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Don't let me forget.
1.       Etty
137 posts
 01 May 2006 Mon 09:19 pm

How do I say this , as in "I am running a bath for Connor, don't let me forget"
I can say (I think)

He is running a bath, don't let him forget.
O banyo için musluğu açtı, unutmasın.

You are running a bath. don't forget.
Sen, banyo icin musluğu açtın, unutma.

We are running a bath, let's not forget. (but we would probably say 'we mustn't forget')
Banyo için musluğu açtik unutmayalım.

I tried
Ben Connorun banyosu için musluğu açtım unutmayım.

I just got a sympathetic smile and lots of suggestıons like 'unutma' 'unutıyorum' 'unutacaksın'.
I know these are not what I am tryıng to say can any one help?

2.       Kadir37
0 posts
 01 May 2006 Mon 09:30 pm

3.       Etty
137 posts
 01 May 2006 Mon 09:40 pm

Quoting Kadir37:

Don't let me forget = Bana unutturma (bana hatırlat)

My lord your quick,
Can you explain the 'tur' bit,
Is it The 'dir' bit, I think its called the causative, as in yapTIRmak.
And in that case were all my other suppositions wrong,
That would be a surprise! lol

4.       Etty
137 posts
 01 May 2006 Mon 09:45 pm

So are these better, the ones in brackets, that ıs,

He is running a bath, don't let him forget.
O banyo için musluğu açtı, unutmasın.(unutturma)

You are running a bath. don't forget.
Sen, banyo icin musluğu açtın, unutma.

We are running a bath, let's not forget. (but we would probably say 'we mustn't forget')
Banyo için musluğu açtik unutmayalım. (biz unutturumuz)

Etty :-S

5.       Etty
137 posts
 01 May 2006 Mon 09:54 pm

Its just occured to me you put the 'tur' before the negatıve 'ma'.
I have never used negatives in this tense.
Does this mean
'I didn't have my hair cut' = ' saçlarımı kesmeyi yaptırmadım'
Actually as I write it it seems right. I have never thought of the causative in the negative.

6.       Kadir37
0 posts
 01 May 2006 Mon 09:56 pm

7.       Kadir37
0 posts
 01 May 2006 Mon 09:57 pm

8.       Kadir37
0 posts
 01 May 2006 Mon 10:05 pm

9.       Etty
137 posts
 01 May 2006 Mon 10:39 pm

Causative Form
unutturmak - to cause to forget
Mehmed'e çantasını unutturduk - We've let mehmet forget his bag

I have seen this in another thread and it srtuck me as odd then.
'To let' and 'To cause' are very different in Englısh
To 'cause' Mehmet to have forgotten his bag, we must have hypnotised him or at least plied him with copious amounts of alcohol.
To 'let' Mehmet forget his bag we need only to have not brought his attentıon to it.
Thankyou so much for your explanations.

10.       Kadir37
0 posts
 01 May 2006 Mon 10:44 pm

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