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Turkish Movies

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(27 Messages in 3 pages - View all)
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10.       Roswitha
4132 posts
 18 Dec 2008 Thu 06:01 pm

I was finally able to watch this excellent movie and can only highly recommend it. What insights, also educational.





11.       catwoman
8933 posts
 18 Dec 2008 Thu 06:07 pm

I still haven´t seen it... but will soon enough. I have only looked at some scenes of a manipulative imam telling a man that he shouldn´t use his brain and think, because a thinking mind is a devil´s nest (or something like that)...

The movie itself seems interesting though..

12.       Roswitha
4132 posts
 18 Dec 2008 Thu 06:17 pm

Catwoman, You also learn about DHIKR and HADRAH







13.       doudi94
845 posts
 18 Dec 2008 Thu 06:34 pm


Quoting catwoman

I still haven´t seen it... but will soon enough. I have only looked at some scenes of a manipulative imam telling a man that he shouldn´t use his brain and think, because a thinking mind is a devil´s nest (or something like that)...

The movie itself seems interesting though..


really, now i think the movie´ll just provoke me

14.       catwoman
8933 posts
 18 Dec 2008 Thu 06:35 pm


Quoting doudi94

really, now i think the movie´ll just provoke me


you naughty brat! lol

15.       Roswitha
4132 posts
 18 Dec 2008 Thu 07:14 pm

This film,  was one of the most thought provoking films I have seen. It displays Islamic culture and religion, which we seldom see in the western world. It also provides a fascinating window into a fundamentalist Muslim´s struggle with his morality as the story unfolds. In some ways, is the story of a character who enters a scenario in which he is the fish out of water. However, this fish out of water story is dramatic, not comic.

16.       Roswitha
4132 posts
 18 Dec 2008 Thu 07:17 pm

A Man´s Fear of God is one of those films that playfully enact conflicts of fundamental importance for the world we live in. Takva starts off with humble Muharrem, an introverted single man living in Istanbul, being drawn into the inner circle of a Muslim brotherhood he has adhered to ever since his childhood days. When the erudite and strikingly pragmatic leader, Sheikh Cemal, appoints him as his financial organizer, Muharrem gets endowed with all the amenities and trappings of a modern world businessman. He has to collect rent and administer the order´s finances. His naive will to live a life according to what he thinks is the will of God clashes not only with his unfulfilled sexual desires, but also with the mechanisms of power within the order. The brothers´ lifestyle may be conservative, but they run an organization that is fully intertwined with the present day social, political and economic life of Turkey.

For Muharrem, who hardly understands any of this business, this means that every step he intends to make for the greater glory of God draws him ever deeper into the quagmire of corruption, lies and hypocrisy. The authority he is endowed with now makes him haughty and difficult to deal with, while his accumulated frustration increasingly throws him into literal fits. Everything escalates when he comes face to face with the woman he desires...

The plot for this great film is based on an old folk tale from Turkey about a man who refuses to marry the daughter of his spiritual master although he clearly loves her. In Onder Cakar and Omer Kiziltan´s adaptation, the narrative serves to expose the inner mechanisms of puritan Muslim orders and throw light on the mental set-up of its loyal members. The film is pure fun to watch due to countless instances of great irony, a remarkable love for detail and breathtaking scenes of ecstatic rituals. While the filmmakers were very careful not to ridicule the milieu they´re depicting, their critical approach accounts for a film that substantially helps understand the way political Islam "works".

17.       lady in red
6947 posts
 18 Dec 2008 Thu 07:35 pm


Quoting Roswitha

A Man´s Fear of God is one of those films that playfully enact conflicts of fundamental importance for the world we live in. Takva starts off with humble Muharrem, an introverted single man living in Istanbul, being drawn into the inner circle of a Muslim brotherhood he has adhered to ever since his childhood days.


It sounds like a good film Ros.  Is that your personal critique?

18.       catwoman
8933 posts
 18 Dec 2008 Thu 07:46 pm


Quoting lady in red

It sounds like a good film Ros.  Is that your personal critique?


I´m afraid this is taken from IMDB...

19.       Irishclove
111 posts
 18 Dec 2008 Thu 07:46 pm

Netflix has turkish movies???

20.       lady in red
6947 posts
 18 Dec 2008 Thu 08:16 pm


Quoting Irishclove

Netflix has turkish movies???


 What is Netflix?  ImDb covers movies and tv worldwide - it´s my film bible lol

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