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Þart - sA
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10.       CANLI
5084 posts
 14 Mar 2009 Sat 12:01 am


Quoting caliptrix



I think sometimes we can use "[ad] idiyse" but I don´t think that is the step you are supposed to learn right now. Forgive me if I look priggish, but I think sometimes you ask things you will never need to use



 Glad that we dont have to use it lol

When you study you find other question bombing into your head

So when i was studying Ãžart i saw that

We can add zaman to Þart when we use it with verbs

And when i came to nouns, i thought if we can use it in past too or not ?

Thats it


11.       CANLI
5084 posts
 23 Mar 2009 Mon 01:44 am


Quoting CANLI

ad/ sýfat + sA + kiþi eki

ad/ sýfat  deðil + se + kiþi eki


 Thats is what my book said about the Þart form with nouns and adjectives

But my teacher said, when there is any zaman eki ´DI, mIþ, AcAk, sA ´ added to noun or adjective, there should be (y) buffer after the vowel, and that goes too in Þart case


Meaning it should be,

ad/ sýfat + (y)  sA + kiþi eki

Ýyiyse for example and not iyise


So, is this what th correct form should be then?!

ad/ sýfat + (y)  sA + kiþi eki

12.       caliptrix
3055 posts
 23 Mar 2009 Mon 01:57 am

if the last letter is a vowel, it becomes -yse/-ysa



iyi ; last letter is "i" ; "i" is a vowel; then it becomes -yse; iyiyse

güzel; last letter is "l"; "l" is NOT a vowel; then it is -se; güzelse


araba; the last letter is "a"; it is a vowel, then it becomes -ysa: arabaysa

ev; the last letter is "v", it is not a vowel, then is it -se; evse


try to make the same thing with the adjectives;

sarý, kýrmýzý, mavi, yeþil

büyük, küçük, uzun, kýsa, az, çok


and nouns;

bilgisayar, sandalye, uçak, aðaç, fýrýn, tepsi

13.       damas17
10 posts
 03 Apr 2009 Fri 01:27 pm

I keep laughing everytime I see a word "imported" from Arabic, "þart" in Arabic means "in condition that" !!

and most of all, the sign = in turkish is "eþit", that word ain´t in Arabic, but It´s in our freakin´ Moroccan "Accent" (which is our familiar arabic language), which means "what´s left is :". although I know that Ottomans have never get to Morocco. that must be weird !! Laugh atLaugh atLaugh atLaugh at

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