyi degil cunku insanlari rahatsiz, ozaman farkli giy....ondan sonra bir sey problem var ozaman kadini problem degil, insanlari problem...
i think that if of course any women dressing indecent at that hour comes across someone will complain but think about it, if it was masochistic they would have harrassed her no? i think theres more then one perspective, but of course women wear what she wants. on the other hand if she enters a place and it has its rules then one must abide or go somehwere else. i believe this

11.       tamikidakika
1346 posts
 11 Jul 2008 Fri 08:13 am

Quoting thehandsom:

You are not reading my posts..
are you?
This was the article I posted a few days ago on this topic:

aside from your sarcastic comments, I`m wondering what you really think about this issue. Should we interpret this as "democracy, or "the will of %47"? Hope Im not being too "laikci" or "ergenekoncu" here, I wouldn`t want to get jailed by the "democracy knights".

12.       thehandsom
7403 posts
 11 Jul 2008 Fri 02:29 pm

Quoting tamikidakika:

Quoting thehandsom:

You are not reading my posts..
are you?
This was the article I posted a few days ago on this topic:

aside from your sarcastic comments, I`m wondering what you really think about this issue. Should we interpret this as "democracy, or "the will of %47"? Hope Im not being too "laikci" or "ergenekoncu" here, I wouldn`t want to get jailed by the "democracy knights".

Many things can be said about this issue I think.

Democracy does not mean you have the majority and do what you like.
Democracy is the system where every individual's right is protected. So forget that 47%.
47% or 99% does not give any right to anybody from that point.

I think the other point is the eagerness of the authority that tries to dictate what is moral or what is not.

It is not state's business basically..
But when you think of of the practices like 'declaring that state is secular then turning around and teaching sunni religion in schools', or 'local government clerks hunting young girls and boys in parks because they were kissing or holding hands'.

But overall, it is just sheer stupidness..
There is still this mind in turkey that thinks women should be protected or women should not be revealing themselves.
It is all part of not accepting women as equal (of course you can bring islam into question as well at this stage)

When you look at the bridge, the people fishing are mainly men. It is like a typical kahvehane.
She could have been wearing a mini skirt..
But so what?

13.       catwoman
8933 posts
 11 Jul 2008 Fri 02:37 pm

Quoting thehandsom:

It is all part of not accepting women as equal (of course you can bring islam into question as well at this stage)


14.       MrX67
2540 posts
 11 Jul 2008 Fri 02:53 pm

thats really shame to pressure on a woman's wearing style,but how we can say noooooooooo you can't wear this way if she doin that with her all free will????

15.       tamikidakika
1346 posts
 11 Jul 2008 Fri 03:38 pm

Quoting thehandsom:

Democracy does not mean you have the majority and do what you like.
Democracy is the system where every individual's right is protected. So forget that 47%.
47% or 99% does not give any right to anybody from that point.

It is not state's business basically..
But when you think of of the practices like 'declaring that state is secular then turning around and teaching sunni religion in schools', or 'local government clerks hunting young girls and boys in parks because they were kissing or holding hands'.

But overall, it is just sheer stupidness..
There is still this mind in turkey that thinks women should be protected or women should not be revealing themselves.
It is all part of not accepting women as equal.

and who does all these things? Isn`t this the ideology of your beloved Akp, or is it again all those bloody "ergenekoncus" who is behind these? (Turks and conspiracy theories!!!)

16.       catwoman
8933 posts
 11 Jul 2008 Fri 04:00 pm

Quoting tamikidakika:

and who does all these things? Isn`t this the ideology of your beloved Akp, or is it again all those bloody "ergenekoncus" who is behind these? (Turks and conspiracy theories!!!)

I don't think thehandsom should continue to respond in his intelligent and thoughtful manner as he has done in the past, to these simplistic and hateful on a personal level comments.

17.       tamikidakika
1346 posts
 11 Jul 2008 Fri 04:03 pm

Quoting catwoman:

Quoting tamikidakika:

and who does all these things? Isn`t this the ideology of your beloved Akp, or is it again all those bloody "ergenekoncus" who is behind these? (Turks and conspiracy theories!!!)

I don't think thehandsom should continue to respond in his intelligent and thoughtful manner as he has done in the past, to these simplistic and hateful on a personal level comments.

is it your business to decide on what the handsome will do or not? if he thinks so he can tell that himself.

18.       thehandsom
7403 posts
 11 Jul 2008 Fri 11:08 pm

Quoting tamikidakika:

Quoting thehandsom:

Democracy does not mean you have the majority and do what you like.
Democracy is the system where every individual's right is protected. So forget that 47%.
47% or 99% does not give any right to anybody from that point.

It is not state's business basically..
But when you think of of the practices like 'declaring that state is secular then turning around and teaching sunni religion in schools', or 'local government clerks hunting young girls and boys in parks because they were kissing or holding hands'.

But overall, it is just sheer stupidness..
There is still this mind in turkey that thinks women should be protected or women should not be revealing themselves.
It is all part of not accepting women as equal.

and who does all these things? Isn`t this the ideology of your beloved Akp, or is it again all those bloody "ergenekoncus" who is behind these? (Turks and conspiracy theories!!!)

I did not understand your question clearly I must say..
If you mean who is behind "'declaring that state is secular then turning around and teaching sunni religion in schools', or 'local government clerks hunting young girls and boys in parks because they were kissing or holding hands'.", than I can clearly say that 'state has been trying to control the religion from the begining'. (The ministry for religion with huge budget, appointing the imams etc)
If you are asking local goverment officials trying to be 'police for the moral values', it is this goverment's wrong understanding about what democracy is.
Wrong understanding is of course the idea of 'I have the majority then I do whatever I like or -what ever majority wants- and this is called democracy'.

I mean, a government can NOT say that I have the majority and the majority does not like mini skirt; they find it provoking then I am banning mini skirt.

btw..why do you say that akp is my beloved party? where did you get that idea?
Please do not mix the concepts here.. I am against the closure of any party. I find it simply anti democratic.
I dont think that makes me akp supporter at all..
Me and a religious (islamic) party?
You are soo wrong...

19.       catwoman
8933 posts
 12 Jul 2008 Sat 12:22 am

Quoting tamikidakika:

is it your business to decide on what the handsome will do or not? if he thinks so he can tell that himself.

yes, and at the same time I can say that I don't think he should, does that make sense? or should I guide you through it in smaller steps?

20.       Lane
36 posts
 28 Jul 2008 Mon 05:29 pm

I would send to prison those men who complained.

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