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Turkish Class Forums / Travelling to Turkey

Travelling to Turkey

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travelling in turkey
1.       otto_27
12 posts
 18 Sep 2008 Thu 12:05 pm

hello everyone! im travelling to turkey on the 30th of this month. is there anyone here who can give some useful tips? im in the chatroom. thanks.

2.       catwoman
8933 posts
 18 Sep 2008 Thu 07:50 pm


Quoting otto_27

hello everyone! im travelling to turkey on the 30th of this month. is there anyone here who can give some useful tips? im in the chatroom. thanks.


Try not to look like a tourist if you´re not in a highly touristic place. lol

3.       Lebo
18 posts
 14 Nov 2008 Fri 11:39 am

Hi there...I´m an African girl soon to travel to Turkey and would like to know how safe

it is for an African girl and whether I should expect any cultural clashes? teþekkürler

4.       lady in red
6947 posts
 14 Nov 2008 Fri 03:17 pm


Quoting Lebo

Hi there...I´m an African girl soon to travel to Turkey and would like to know how safe

it is for an African girl and whether I should expect any cultural clashes? teþekkürler


Where are you planning to visit?  It is probably not a very good idea to visit some places in the East of Turkey (especially if you are travelling alone) but it would be perfectly safe to travel in other parts.  I´m curious though - why would you think the fact that you are African would have any bearing on how safe you would be in Turkey? {#lang_emotions_unsure}

5.       anka
207 posts
 14 Nov 2008 Fri 03:27 pm


Quoting catwoman

Try not to look like a tourist if you´re not in a highly touristic place. lol


 haha! true

6.       anka
207 posts
 14 Nov 2008 Fri 03:31 pm


Quoting Lebo

Hi there...I´m an African girl soon to travel to Turkey and would like to know how safe

it is for an African girl and whether I should expect any cultural clashes? teþekkürler

 Well as for anyone and anywhere in the world there can be well-mannered and bad mannered people... I hope you won´t come across bad ones.. Just you have to be careful as anyone has to be anywhere...


yes as lady in red said, you can travel the coasts ... Lots of tourist there...

But just start going to a tourist information place as soon as you arrive....

there are tourist information places in most places, like in airports, in bus stations, train stations or near the touristic places....




7.       Trudy
7887 posts
 14 Nov 2008 Fri 07:26 pm


Quoting lady in red

 It is probably not a very good idea to visit some places in the East of Turkey (especially if you are travelling alone) but it would be perfectly safe to travel in other parts. 


Only the Hakkari / Siirt / Sirnak area (near the border with Iraq) is not advisable, not travelling single, not with someone. All other parts in East/Middle Turkey are great, also for single travelling women. I´ve done it twice, plus 5 trips to Istanbul/Kuþadasý/Turgutreis/Alanya and guess where I found people (men!) irritating and ´harassing´? The answer is NOT in the East!

8.       libralady
5152 posts
 14 Nov 2008 Fri 07:44 pm


Quoting otto_27

hello everyone! im travelling to turkey on the 30th of this month. is there anyone here who can give some useful tips? im in the chatroom. thanks.


 I have travelled alone many times (not to Turkey) but to China and Hong Kong, and some European countries and my advice would be the same where ever you are going.


1) Always know where you are going before hand i.e study maps

2) Never look as though you are lost, you will look vulnerable

3) I never asked directions, I would rather walk twice as far than ask

4) Make sure your money and passport are safe - a money bag that you wear against your body

5) Look purposeful

6) Never look in a guide book - as I said, do that before you leave your hotel

7) Be careful what you eat and drink, always keep an eye on your glass, and I would avoid alcohol in some areas of Turkey

8) Be cautious about who you make friends with, don´t give them you real name or telephone number etc


I know some of these things sound a bit obvious but it is easy to fall into the trap. 


I hope you have a great time, there are some wonderful places to visit in Turkey which are not the obvious ones.  Hopefully you will get to see the Black Sea coast - it is beautiful and the people are very friendly and generous.

9.       Lebo
18 posts
 15 Dec 2008 Mon 03:19 pm

Thank you for all your advice...I hope to have a great time there...I will be visiting Ankara and perhaps Istanbul...


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