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Turkish Class Forums / Turkish Food Recipes

Turkish Food Recipes

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1.       Henry
2604 posts
 02 Feb 2009 Mon 01:30 pm

An interesting article from Turkish Airlines on Pickles, including recipes.


2.       cynicmystic
567 posts
 21 Feb 2009 Sat 01:01 am

Thanks for the link dude. I love pickles and try to pickle myself (that sounded a bit strange). It doesn´t come out right for most of the time but I keep trying anyway. I would have never thought that yoghurt would be involved in a pickle recipe. 

3.       Henry
2604 posts
 21 Feb 2009 Sat 02:00 am

Don´t get "pickled" while you´re pickling! {#lang_emotions_lol_fast} 

4.       alameda
3499 posts
 21 Feb 2009 Sat 02:02 am


Quoting cynicmystic

Thanks for the link dude. I love pickles and try to pickle myself (that sounded a bit strange). It doesn´t come out right for most of the time but I keep trying anyway. I would have never thought that yoghurt would be involved in a pickle recipe. 


 I love pickles and I pickle quite a few things. Actually it was not intentional, I was just doing what my grandmother did, not realizing it was making pickles.


I pickle arthchokes and beets in particular. I would love to learn to make kimchi. It´s supposed to be one of the healthiest foods in the world.

Edited (2/21/2009) by alameda [spelling]

5.       cynicmystic
567 posts
 21 Feb 2009 Sat 02:58 am

I pickle my own cabbage (white), carrots,  snow peas, of course cucumbers, and beets. The beets are the easiest, but the cucumbers always turn out mushy. I tried to poke them with a fork so that they would absorb the brine better. Somehow, the bacteria gets in and turns the whole batch to crap. I am yet to pickle a nice batch of cucumbers.

Quoting alameda



 I love pickles and I pickle quite a few things. Actually it was not intentional, I was just doing what my grandmother did, not realizing it was making pickles.


I pickle arthchokes and beets in particular. I would love to learn to make kimchi. It´s supposed to be one of the healthiest foods in the world.



6.       cynicmystic
567 posts
 21 Feb 2009 Sat 02:59 am

Is kimchi hard to pickle? One thing about kimchi is that it gives you terrible breath. It is almost impossible to kiss your girl unless she had some kimchi as well.

7.       peacetrain
1905 posts
 21 Feb 2009 Sat 03:28 am

I am very sorry, but, in light of recent threads on this site I am pickling myself laughing at this one {#lang_emotions_wink}.  I just cannot equate cynicmystic with pickling, the mind boggles.


My grandmother pickled too.  Mainly shallot onions ready for Christmas.  And I love pickled gherkins (try these instead of the cucumbers) and red cabbage.

8.       cynicmystic
567 posts
 21 Feb 2009 Sat 05:15 am

Are you serious? What is wrong with cynic pickling or attenting to pickle? There is a domestic side to cynic as well as a political one. I even boil  the masons´ jars so that bacteria cannot infest my pickles. Plus, I cure my own gravlax - cured salmon.

Quoting peacetrain

I am very sorry, but, in light of recent threads on this site I am pickling myself laughing at this one {#lang_emotions_wink}.  I just cannot equate cynicmystic with pickling, the mind boggles.


My grandmother pickled too.  Mainly shallot onions ready for Christmas.  And I love pickled gherkins (try these instead of the cucumbers) and red cabbage.



9.       CANLI
5084 posts
 21 Feb 2009 Sat 05:31 am


Quoting peacetrain

  And I love pickled gherkins (try these instead of the cucumbers) and red cabbage.


 Nahhh, i still prefer cucumber, it has a different taste than pickled gherkins, richer maybe

Ý add Celery to the garlic, vinegar, salt and of course 1 or 2 green chili pepper green.

Edited (2/21/2009) by CANLI [font]

10.       peacetrain
1905 posts
 21 Feb 2009 Sat 06:31 am


Quoting cynicmystic

Are you serious? What is wrong with cynic pickling or attenting to pickle? There is a domestic side to cynic as well as a political one. I even boil  the masons´ jars so that bacteria cannot infest my pickles. Plus, I cure my own gravlax - cured salmon.




 Hmmmm . . . domesticynic . . . politicynic . .  . domesticynic . . . politicynic . . .  I can´t believe it.  You are shattering the illusion! 


Are you sure this male domesticity won´t affect your level of Turkishness? 



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