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BlackSea Cities..
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10.       Angela
75 posts
 08 Aug 2005 Mon 12:37 pm

Hi Lyndie,

Yes, I agree with you it is abysmal living here with our grey climate.

I envied people living in South of England, because it is always a few degrees warmer than here in the North of England.

I live on the coast with the winds coming off the North Sea. I often feel I wished I were living somewhere warmer.

I feel happier in Turkey with the blue skies, penetrating heat and feel it gives our health an enormous boost. To be deflated when we come back to the chill and the rain.

11.       freshman
704 posts
 08 Aug 2005 Mon 10:39 pm

I love cold weather..its my prefer so I like BlackSea so much..

12.       slavica
814 posts
 09 Aug 2005 Tue 01:23 am

Hello, friends of Bliss!
She asked me to give you her regards and gratitude for your encouragement.
She is still in hospital, waiting for results of tests.
Our friend Bliss is passing through very hard period of her life and need our support.
So, let's pray for her, let's be with her in this difficult moment.
Thanks to all of you,

13.       Lyndie
968 posts
 09 Aug 2005 Tue 02:55 am

Thanks Slavica,

I am thinking of Bliss. I hope she ok soon.

14.       admin
758 posts
 09 Aug 2005 Tue 03:09 am

I hope we hear good news soon.

15.       ELA
41 posts
 09 Aug 2005 Tue 05:16 pm

Hello everybody , i wasnt here very long , unfortunately i was very very busy and i haven't time for forum

I read my mails and i found out that Bliss is ill ... I hope she will feel better inshallah ...

I will pray for her ...

Come back Bliss ...

16.       bliss
900 posts
 11 Aug 2005 Thu 10:35 am

Hello my dear classmates!!!
I want to express my gratitude to all of you for your warm feelings toward me and your support.Thank you for your prayers.They meant a lot to me.They helped me to be strong and gave me hope during this difficult period of my life.
When I put the post about friendship I've got little sad to not see the respond but today I know that friendship means a lot to many of my dear classmates.I was keeping your posts as precious prayers under my pillow.
It is right that friend can be seen at bad times - Iyi dost
kara gunde belli olur(hope i wrote right).
I am very happy to have you all as my friends.
May you all be showered with peace, love and blessings every day...every hour in your life.
I wanted to send you a card and this is for all my classmates.

A friend is like a mighty oak,
When all its leaves are gone.
A friend is like a single note,
When other birds have flown.
A friend is like the broad expanse,
Of shady summer green.
A friend is like the autumn bronze,
That lends a later sheen.
A firend is like an evening song
Heard in the twilight hush.
A friend is one who says, "Come in",
When others seem to rush.
For friendship true no season knows,
Ahd often ignores the clock.
It lends a hand to strangers,
And stretches round the block.

Tesekkur ederim.
Hepinizi seviyorum
Selam Bliss

17.       Lyndie
968 posts
 11 Aug 2005 Thu 11:02 am

Welcome back dear Bliss,

It was so good to see your name on the TC again. So many of us have missed you.

Thank you for the beautiful poem you posted. I hope things are better for you now and hope to see you back in the forums with your lovely messages all the time now.

Take Care

Lyndie x

18.       slavica
814 posts
 11 Aug 2005 Thu 11:23 am

Welcome back, Bliss.
We missed you very much.
Hope everything will be OK with you - it must be, since all of us are with you.

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