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A quickie from Sevan Nisanyan (Translation)
1.       thehandsom
7403 posts
 07 Dec 2008 Sun 01:51 pm


Because of Henry´ thread about Corba, I went to Sevan Nisanyan´s dictionary and then I discovered, in his daily column he is explaining the root of the word ´assimilation´ today..

And he added some of his opinions and the this is the translation of it:

Turkish part:
Asimilasyon aslinda hiç kötü bir sey degil. Latince similis benzer, ad-similare benzestirmek. Yerel ve asiretsel olani asip daha genel hatta evrensel bir kültür potasinda harman olmak bana prensip olarak yanlis gelmiyor. Insanin ufku gelisir, görgüsü artar. Uyduruk köy dedikodulariyla vakit öldürecegine en azindan metropol dedikodulariyla hasir nesir olursun, daha havali takilirsin. Ingilizcen varsa Zimbabwe’deki adamla çet yaparsin, Italya’dan sevgili bulursun. Al sana asimilasyon. Fena mi? 

TC rejiminin asimilasyon politikasinda rahatsiz edici olan sey baska. Bunlar politik anlamda çok sofistike olmadiklari için, asimile etmek istedigi vatandasa direktman hakaret ediyor. Senin kültürün yok (çünkü ben yok sayiyorum), dilin yok (çünkü ben bilmiyorum), tarihin yok (okulda ögretmediler), sen hayvansin, gel devletinin sefkat kucagina otur; üç kusak boyu ariza çikarmaz, itaat edersen seni belki kabul ederiz diyor. E bazi insanlar büsbütün onursuz degil. Bu sartlarda asimile edilmeyi kabu ../../js/tiny_mce/themes/advanced/langs/en.js" type="text/javascript"> l etmiyorlar. Ne oluyor? Hadi bakalim b l;lücü, irkçi, terorist, falan filan. 

Benim enisteler, “Vatandas Türkçe konus” terörünün estirildigi bir devirde evde tek kelime Türkçe konusmayi yasak etmislerdi. 1983’te kalkip Kanada’ya göçtüler. Aradan bir yil geçmedi, çocuklar evde sadece Ingilizce konusmaya basladilar. Demek ki neymis? Asil dertleri asimilasyon degilmis, asimile etmeye yeltenenlerin saygisizligi imis.

In fact, by definition  assimilation is not a bad thing. It is a Latin word ´similis´, it means make similar. According to me, going beyond the local and feudal things and  mixing in a global cultural melting pot, is not a bad thing in principal. It makes people´s horizon larger, your manner is increased. At least, instead of spending time with the village gossips, you spend your time with city gossips. If you know English, you chat with a Zimbabwean or can find an Italian lover..That is assimilati on..Is it that bad?

But the annoyance from Turkey´s assimilation policies is different.. Because these people are not that sophisticated, they insult the citizens of this country  directly when they want to assimilate..They  say : You dont have a culture (cause I consider it as non existent), you have no language (cause I dont know it), you dont have a history (cause they did not teach in schools), you are an animal, so come and sit on the tender lap of the republic; if you dont create problem for 3 generations, if you comply, may be we will accept you. Of course, not all these people are completely out of honor. They are not accepting to be assimilated under these conditions. Then what is happening? here comes  terrorist, separatist, racist blah blah   ..

My uncles, during the time of ´citizens, speak Turkish´ terror, banned to utter a single Turkish word in their home. They immigrated to Canada in 1983. Not a year passed, the kids started to talk only English in their house..
So what is the moral of the story? Their problem was not the assimilation, their problem was the rudeness of the people who tried to assimilate them..


here is the original article in Turkish:



Addition: I was reading an article about Nisanyan and I discovered that he was put in jail with Ali Nesin (son of Aziz Nesin) during his military duty..And I was inthe army and in the same place where Ali Nesin was..phew..


2.       cynicmystic
567 posts
 30 Jan 2009 Fri 11:41 pm

And, what is the point you are making with this link to an article, if I may ask?

3.       tamikidakika
1346 posts
 30 Jan 2009 Fri 11:52 pm


Quoting cynicmystic

And, what is the point you are making with this link to an article, if I may ask?


the point is the assimilation of the west is good assimilation. well, according to him anything western is good, but he hasn`t got a nobel prize yet.

4.       cynicmystic
567 posts
 31 Jan 2009 Sat 01:37 am

He loves posting charged articles from rather dubious sources to get people´s blood boiling...

Or, at least, that is what I have noticed about him.

5.       Trudy
7887 posts
 31 Jan 2009 Sat 10:17 am


Quoting cynicmystic

He loves posting charged articles from rather dubious sources to get people´s blood boiling...

Or, at least, that is what I have noticed about him.


 And he´s good at it!! lol lol

6.       raindrops
267 posts
 31 Jan 2009 Sat 02:30 pm


Quoting Trudy

 And he´s good at it!! lol lol


yes ) he plays his role in the team brilliantly !!!!!!!!!!!! we should value and appreciate it!!!!!! ))

i think idea of assimilation is very good. Maybe its form in Turkish smells rude, i really do not know. Though, at first Rome did it in its empire, then Napoleon. he was first who tried to build European Union with one currency, no borders, one measures system, but he was born too early for that. nevertheless, France is still based on his innovations.

Colonists did it America. Of course we may argue on humanistic aspect of it, but fact is fact - they did. and while assimilation was priority US was strengthening and strengthening. Unfortunately, now they remembered about unique languages, cultures etc of many nationalities and it was start of the end. We will see this empire falling. There are always centrifugal force that will break country into pieces when centripetal force (assimilation) weakens.

7.       thehandsom
7403 posts
 31 Jan 2009 Sat 08:12 pm


Quoting cynicmystic

He loves posting charged articles from rather dubious sources to get people´s blood boiling...

Or, at least, that is what I have noticed about him.


Since most of you have gone cold blooded, I believe some of you guys need this type of shock and awe treatment..

You have years of brain washing to reverse..


8.       cynicmystic
567 posts
 31 Jan 2009 Sat 08:17 pm

Yes handsome, my brain has been thoroughly washed & tumble dried...

I need your ´shock doctrine´ to erase my past and start with a clean slate.

9.       thehandsom
7403 posts
 31 Jan 2009 Sat 08:23 pm


Quoting cynicmystic

Yes handsome, my brain has been thoroughly washed & tumble dried...

I need your ´shock doctrine´ to erase my past and start with a clean slate.


Thanks for agreeing with me (I was always hopeful for you anyway )

Anyway, back to your original question: 

Although I am not entirely sure but I think, possibly and most likely, at the time of this thread we might have been talking about kurdish assimilation or armenian issues..

That was the reason why I translated and posted that link..

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