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Best dictionary
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1.       Yasemin81
54 posts
 20 Apr 2006 Thu 01:30 pm

I'm looking for a turkish-english, eng.-tur. dictionary. Which one is the best in your opinion?

I have heard about Oxford and Redhouse but I want to hear your personal opinions.
My friend is in Istanbul now and I'm going to ask him to buy one for me.

2.       bod
5999 posts
 20 Apr 2006 Thu 01:32 pm

What sort of dictionary???
Online, electronic, talking, paper, etc.

3.       Yasemin81
54 posts
 20 Apr 2006 Thu 01:34 pm

Paper, big dictionary.

But if you know some good talking dict. I will be also interested

4.       bod
5999 posts
 20 Apr 2006 Thu 02:15 pm

Sorry - can't help you with a paper dictionary

But I have been trialling the free version of the Linvosoft Turkish/English dictionary for a while on my PDA - and it is pretty good Good enough that I will upgrade to a full copy soon (probably the basic version).

They also do a talking dictionary although I have not tried this.


5.       erdinc
2151 posts
 20 Apr 2006 Thu 02:38 pm

The link doesn't work. I would interested on checking their dictionary.

6.       Yasemin81
54 posts
 20 Apr 2006 Thu 02:49 pm

So what about paper dictionary?
Maybe don't buy it?

What about those talking dictionaries? It will be very nice, words and pronauciation

7.       bod
5999 posts
 20 Apr 2006 Thu 02:50 pm

Quoting erdinc:

The link doesn't work. I would interested on checking their dictionary.

Typo in the link - corrected now

8.       Elisa
0 posts
 20 Apr 2006 Thu 02:59 pm

I like Langenscheidt. They also have a pocket version.

9.       bod
5999 posts
 20 Apr 2006 Thu 03:21 pm

Quoting Elisa:

I like Langenscheidt. They also have a pocket version.

Added to my Amazon wishlist

10.       Daydreamer
3743 posts
 20 Apr 2006 Thu 10:00 pm

I can't help you with paper dictionaries - the only one I have is Polish-Turkish and ..hmm..let's say it's a bit out-of-date as "mesaj" is translated there as "proclamation/manifesto"

However, I really recommend the CD version of Redhouse (I use 1.52 version but there may be newer ones) with sound files in both English and Turkish. Also, it has sentences showing words in context. Here's a sample entry for the verb "take":

fiil (took, taken)

1. almak; götürmek:

Be sure to take a sweater!
Yanına kazak almayı ihmal etme!

Will you take the dog to the vet?
Köpeği veterinere götürür müsün?

2. (bir sayıyı çıkarmak:

Take five from ten.
Ondan beşi çıkar.

3. almak, çalmak, aşırmak.
4. almak, fethetmek, ele geçirmek.
5. almak, elde etmek, -e sahip olmak:

They took first prize.
Birinci ödülü aldılar.

6. (el veya ellerle) almak:

Take these glasses!
Bu bardakları al!

7. almak, kabul etmek.

Will you take a salary cut?
Maaşınızın azaltılmasını kabul eder misiniz?

8. katlanmak, tahammül etmek; dayanmak:

She's taken a lot from him.
Ondan çok çekti.

9. karşılamak:

How will he take this news?
Bu haberi nasıl karşılayacak?

10. (bir şeyi, birini) dinleyip ona göre hareket etmek:

Take her advice!
Onun sözünü dinle!

11. almak, içine sığmak:

The canal won't take a ship that big.
O kadar büyük bir gemi kanala sığmaz.

12. (iş, yolculuk) (belirli bir zaman) sürmek:

This job will take us one day.
Bu iş bir gün ister.

13. (bir şeyin çalıştırılması veya tamamlanması için) (belirli bir şey) gerekmek:

Will that telephone take coins?
O telefon madeni parayla çalışır mı?

14. istemek, gerekmek:

That'll take a lot of work.
O çok iş ister.

15. (ders) almak.
16. (bir yemeđe) (tat verebilecek bir madde) koymak, katmak, ekmek veya sıkmak; kullanmak:

Do you take sugar in your coffee?
Kahveyi şekerli mi içiyorsun?

17. (bir taşıtı kullanmak.

Take a taxi!
Taksiyle git!

18. (belirli bir yöne) sapmak.
19. ölçmek; ölçerek elde etmek:

They took my temperature.
Derecemi aldılar.

20. (down) almak, yazmak, not etmek.
21. gibi anlamak, -e almak:

She doesn't take me seriously.
Beni ciddiye almıyor.

What do you take me for?
Beni ne zannediyorsun?

I take it you're moving.
Bundan taşınma niyetinde olduğunu anlıyorum.

22. (bir köşeyi) dönmek; (bir virajı almak; (bir engelin üstünden) geçmek:

This car takes the curves well.
Bu araba virajları güzel alıyor.

23. (aşı tutmak.

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