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Story of Hunchback Kerim(Nazim Hikmet Kuvayi Milliye Destani)
1.       thehandsom
7403 posts
 14 Sep 2009 Mon 01:41 am


This is a section of a chapter from Nazim Hikmet´s Kuvayi Milliye Destani (The epic of Turkish Independance war) which  has a prelude and 8 different chapters and it was written between 1939/1941 when Nazim was in jail..

I tried translate the some parts from the first chapter here  http://www.turkishclass.com/forumTitle_28986


This section is from the second chapter..





«müstakil kalamayiz böyle bir zamanda. 

Memleket harap, 

toprak çorak, 

borcumuz 500 milyon, 

vâridat ise 15 milyon ancak. 

Ve Allah muhafaza buyursun 

Izmir kalsa Yunanistan´da 

ve harbetsek, 

düsmanimiz vapurla asker getirir. 

Biz Erzurum´dan hangi simendiferle nakliyat yapabiliriz? 

Mandayi kabul etmeliyiz, hemen,» 


«Onlar dretnot yapiyor, 

biz yelkenli bir gemi yapamiyoruz. 

Hem, Istanbul´daki Amerikan dostlarimiz : 

Mandamiz korkunç degildir, 


Cemiyeti Akvam nizamnamesine dahildir, 



Ve böylece, bin dereden su getirdi Istanbul´dan gelen zevat. 

Sivas, mandayi kabul etmedi fakat, 

«Hey gidi deli gönlüm,» 


«Akilli, umutlu, sabirli deli gönlüm, 

ya ISTIKLAL, ya ölüm!» 



Kambur Kerim de böyle dedi aynen. 

Adapazarliydi Kambur Kerim. 

Seferberlikte ölen babasi marangozdu. 

Seferberlik denince aklina Kerim´in : 

çok beyaz bir yastikta kara sakalli bir ölü yüzü, 

Fahri Bey çiftliginde patates toplayip 

kaz gütmek, 

mektep kitaplari 

ve bir de saçlari altin gibi sari 

fakat alni çizgiler içinde anasi gelir. 

335´te Kerim Eskisehir´e gitti, 

mektebe, teyzelerine ve dayisina. 

Dayisi simendiferde makinistti. 

Düsman elindeydi Eskisehir. 

Kerim on dört yasindaydi, 

kamburu yoktu. 

Dümdüzdü fidan gibi 

ve dünyaya merakli bir çocuktu. 

Dayisi sürmege gittigi günler simendiferi 

Kerim´e ekmek vermediginden teyzeleri 

(çok uzun saçli, ihtiyar iki kadin) 

Hintli askerlerle dost oldu Kerim. 


(sasilacak sey) 

Türkçe bilmeyen 

ve siyah sakallari, siyah gözleri parlak, 

avuçlarinin üstü esmer, içi ak 

ve tel örgülerin üzerinden 

Kerim´e bisküviti kutularla atan amcalardi. 

Kocaman bir ambarlari vardi, 

Kerim içinde oynardi. 

Ambarda nohut çuvallari, bakla, kuru üzüm, 

(sasilacak sey, 

katirlarin yemesi için) 

ve sonra cephane sandiklariyla silahlar. 

Bir gün dedi ki makinist dayisi Kerim´e : 

«Ambardan silâh çalip bana getir, 

gâvura karsi koyan zeybeklere gönderecegim.» 

Ve ambardan silâh çaldi Kerim : 


bir tane daha 



Aldatti Hindistanli dostlarini 

zeybekleri daha çok sevdiginden. 

Zaten çok sürmedi, parlak kara sakalli amcalar gitti, 

Kerim geçirdi onlari istasyona kadar. 

Ertesi gün Lefke köprüsünü atip 

zeybekler gelince Eskisehir´e 

dayisi Kerim´i elinden tutup 

verdi onlara. 

Ve iste o günden sonra 

bugüne kadar 

kahraman bir türküdür ömrü Kerim´in. 

Eskisehir´den alip onu 

«Kocaeli Grubu» pasasina götürdüler. 

Çatik kasli, yüzü gülmez bir pasaydi bu. 


Çabucak ögrendi Kerim ata binmeyi, 

sigirtmaç olmayi 

-zaten bilgisi vardi bunda- 

kayalardan genç bir keçi gibi inmeyi, 

gizlenmeyi ormanda. 

Ve bütün bu marifetleriyle Kerim 

kaç kere ölüme bir kursun atimi yaklasarak 

ve «Geçmis olsun» dedikleri zaman sasarak 

düsman içinden geçip getirdi haber 

götürdü haber. 

Onu namli bir «kaptan» gibi saydi çeteler, 

bir oyun arkadasi gibi sevdi çeteleri o. 

Ve bir fidan gibi düz 

bir fidan gibi cesur 

bir fidan gibi vaadeden bir çocugun 

sevinçle oynadigi bu müthis oyun 

sürdü 1337´ye kadar... 


Kocaeli ormani gürgen ve meseliktir : 



Gökyüzü gözükmez. 

Durgun bir geceydi. 

Hafif yagmur yagmisti biraz önce. 

Fakat islanmamis ki yerde yapraklar 

karanlikta hisirtilarla yürüyordu beygiri Kerim´in. 



tepenin eteginde ates yaniyordu : 

«Tekneciler» diye anilan 

gâvur çetelerinin olmali. 

Dallardan damlalar düsüyordu Kerim´in yüzüne. 

Beygirin basi gittikçe daha çok karanliga giriyor. 

Ipsiz Recep´in yanindan dönüyordu Kerim. 

Kâatlar götürmüs 

kâatlar getiriyor. 

Birdenbire durdu beygir, 

heykel gibi, 

-Tekneciler´in atesini görmüs olacak- 

sonra birdenbire dörtnala kalkti. 

Sasirdi Kerim. 

Dizginleri birakti. 

Sarildi beygirin boynuna. 

Deli gibi gidiyordu hayvan. 

Çocuga art arda çarpiyordu agaçlar. 

Meseleri ve gürgenleriyle orman 

karanlik bir rüzgâr gibi geçiyor iki yandan. 

Kim bilir kaç saat böyle gidildi. 

Orman bitti birdenbire. 

-Ay dogmus olacak ki ortalik aydinlikti- 

Ve Kerim ayni hizla geldigi zaman 

Armasa´nin altinda Basdegirmenler´e 

beygir ansizin kapaklandi yere, 

tekerlendi Kerim. 


Ve aklina ilk gelen sey 

saatina bakmak oldu. 

Kirilmisti cami. 

Bindi beygire tekrar. 

Hayvan topalliyordu biraz. 

Uslu uslu yola koyuldular. 

Sol kulagi kaniyordu Kerim´in, 

Kirezce´ye geldiler 

(Sapanca´yla Arifiye arasi), 

Kerim durdu, 

Biraz zor nefes aliyordu. 

Geyve´ye girdi ertesi aksam. 

Beli o kadar agriyordu ki 

inemedi beygirden 


Kerim´i bir yayliya bindirdiler. 


Sonra belki on gün, belki on bes, 

kagnilar, mekkâre arabalari, 

sonra, gitgide daralan nefesi, 



Sile nahiyesi 

(burda malûl gaziler için 

takma kol ve bacak yapiliyordu), 

ve nihayet Hatçehan köyünden çikikçi Serif Usta. 

Hâlâ rüyalarinda görür Kerim 

incecik bir yoldan esekle gelip 

üzerine dogru egilen 

bu çiçekbozugu insan yüzünü. 

Usta, ovdu Kerim´i bayiltincaya kadar. 

Sonra, zifte koydu bu kirilmis dal gibi çocuk gövdesini. 

Yirmi gün geçti aradan. 

Ve sonra bir ikindi vakti ziftin içinden 

Kerim´i kambur çikardilar




Story of Hunchback Kerim


"We can not stay free and alone in these times

Country is destroyed

Soil is infertile

our debt is 500 million

But our assets is only 15

And god forbids,

If Izmir stays in Greek hands

And if we go to the war

Our enemy will bring its soldiers with their ships

But with which trains are we going to transport our soldiers from Erzurum?

we have to accept the mandate, now", They said.

"They are able to make war ships

we can not even make a sailing boat


And also our American friends told us

their mandate is not that bad

the rules are same as any other nations"


The people came from Istanbul, resisted like that

Sivas did not accept the mandate but more over

Sivas said ´hey my crazy heart hey´

´my clever, hopeful, patient crazy heart,

either Freedom or death´ it said.


Hunchback Kerim said exactly the same thing.

Hunchback Kerim was from Adapazari.

His father who died in the last war campaign, was a carpenter 

A war campaign for Kerim was

The face of a dead person on a very white pillow

Picking up potatoes and herd the geese 

In  Fahri bey´s farm,

Achool books

And also his mom with blonde hair like gold

But many lines on her forehead.

Kerim went to Eskisehir in 335

To go to school, to his aunt and uncle.

His uncle was an engine man in the railways.

Eskisehir was in the hand of enemy..

Kerim was 14 years old.

He did not have a hunch.

He was straight as a young tree

and curious about the world.

The days when his uncle went to drive the trains

Because his aunts would not give him enough to eat

(two old women with very long hair)

Kerim become friends with the Indian soldiers.

And these were the people 


who did not speak any Turkish

and had dark beard and dark shiny eyes

top of their hands were dark but inside was white

and they would throw biscuits to him in boxes

over the fence..

They had a huge warehouse,

Kerim would play inside

There would be sacks of chickpeas, broad beans, raisins

(for their mules surprisingly)

And then boxes of ammunitions and the firearms

One day, his uncle said to him:

"steal some firearms and bring them to me

I will send them to zeybeks (link) who are fighting the enemy"

Then Kerim stole firearms from the warehouse


One more



He cheated on his Indian friends

Because he loved zeybeks  more.

It was not long anyhow, the men with dark shiny beards went.

Kerim went to the station with them.

The following day, when Zeybeks came to Eskisehir 

Once Lefke bridge had been captured,

His uncle held his hand and took him to Zeybeks

Gave him to Zeybeks.

Then from that day to this moment

The life of Kerim has been a heroic folk song.

Zeybeks took him from Eskisehir

To the pasha of Kocaeli group 

He was a never smiling, frowning pasha..


He learnt how to ride a horse very fast

And to be a herdsman

-he knew a little bit anyway-

To go down from rocks like a goat

To hide in the forest.

With all his talents

While a few times came very close to his dead 

And getting surprised when he was told ´well done´

Kerim brought papers through the enemy lines

And took them back.

Brigands respected him as if he was captain with reputation

He loved the brigands as they were his play friends,

And the game played happily by the boy

who was straight as a young tree

Brave as a young tree

And as promising as a young tree

Went until 1337 (1919)..


Kocaeli  forest is consist of hornbeam and oak trees:


And thick.

You can not see the sky

It was a quite evening

There was a little bit of rain a while ago

But the leaves were not even wet

Kerim´s horse was making rustling sound 

On the left and ahead

There were some fires on the skirts of the hill.

They have to be the enemy bandits who were known as ´tekneciler´.

Rain drops were coming down from the branches on Kerim´s face.

The head of the horse was getting into the darkness more

Kerim was coming from ´ipsiz recep´

He took some papers to him

And he was bringing some papers.

Suddenly the horse stood still..

Like a statue

-possibly saw the fire of tekneciler-

Then, suddenly he started galloping

Kerim was astonished.

Left the reins

He clung to the neck of the horse..

The animal was going like mad

The trees were hitting the boy one after another

The forest with its  hornbeam and oak trees

Was passing like a dark wind on both sides.

Who knows how many hours they went like that

Suddenly the forest finished.

-it must have been the moon because it was light-

And when Kerim arrived to Basdegirmenler with that speed

The horse fell over.

Kerim rolled down

And got up

And the first thing came into his mind was

To look at his watch

The glass was broken

He went on the horse again

The animal was limping a bit

They started going slowly on their way

His left ear was bleeding

They came to Kirezce

-Between Sapanca and Arifiye-

Kerim stopped..

He was breathing with difficulty

He entered Gevre the following night

His back was hurting so badly 

He could not get off his horse..

They got him off..

They put Kerim on a horse carriage called yayli

To Adapazari

Then maybe ten days , maybe fifteen

Ox-carts, hired carts

Then, worsening of his breathing



Sile town

(artificial arms and legs were done here for the war veterans)

And finally a man called bonesetter Serif from village of Hatcehan.

Kerim still sees his face pitted with smallpox leaning on him

he came from a narrow road on his donkey.

The bonesetter massaged him till Kerim fainted

Then he put this broken young tree like body of the boy into tar

He stayed there for 20 days

Then one evening, they pulled Kerim off the tar

As a hunchback.


As always, my try


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