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çevresinde - etrafında
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1.       Elisa
0 posts
 21 Apr 2006 Fri 12:02 am

I'm a bit confused with the following words:

çevresinde - etrafında

my book gives the same translation for both words: "around, in the neighbourhood of". But I think they are not synonyms.

Could someone enlighten me with a couple of sentences where those words are used?


2.       erdinc
2151 posts
 21 Apr 2006 Fri 12:58 am

Both are very smillar in meaning. My translation would be as follows:

çevresinde: in its sourroundings
etrafında: around it

çevre has a wider range of meanings.

3.       Elisa
0 posts
 21 Apr 2006 Fri 09:35 am

Quoting erdinc:

Both are very smillar in meaning. My translation would be as follows:

çevresinde: in its sourroundings
etrafında: around it

çevre has a wider range of meanings.

So would these be correct then:

Evin etrafında bir bahçe var.
Istanbul'un çevresinde tepeler var.

Thanks Erdinç.

4.       Kadir37
0 posts
 21 Apr 2006 Fri 09:52 am

5.       erdinc
2151 posts
 21 Apr 2006 Fri 10:20 am

Quoting Elisa:

Evin etrafında bir bahçe var.
Istanbul'un çevresinde tepeler var.

Yes they are correct. The first sentence is a bit weak. I think the same waekness applies to the English equalent: "There is a garden around the house". I think both the English and Turkish sentences are alright but there could be better ways to say it.

Evin etrafını bir bahçe çevreliyor.
A garden surroundes the house.

Evin etrafı bahçe ile çevrili.
The house is surrounded by a garden.

Normally a plural sounds better with etrafında (around) . For instance such a sentence would be perfect:

" Evin etrafında ağaçlar var. "

Notice that around and etrafında can both mean "somewhere in that area". They both also can mean around as a circle.

6.       Elisa
0 posts
 21 Apr 2006 Fri 10:31 am

Quoting erdinc:

Quoting Elisa:

Evin etrafında bir bahçe var.
Istanbul'un çevresinde tepeler var.

Yes they are correct. The first sentence is a bit weak. I think the same waekness applies to the English equalent: "There is a garden around the house". I think both the English and Turkish sentences are alright but there could be better ways to say it.

Well, I just wanted to know if I understood it correct. More poetic examples will follow once my Turkish is better

Thanks Erdinç!

7.       bod
5999 posts
 21 Apr 2006 Fri 01:35 pm

Quoting Elisa:

Well, I just wanted to know if I understood it correct. More poetic examples will follow once my Turkish is better

But you must always strive to reach for linguistic perfection even if you know you are unlikely to achieve such a state.......

8.       Elisa
0 posts
 21 Apr 2006 Fri 01:41 pm

Quoting bod:

Quoting Elisa:

Well, I just wanted to know if I understood it correct. More poetic examples will follow once my Turkish is better

But you must always strive to reach for linguistic perfection even if you know you are unlikely to achieve such a state.......

I prefer the yavaş yavaş attitude

Acele işe şeytan karışır

9.       bod
5999 posts
 21 Apr 2006 Fri 02:00 pm

Quoting Elisa:

I prefer the yavaş yavaş attitude

I don't have time for the yavaş yavaş method of learning

10.       Elisa
0 posts
 21 Apr 2006 Fri 02:37 pm

Quoting bod:

Quoting Elisa:

I prefer the yavaş yavaş attitude

I don't have time for the yavaş yavaş method of learning

I understand your point.
But I realized I don't have time for the quick method of learning, because that would mean studying day and night, and I can't afford that.
So I reconciled myself with the bit by bit way

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