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Travelling to Turkey

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driving in Turkey
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1.       juperez89123
1 posts
 03 Nov 2009 Tue 02:01 am

Hi everyone. I am from the US and I am going to Turkey in January. I want to rent a car but I am somewhat scared. Has anyone driven in the US and Turkey? Can you let me know if there is much difference? Hows the traffic? How do people drive? Is it like Rome, Paris, Sao Paulo or is the drivers calmer like the US? Thanks for your response

2.       angel-frier
322 posts
 03 Nov 2009 Tue 04:55 am


Quoting juperez89123

Hi everyone. I am from the US and I am going to Turkey in January. I want to rent a car but I am somewhat scared. Has anyone driven in the US and Turkey? Can you let me know if there is much difference? Hows the traffic? How do people drive? Is it like Rome, Paris, Sao Paulo or is the drivers calmer like the US? Thanks for your response


 According to me, you will need to be carefull so much, while driving a car in Turkey, because most drivers dont know the traffic rules or practice, they even know some rules or all of rules. Even you are a so good, and patient driver, you have to be carefull so much in Turkey, while driving a car. These are my experiences

3.       Henry
2604 posts
 03 Nov 2009 Tue 07:49 am


Quoting juperez89123

Hi everyone. I am from the US and I am going to Turkey in January. I want to rent a car but I am somewhat scared. Has anyone driven in the US and Turkey? Can you let me know if there is much difference? Hows the traffic? How do people drive? Is it like Rome, Paris, Sao Paulo or is the drivers calmer like the US? Thanks for your response


 Hi, if you drive confidently in the US, you will be fine in Turkey. There aren´t as many multi-lane expressways in Turkey but they do have some. Istanbul is just like any other big city, busy and chaotic and it pays to have a good road map and navigator. Parking is sometimes hard to find. Drivers in Istanbul I think are better than Rome, Paris or Beijing. Taxis drive erratically as they do everywhere else.

Country driving is fine, just be wary of the occasional slow moving tractors or the rarer horse and cart. You get lots of truck traffic, and some kamikaze truck drivers during overtaking manouvers. But the real killer is the petrol prices in Turkey. Around 3 Turkish Lira per litre!

4.       vineyards
1954 posts
 03 Nov 2009 Tue 08:03 am

The difficult part is getting used to being a part of the traffic. In a big city like Istanbul, the distances are usually big, the traffic is unbearable in the rush hour and people drive recklessly. If you ask me stay away from driving in the city as much as possible if you don´t know where to go. Trying to experiment in heavy traffic might sometimes be suicidal (joking).


I thought about driving in Cyprus and Athens. I gave up on the idea in both cases. In Cyprus there was not much traffic but then the traffic was running in the opposite direction. With all turns and exits being on the wrong side of the road, your habits and instincts can be dangerous. In Athens, an old guy in a car rental office advised me to take a taxi rather than rent a car just for a day. Apparently, the first day is the most dangerous of all.


I hired an ATV instead on one of the Greek islands. When I left the road and almost crashed into a wall my wife refused to go any further and we took the vehicle back paying the full rent after having driven for 10 minutes. I think most of the danger lies in not being used to something. After a few days, you can drive anything. Of course, if you can survive the first a few days.


In Istanbul one needs to be fast, very responsive and accept that sometimes violating a rule or two is expected of you for the general benefit of the traffic. Cab drivers are great instructors about reckless and selfish driving. You can learn a lot from them.


A young German friend of mine described Istanbul traffic as a slow speed street race (he is used to driving 350hp cars) and found it very cool.


Good luck.


5.       ikicihan
1127 posts
 03 Nov 2009 Tue 10:14 am

rent a car with automatic transmission, use a gps, and stay away from minibusses and taxis when you drive!

6.       yakamozzz
398 posts
 03 Nov 2009 Tue 03:04 pm

the best way to stay alive in turkish traffic is to ride on a back seat <img src='/static/images/smileys//lol.gif' alt='lol'> (fast) if it is anyhow possible then sit back, relax, make sure you fasten your seat belt (<img src='/static/images/smileys//lol.gif' alt='lol'>) and let locals to do the driving for you coz they will always survive that madhouse on those streets there Cool

7.       ReyhanL
1961 posts
 03 Nov 2009 Tue 03:06 pm

Take good care of pedestrians...in Turkey they dont respect any rule while crossing the street.

8.       kurtlovesgrunge
1435 posts
 03 Nov 2009 Tue 03:07 pm

if you can drive in istanbul traffic, you can drive anywhere in the world...that sounds like a huge challenge

9.       tinababy
1096 posts
 03 Nov 2009 Tue 03:25 pm

I like driving in Turkey but I have had to develop new eyes in the back of my head. There don´t appear to be any rules except to make as many lanes as you can and to make sure you leave the lights BEFORE they change to green. Pedestrians are always a hazard as the the motor cyclists! Crazy people. I will say though that although people drive without rules they also seem to drive without aggression!


ps It will be easier for you from the US because you already drive on the wrong side of the road!! Wink

10.       Elisabeth
5732 posts
 03 Nov 2009 Tue 06:47 pm


Quoting juperez89123

Hi everyone. I am from the US and I am going to Turkey in January. I want to rent a car but I am somewhat scared. Has anyone driven in the US and Turkey? Can you let me know if there is much difference? Hows the traffic? How do people drive? Is it like Rome, Paris, Sao Paulo or is the drivers calmer like the US? Thanks for your response


 I am from the US and drive whenever I visit Turkey.  Driving in the cities is an extremely intense experience to say the least.  I don´t advise it.  However mass transporation in major cities in Turkey is very good, so you won´t need to drive.  If you will be out in the country, the driving is somewhat easier, however, keep an eye out when going thru intersection.....Turkish drivers do not understand "right of way".  Use common sense....don´t speed (even though everyone else will be).  This will give you time to react to everyone elses bad habits.  I would call your US insurance company and make sure that they cover you if you should be in an accident in Turkey.  Sometimes you will have to pay an extra fee....but it is well worth it, if something happens!

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