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10.       Angela
75 posts
 04 Sep 2005 Sun 11:54 am

English costs to Turkey by sms Orange company is 20p.

Telephone costs for info:
It was costing a lot in telephone charges as I had to speak to my agent a lot approx. £1.50 a minute, by main phone and also mobile.

Now I am on One-tel and the cost is much less, this is on a main house telephone, very surprising how lower when I get the bill in. We still pay the standing charge, line rental to British Telecom.

I have downloaded Skype and have a microphone which I believe to be a free communication.
Ideal if you both have Skype and microphones.

11.       Lyndie
968 posts
 04 Sep 2005 Sun 07:28 pm

Hi - I am a vetern texter to Turkey.

If you are in england, you can go to a website called C4sms. You can pay £5 by credit card and get 80 credits. you can then send texts from your pc, for as little a 6p.

I have been using it for about a week now. It is good. the problem being only that you can't see when your text is delivered and the person you send it to cannot just press 'reply' on their phone to text you back.

You also cannot use turkish characters or smiley faces or anything, just plain english text, you have an option to use fancy characters by using ULR text,but then you only get 70 charcters instead of the normal 130 odd. You can send up to a 3 page text. some Turkish networks use more credits than others. Turkcell uses the most (2 per text).

the other thing I did was send a (cheap) Nokia 3210 with apay as you go sim card to my friend in Turkey, this means you can text directly to an english sim card at English rates (5p if you use T mobile mates rates) - or less if you look for a special deal - I got 2005 free texts at the beginning of the year when I bought a £10 sim card) anyway as I was saying before I interrupted myself. You can then send very cheap texts to the english sim card. I do have to put credit on the phone in Turkey, because obviously he can't do this, and the texts he sends me are expensive 30p each because he has to send them via the Turkcell network, but it still saved me a fortune even put credit on the phone that stays in Turkey.

I also have a couple of contract mobiles in England with 100 'free' texts on them, which I can then obviously send to the English phone in Turkey for 'free'

Happy and inexpensive texting to all of you

12.       freshman
704 posts
 04 Sep 2005 Sun 08:51 pm

Thanx Slavica,repairing finished and I am very pleased now..

13.       slavica
814 posts
 04 Sep 2005 Sun 10:21 pm

You're welcome, Freshman
Don't forget that you are the first classmate who welcomes me when I've joined TC (after Admin, of course), and I'm very grateful for it.
Girls, I can't follow you.
I'm still not able to talk with my Turkish friends, SMS and e-mail is the only way for our communication.
Anyway, thanks.
I'm sure that your suggestions will be useful for other clasmates

14.       Bursali
400 posts
 06 Sep 2005 Tue 04:18 pm


15.       bliss
900 posts
 06 Sep 2005 Tue 08:10 pm

If you send SMS from USA it costs you $0.10 for incoming message and $0.20 for outgoing message.I am sorry, I don't know how much it costs to the person in Thurkey.
Good luck

16.       Daydreamer
3743 posts
 06 Sep 2005 Tue 08:45 pm

you pay for incoming messages in the usa?
in poland we pay 0.2$ for an outcoming message and incoming ones are free of charge

17.       freshman
704 posts
 06 Sep 2005 Tue 09:06 pm

if you pay for coming message in the USA,it is very strange and as for me it has no meaning...

18.       bliss
900 posts
 06 Sep 2005 Tue 09:26 pm

You are lucky, Deydreamer
Yes we pay.I think there are some differences.For example, I pay for my cell phone (for flat service)$29.99 +tax $4.20 and goverment fees$3.60=$37.79.This month sent SMS.Had to pay extra $10.But I can have service for that too.If I pay extra $4.75 each month I can send and receive as many SMS as I want.With this plan I have 1000 Nght and Wknd minutes, 250 minutes anytime,but there is extra charge if I call abroad or receive calls.I think it is not bad for USA.
I never talk that much and never use all these minutes.
With computer it is different.
I pay $36 a month and have high speed internet, we don't pay anything else.I know my friends in Bulgaria, Oman, Morocco have to pay per megobites or hours they use NET.It is very expensive, especially for them who doesn't have job.Internet cafee's are expensive too.
I thought it could be interesting to know.
Regards Bliss

19.       bliss
900 posts
 06 Sep 2005 Tue 09:30 pm

For me too,

20.       Daydreamer
3743 posts
 06 Sep 2005 Tue 10:17 pm

talking about prices...here i pay about 16$ for my mobile as i have one on a pre-paid basis, but no free minutes are included. and my internet connection is 128kb/sec for hmmm 16$ per month so it's not bad

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