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Turkish Politics

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Turkish court hears ruling party case (Reuters)
1.       Roswitha
4132 posts
 28 Jul 2008 Mon 10:34 pm

Turkey´s top court convened Monday to decide whether the country´s popular ruling party must be banned on charges that it is steering the secular nation toward Islamic rule. Turkey´s chief prosecutor asked the Constitutional Court in March to disband Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan´s Justice and Development Party and bar him and 70 other party members from joining a political party for five years. President Abdullah Gul is also on the prosecutor´s list. The case highlights the political rift between Turkey´s secularist circles - mostly active in judiciary and the military - and the ruling party, whose many members are devout Muslims with ties to the country´s Islamic movement. The judges began hearing the case a day after two bomb explosions at a packed Istanbul square killed 17 people and injured more than 150 others. It was the deadliest attack in Turkey in almost five years.The ruling party and the secularist opposition were locked last year in a dispute over who should be Turkey´s president, a largely symbolic post. The ruling party won by easily winning a quick election.

REUTERS: AK Party case, bombings give Turkish markets jitters
Senior judges ‘targeted for high-profile assassinations´ by Ergenekon terror gang (Zaman

2.       Lane
36 posts
 29 Jul 2008 Tue 03:43 pm

I really dont understand how AK can be a threat to secular country and what can they do???

3.       doudi94
845 posts
 01 Aug 2008 Fri 01:39 am

what did the party do to be non-secular????and i heard that the country took away half the money he gets for the party smthg like that i dont know....

4.       catwoman
8933 posts
 01 Aug 2008 Fri 01:45 am

This is the third thread on this topic. Can´t we use one thread if it´s already started?

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