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English Moms (or Dads!) of mini Turkish Learners!
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1.       Maviş
28 posts
 08 Apr 2006 Sat 04:07 am

Hello, I have 4 year old twins, who have a very short attention span, and I was looking to start a topic where we, English spouses with Turkish partners can help eachother with advice on how to get our little ones to learn Turkish.

I have many DVDs, VCDs, and books, in Turkish, but my boys are 4 now, and Baba is not too happy with the speed at which they are learning, or not learning rather, their Turkish.

I have a slight advantage, as I speak Turkish myself, but because of their resistance to sit and listen to a story, or actually listen to the Turkish DVDs instead of just watching, they are still not quite up to scratch.

Does anybody know of any PC learning games, not 'Learn Turkish' games, just educational games for Turkish children, in Turkish, that my 4 year olds might want to play? As they have started playing games on my PC, but as we are no where near London, and postage from Turkey is silly money, I can't find any easy Turkish PC games for kids.

And, of course, any other suggestions are very very much appreciated.

(Oh, the joys of a single child!! Advice: try not to have twin boys if your partner is foreign!! )

2.       uYkuSuz
614 posts
 08 Apr 2006 Sat 04:27 am

Turkish Cartoons re one of the best ways i think..
let them watch turkish cartoons for ex : temel reis .. or bugs bunny's turkish version.. and they re not that hard to find as Turkish games ...i dunno about there but in Turkey it's easy to find kinds of cartoons.. one of ur relatives can send u ..

3.       Etty
137 posts
 08 Apr 2006 Sat 09:07 am

I agree about the cartoons.
I came to Turkey over three years ago when my boy was three years old. When he watched TV I always set it to Turkish, infact I told him it wasn't available in English!!
He speaks fluently and I am still struggling three years later. Maybe I should have been as tough on myself!
I think though that if your husband spoke to them always in Turkish, and perhaps yourself they would pick it up.
Children don't need to be 'taught' a language they absorb it. You didn't teach them English did you.
Good luck,

4.       Lyndie
968 posts
 08 Apr 2006 Sat 12:43 pm

Can I just say (gently) that perhaps Baba should be doing a bit more himself, its his language and he's 'not too happy' - is he doing enough himself to teach them? Young children learn their parents tongue by being immersed in the language in everyday life. If you speak only turkish to them at home, they will learn naturally. When they go to school they will learn english and speak english with their friends and they will naturally become bi lingual. Good luck!

5.       Lyndie
968 posts
 08 Apr 2006 Sat 12:46 pm

This is a cute little learning programme. I use it myself, but it has Bart Simpson characters, it might be a little advanced for the twins at the moment, but it will be useful as their vocabulary improves.

you can download it from the above link and its free.

6.       Kimberley
10 posts
 08 Apr 2006 Sat 01:21 pm

I am also very eager for my two year old daughter to learn turkish, and it is a bit frustrating as whenever my husband talks to her in turkish she doesnt appear to be paying any attention at all! but I'm hoping she is silently taking it in, and one day will use it.
I have been thinking of getting her some turkish DVDs, as i think this will help her, im not sure where i can get them though? I was either going to ask my husband's family to send her some, or apparantly there is a large turkish bookshop in Harrengey, London, that might have some.
I think it is brilliant when kids are bi-lingual, it gives them an advantage.

7.       Maviş
28 posts
 24 Apr 2006 Mon 12:11 am

Of course there are book and DVD shops in London, but, if you live far away, like me, it's a hell of a way for some DVDs.

I do all my DVD/VCD shopping at www.turkishbooks.com they have millions of dvd's, vcd's and books, as well as music.

I recommend buying the VCD version of whichever film you like, although they are only in Turkish (maybe better anyway!?), whereas the DVDs can be English/Turkish/Spanish whatever, the VCD's are around £4-8. Compared to the DVD's which can be £20.

They deliver, for a small price, but if you order, I think, over £45? then it's free delivery. But, I assure you, once you get browsing on there, you'll find it easy to cover the free delivery minimum!!

8.       Maviş
28 posts
 24 Apr 2006 Mon 12:18 am

It is true about my hubby putting more effort in, but unfortunately, he is self employed and has two businesses, so, he works silly hours

When he is here, he reads to them, or watches DVDs with them. But, I guess it's just the frustration there that they don't seem to be listening.

But, since writing the first message, I have tried ridiculously hard with the Turkish, and they are saying words that I haven't even said for a week or so. It proves, thankfully, that they do listen, and the words will come back out eventually.

We are so much happier now that they seem to be taking an interest, and repeating things happily, instead of just looking at us blankly, or walking away, or saying 'I can't say that Mommy', as they used to.

We are going to Turkey for 7 weeks in the summer, so they will definitely pick a lot up whilst we are out there, as none of my hubby's relatives speak English. So the temptation isn't there to speak English to them, as some of my husband's friends do over here, because they know that the boys will understand them.

9.       Elisa
0 posts
 24 Apr 2006 Mon 12:25 am

Quoting Lyndie:

you can download it from the above link and its free.

Are you sure the link is correct? When I go to that page, it redirects to a "Can not be found"-page.
Maybe it's just temporary, but would you mind checking again Lyndie?

10.       Maviş
28 posts
 24 Apr 2006 Mon 12:35 am

Yeah, I just went on there too, it pops up for a second, then decides that there is an error.

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