"His mother was an Armenian"
That is what the deputy of CHP says for the president Abdullah Gul as an answer to what the president said about ´the apology campain for Armanians´
she said, claiming that President Gül -- because of his "ethnic origins" -- was not reacting to the campaign. "We see that the president supports this campaign. Abdullah Gül should be the president of the entire Turkish nation, not just of those sharing his ethnicity. Investigate the ethnic origin of the president’s mother and you will see," she said. There have been rumors that Gül’s family has Armenian roots.
And the president´s view was "discussions on the subject as indicators of self-confidence and the existence of a free and democratic country"
http://www.todayszaman.com/tz-web/yazarDetay.do?haberno=161748 (deputy´s fascist remarks)
Well, what can you add really..
If you dont call the deputy of CHP, which is the main opposition party, as racist, who can be called as racist?
And also what she says is the answer to the questions like :
how can the president´s Armenian mother managed to get married to a Turk?
did her family consent that marriage?
did she have a family? if not, what happened to her family?
why are there many Armenian mothers in this country and no Armenian fathers? what happened to them?