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Travelling to Turkey

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SOS - Visa or what?
(18 Messages in 2 pages - View all)
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1.       the 5th element
129 posts
 13 May 2009 Wed 01:12 am

Hello, everyone!

After 2 weeks I am going to Turkey - so far - nice!

I was planning to stay there for at least 3 month. The problem begins with the resistance there. Just now found out that residents from my country can stay in Turkey without visa only for 30 days in 6 month period. Tried to apply for visa - but then I must wait for at least 1 month to get it. But I already have my plane ticket and rented appartment there. My boyfriend says that it`s easy to get everything done when I am there and many people have had done it before (from other countries). But I am not so sure, every country has different conditions... Does anyone knows something about it??

As far as I looked - there are many different information. Some advice to just go out of country for a day(does it works?) some to obtain visa in airport (but it seems my country is not listed between those who can)...

Thus, I am totally confused


2.       libralady
5152 posts
 13 May 2009 Wed 01:21 am

Don´t know where you are from, but UK peeps get the visa at the airport (3 months) 10 crisp GBP and if you want to stay for 6 months then you will need to leave Turkey and re-enter and purchase another 3 month visa at the airport or hover port.. Just pop over to Greece and on the way back collect the visa.  Rhodes, Kos etc etc............

3.       the 5th element
129 posts
 13 May 2009 Wed 01:31 pm

Well, the problem is that (as far as I searched) my country (Latvia) is not mentioned in the list of countries which can get visa on the border ...In Latvia consulate says that I must obtain visa in Latvia - but it means I must forget about my plane ticket and stay one more month here or go and come back after one month and then make visa and go back...what in any case makes waste of huge money For all other EU countries it seems to have less confusions about this topic.

But I was wondering - isn`t it somehow possible to extend that allowed time as for a tourist, when I am already in Turkey, without coming back to my country??


4.       ReyhanL
1961 posts
 13 May 2009 Wed 01:46 pm

Ý´m from Romania and i used to make exit-enter at bulgarian bordre but from 14 january when a new law apearred i can stay just 3 months in half an year..not more...My visa is just 30 days

5.       AlphaF
5677 posts
 13 May 2009 Wed 02:46 pm

Turkish residents need to obtain visas first, to visit almost anywhere in the world.

It is time Turkia sets equally fussy visa requirements to reciprocate. Scared


Sad but true.

Edited (5/13/2009) by AlphaF
Edited (5/13/2009) by AlphaF

6.       maryilyons
153 posts
 13 May 2009 Wed 03:08 pm

Check with the Turkish embassy or consulate in Latvia to make sure, but I think if you have an EU passport, you can buy a tourist visa good for 90 days. If you want to stay longer than 90 days, just go to Greece for a day or a weekend and buy another visa on the way back to Turkey.  It is better to check with a Turkish embassy than a Latvian embassy I think. Seems like a Turkish embassy would know better than the Latvian embassy.

7.       AlphaF
5677 posts
 13 May 2009 Wed 03:23 pm


(courtesy invariably returned)



Edited (5/13/2009) by AlphaF
Edited (5/13/2009) by AlphaF

8.       maryilyons
153 posts
 13 May 2009 Wed 03:54 pm


Quoting AlphaF

Turkish residents need to obtain visas first, to visit almost anywhere in the world.

It is time Turkia sets equally fussy visa requirements to reciprocate. Scared


Sad but true.


 AlphaF, don´t feel slighted. Many countries, like China, require absolutely everyone to have a visa. I live in China now and the Chinese require everyone to have a visa. Many countries do that. I do think Turkish people sometimes have to work a lot harder to get a visa than some other nationalities, but I was glad to see the list of countries that don´t require a visa. My Turkish friend is coming to visit next spring and we are planning a trip to Japan, and he won´t need a visa! Yeh! Thanks for that info.

9.       dilliduduk
1551 posts
 13 May 2009 Wed 04:03 pm


Quoting the 5th element

Hello, everyone!

After 2 weeks I am going to Turkey - so far - nice!

I was planning to stay there for at least 3 month. The problem begins with the resistance there. Just now found out that residents from my country can stay in Turkey without visa only for 30 days in 6 month period. Tried to apply for visa - but then I must wait for at least 1 month to get it. But I already have my plane ticket and rented appartment there. My boyfriend says that it`s easy to get everything done when I am there and many people have had done it before (from other countries). But I am not so sure, every country has different conditions... Does anyone knows something about it??

As far as I looked - there are many different information. Some advice to just go out of country for a day(does it works?) some to obtain visa in airport (but it seems my country is not listed between those who can)...

Thus, I am totally confused


as you said and as you can also see here


people from latvia can stay upto 30 days without any visa. I think if you want to stay longer you have to get a visa before coming to Turkey.  I don´t think it is possible to extend it after coming to Turkey.


you can find here http://www.e-konsolosluk.net/Contact/CI_Turkish.aspx the phone number and e-mail adresse of Turkish Embassy in Latvia. You can get the most correct answer from them.


10.       the 5th element
129 posts
 13 May 2009 Wed 04:38 pm

And isn`t it possible to get some temporary residence permit without getting a visa?

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