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1.       hanan
197 posts
 27 Mar 2006 Mon 02:03 pm

örümcek bir havayandır (spider is an animal)
what is the use of dir ? and we used both bir and dir ?

2.       miss_ceyda
2627 posts
 27 Mar 2006 Mon 02:34 pm

the -dir suffix has 2 uses i think.

1. meaning "is" when being formal. you may also see it on signs.

2. emphasing a fact that doesnt change
ie- your own example

3.       hanan
197 posts
 27 Mar 2006 Mon 02:47 pm

Quoting miss_ceyda:

the -dir suffix has 2 uses i think.

1. meaning "is" when being formal. you may also see it on signs.

2. emphasing a fact that doesnt change
ie- your own example

thanks miss c for all your replies .

4.       miss_ceyda
2627 posts
 27 Mar 2006 Mon 03:08 pm

im sure that other people could explain it more but im not a native speaker or a teacher.. (yet!! hehe)..
and iv always said that when i know enough turkish id love to help people the same way as theyve helped me

5.       erdinc
2151 posts
 29 Mar 2006 Wed 04:19 am

We use the -dir when we make a general statement. Facts about nature or science are general statements.

Kuşlar iki kanatlı hayvanlardır.
Birds are animals with two wings.

Sometimes in story telling we can use -dir as well.

O gün Ahmet erkenden evine gelmiştir. Çok yorgundur ve yatmak üzeredir. Tam bu sırada telefon çalar.

6.       nartari7
2 posts
 04 May 2006 Thu 07:37 am

So, can anyone give me a few more examples of -Dir? Can you use it in past, present and future? Can someone give me some examples with English translation comparing it to -di and -miş?

7.       erdinc
2151 posts
 04 May 2006 Thu 09:29 am

The -dir suffix is used to make a statement. When you use -dir either you are telling a fact or you are telling something that you believe is the fact. We can add it to nouns and adjectives directly:

"İstanbul çok büyük bir şehirdir."
"Istanbul is a very big city."

"Türkiye'nin en büyük şehri İstanbul'dur."
"The biggest city in Turkia is Istanbul."

We can use it with verbs:

İstanbul daha da büyümektedir.
"Istanbul is growing even bigger"

8.       Meriem
98 posts
 04 May 2006 Thu 10:56 am

9.       caliptrix
3055 posts
 04 May 2006 Thu 11:51 am

Şu kız benim sevdiğimdir.
that girl is my love.

10.       Kadir37
0 posts
 04 May 2006 Thu 09:43 pm

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